¿Qué Dijo?

June 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, the GOP has exceeded the legal limit of days in a row of not insulting an entire group of people.

The chart said, “1 Day Since We Last Insulted a Whole Race or Gender of People.”

Can’t be having that.

So, Phyllis Schlafly (Yes, she appears to still be alive) decided something had to be done to get that number back to zero.

Latinos, she said, in an interview excerpt posted at Right Wing Watch, can never be proper Republicans because they have too many children out of wedlock and because they “don’t understand” concepts like small government and the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Oh, that’s nice.

Okay, Italians, tomorrow is your day.

Note to Phyllis:  Hispanics don’t vote Republicans because you’re a bunch of hateful old people.  Phyllis, get a ruler and go smack whispering people at the library.  Preferably in Greenland.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.

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