2 Out Of 3? That’s Bad

March 06, 2023 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

According to this Huffpost article, TFG had better pay attention to the CPAC straw poll conducted last week that had him winning their presidential preference poll with 62% of the vote.

According to political analyst Susan Del Percio, this is “a horrible result”.

“Sixty-two percent of CPAC in a straw poll is a horrible result for [TFG],” Del Percio said on MSNBC. “I mean, this has been dubbed TPAC. This is [TFG’s] show, and he can only get 62% of his own people.”

But unlike Meat Loaf’s (RIP) conclusion in his cult classic hit “Bat Out Of Hell”, two out of three IS bad.

TFG getting only 2 out of 3 votes at his own convention is truly a bad, bad thing.

Ask Tom DeLay.

In the Republican primary of 2006, Congresscreep Tom DeLay (R – TX 22), got just shy of 62% of the total vote in a field of 4.

So was that a mandate? Not to Tom. To Tom DeLay that was horrible news. DeLay saw this as such a poor showing that he didn’t want to go to the trouble of running against the winner of the Democratic primary (in a field of 1), former Congressman Nick Lampson.

To Tom DeLay, with this kind of result, the handwriting was on the wall and he was done.

So he dropped out of the race, and Lampson ran against a GOP-annointed write-in candidate in the craziest election that this Californian had ever seen.

So TFG needs to put his ketchup bottle down and pay attention. 62% ain’t gonna cut it. Not in TX CD-22, and not in the USA.

Two out of three may have worked for Meat Loaf, but it didn’t work for Tom DeLay, and sure as H-E double hockey sticks won’t work for TFG.

0 Comments to “2 Out Of 3? That’s Bad”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    62% of what? It’s like a schlapp in the face (but he doesn’t know it). 62% of the CPAC group (of Crazy Politicians And Cons- I know that’s corny).

  2. fenway fran says:

    Thanks for the memories. That one in 2006 was a doozy. My last election in Texas. Ever. I can safely say that with 100% certainty.
