“He’s the kingpin of legal corruption.”

December 16, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is all in a tither about lobbyists (he mean Newt Gingrich, of course) who determine out laws.

“Legal corruption,” he calls it. As president, he’d outlaw it.

It’s a forehead-slap-inducing declaration, coming from a man whose political career has thrived from the symbiotic relationship he’s nurtured with powerful former lawmakers-turned-lobbyists. Perry owes his longevity in office to his willingness to cede power to lobbyists, who in turn, tap special interest groups for campaign contributions.

“No blacker pot every called a kettle black,” says Craig McDonald, executive director of Texans for Public Justice, which tracks political money in Texas. “He’s the kingpin of legal corruption.”

Next thing you know he’s going to want to outlaw forgetting things in a debate, pandering to the steeple people, and dressing like Dale Evans.

Ole Rick’s playing basketball in a mine field with comments about legal corruption.  There he was on stage flapping his elbows like a rooster in love with his own voice while really making a damfool of himself.  Yep – he’s the Don Corleone of legal corruption.

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