Duck! He’s Got A Book!

June 01, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita wants to introduce you to a guy named E. V. Blissard.  E. V. is a cranky old man who lives near Huntsville and hasn’t smiled or had a pleasant thought in the 35 years that Juanita has known him.  I’m not changing his name here because he’s not innocent so there’s no need to protect him.  He’s not made-up.  He’s real.

He’s a Teabagger.  And that’s only because he’s a greedy, mean, hateful racist.  And those are his good points.

He sends Juanita emails every day.  Most of them are just flat racist.  You know, like the one of Obama in a witch doctor mask and Michele in hooker clothes.  Juanita has made it a point to ignore them.

“I just delete them before I open them because E.V. is so narrow minded that he can see through a keyhole with both eyes at once,” she reports.  “Additionally, I can’t post the gosh-awful racist things he says because i don’t want to give him free advertising.”

But, apparently, Juanita’s attitude is changing.

“E.V.’s emails always start with ‘You can check this out on Snopes,’ and when you do, you find that it’s wrong.  However, since they won’t let him sit on the front porch and throw rocks at little kids and puppies anymore, E.V. spends all day on the internet machine throwing rocks at Barack Obama,” Juanita laughs.

“You can’t argue with him because he’s always right no matter what.  That happens when you haven’t had any hoochy koochy in 50 years, which from the looks of things is the problem with most Teabaggers.  Everybody has just been too nice to say it until now.  But, dammit, I’m saying it.  Those people need some sparkin’. I mean it.”

Let’s get back to E.V.’s latest email before Juanita embarrasses Momma.

Here it is.


Let’s take the bugger down through the Internet… Seems the majority of the press are worshiping at his feet….Someone could put this
on facebook…

If each person sends this to a minimum of twenty people on their address list, in three days, all people in The United States of America would have the message… I believe this is one proposal that really should be passed around.


The name of the book Obama is reading is called:

The Post-American World
and it was written by a fellow Muslim.

“Post America” means the world After America!

Please forward this picture to everyone you know conservative or liberal. We must expose Obama’s radical ideas and his intent to bring down our beloved America!

“E. V. only knows 12 people because that’s all he sent it to.  Sadly, I am one of them,” Juanita says.

“Okay, first off, you can check it on Snopes.  It is not an Anti-American book and those who watch the Daily Show, long after E.V. has gone to bed at 7:30 p.m., know Fareed Zakaria well and aren’t the least bit scared of him.

“But, I don’t think that’s their complaint,” Juanita says.  “They are upset because we have a President who can read something other than My Pet Goat.”

“I’m perfectly serious.  I think they should just send out the email saying, ‘He’s carrying a damn book, people.  Let’s impeach his butt!’

Okay, so now you’ve met E.V.  I have a feeling this won’t be the last of him.

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