¿Cómo esta Usted al Qaeda?

August 10, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, damn.

Louie Gohmert truly did kill two birds with one stone.

Louie has figured out that Islamic terrorists are learning to speak Spanish so they can pass as Mexicans.

Prepare your soul for this.

“The FBI director has confirmed more than once that we know that there are radical Islamists that change their names to Hispanic-sounding last names, they come to Mexico and get and ID, and some of them even learn a little bit of Spanish so that they can try to act as if they’re Hispanic,” Gohmert said (video below). “Why? Because we don’t have any fear of Hispanics coming into the country, but we’ve got concerns about radical Islamists.”

So how do you make people hate Muslims and Hispanics in one fatal blow?  Call Louie.

I have heard that there are East Texans posing as Americans and they even learn to speak a little redneck before they advocate secession and the violent overthrow of the United States of America.

Holy crap, Louie, are you in for a shock when you meet your maker because Sky King also made everybody else.

Thanks to all for the heads up.  I would like to add that this is my first post on the MacBook so that’s one down.

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