International Women’s Day Shero

March 08, 2025 By: Fenway Fran

I first learned of International Women’s Day in the 70s, on a Polish research vessel surveying a chilly Georges Bank. My female Polish counterpart clued me in. It was a very popular holiday in Europe, eastern and western. Today I marvel at the strength of President Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico. Too bad we can’t have a President like her here. We could have, twice. Now I don’t think I will ever see it in what’s left of my lifetime.

One story jumped out at me today from The New Republic about a woman showing strong leadership and resistance to the chaos being caused by FOTUS and FElon. The ousted head of HR at the IRS, Traci DiMartini, a 21 year civil servant who has never had a bad performance review or discipline action against her, was placed on leave for “ineffective management” and “insubordination” to DOGE. Her crimes and misdemeanors? She told the IRS staff where the firings were coming from. She refused to call them back to work over the weekend after they’d already worked 60-70 hours in the heat of tax season. She DARED call out “flagrant prohibited personnel practices”.

She is challenging her dismissal. “It’s my job to stand up and be the buffer between politicals and career employees, and I’m just trying to do my gd dmn job”. Good on you, Ms. DiMartini. What an excellent example you are setting for others in the same situation.

I spent lots of time on ships and can swear in several languages. I love the fight in this woman, and saved the best quote for last: “They have no idea who they picked a f-ing fight with.”

The Week in Stupid

March 08, 2025 By: El Jefe

This week in stupid was especially stupid.  Here, in no particular order, are some jewels.

Pete Hegseth’s brilliant defense department banned references to the Enola Gay, the B-29 bomber that carried the Hiroshima bomb because it was just so GAY…

The acting director of the Social Security Administration stupidly cancelled the Enumeration at Birth contract with a provider that allowed hospitals in the State of Maine to register newborns as has been done for decades.  The change required parents to go to a local federal building to physically obtain the number for their child.  After an uproar, the dumbass rescinded the order and restored the contract.

Trump’s on again, off again tariff threats and lies have roiled financial and multiple markets, including dairy, lumber, steel, aluminum industries.  Trump has been jerking both Canada and Mexico around, but Doug Ford, Premier of the Province of Ontario is having none of it.  Ottawa provides electric power to the states of Minnesota, Michigan, and New York.  I’ll refrain for now the wisdom of states not having enough locally generated power to serve their own residents, but that is a subject for a later discussion.  Ford is sick of Trump’s bullshit and has raised the price of power sent over the border by 25% and will keep that surcharge on until Trump stops threatening Canada.  He’s also ordered 100% of US alcoholic beverages off of all shelves.  The targets of Ford’s actions are specifically aimed at states that voted for Trump in 2024.

Meanwhile Trump is trying to turn up the heat on Canada.  His talk of “Governor Trudeau” has gone from joke to deadly serious.  Trump is throwing everything but the kitchen sink at the country including trade, water sharing arrangements, and even the actual fucking border.  He has told Trudeau that he’s going to redraw the border between the US and Canada, and Canadians have finally figured out that Trump is trying to collapse their economy, forcing them to accept statehood.

Trump’s ever shifting and contradictions are not just him being a lunatic.  His thugs are way smarter than him, and they are roiling local and international markets and diplomatic relationship.  The chaos is by design, and the same strategy followed by Putin, making truth unknowable and keeping everyone off balance and under stress.  It’s Steve Bannon’s “flood the zone with shit” strategy through and through.  And it’s working.

The only way to fight Trump is to stay engaged, stay fearless, and call bullshit bullshit, all the time, every time.


February 28, 2025 By: El Jefe

The Slide into Fascism, Day 30

February 19, 2025 By: El Jefe

Looking back at history, Hitler went from newly elected Chancellor to absolute dictator over Germany in 53 days in early 1933.  After ranting during his campaigns about immigrants “poisoning the blood” of Germans, Hitler also promised to “drain the swamp” of the Reichstag.  Sound familiar?  After being appointed Chancellor by President Hindenburg, he immediately began consolidating power in the Reichstag to pass a law that nullified the German constitution and accrued power to himself.  He called for new Reichstag elections, but finally decided that the only way to control the body was to ban the Communist Party, Social Democrats, and Jews.  By doing this, holding only 37% of the seats in the Reichstag, he took control and passed the “empowering” law that destroyed the German constitutional government.  He then started killing political opponents and declaring war on nearby countries.

This morning, fucking Donald Trump blamed Zelenskyy for Russia invading Ukraine, lied about Zelenskyy’s polling and called him a “dictator”.  This is right down the middle with Hitler, using the same language, the same accusations.  If the goddam Republicans don’t get off their fat asses and start doing their fucking jobs, this is going to be over, and we’ll start seeing bodies in the streets.  At this point Europe has no choice but to abandon the US as an ally and go it alone.

All the red lights continue to flash and now the sirens are sounding.  Hey John Cornyn and Ted Cruz, where the fuck are you?  Are you going to do anything besides kiss Trump’s ass?

Ukraine Peace Plan

February 15, 2025 By: El Jefe

How to Resist

February 11, 2025 By: El Jefe

I don’t often just republish others’ work in its entirety, but this one is probably the most important pieces we’ll post in the near future.  Originally published in the New American Journal, Dr. Timothy D. Snyder, the Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale, has issued a warning, and a guide how to resist the coup that’s occurring in Washington DC right before our eyes.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

The Logic of Destruction: How to Resist

“What is a country? The way its people govern themselves. America exists because its people elect those who make and execute laws. The assumption of a democracy is that individuals have dignity and rights that they realize and protect by acting together.

The people who now dominate the executive branch of the government deny all of this, and are acting, quite deliberately, to destroy the nation. For them, only a few people, the very wealthy with a certain worldview, have rights, and the first among these is to dominate.

For them, there is no such thing as an America, or Americans, or democracy, or citizens, and they act accordingly. Now that the oligarchs and their clients are inside the federal government, they are moving, illegally and unconstitutionally, to take over its institutions.

The parts of the government that work to implement laws have been maligned for decades. Americans have been told that the people who provide them with services are conspirators within a “deep state.” We have been instructed that the billionaires are the heroes.

All of this work was preparatory to the coup that is going on now. The federal government has immense capacity and control over trillions of dollars. That power was a cocreation of the American people. It belongs to them. The oligarchs around Trump are working now to take it for themselves.

Theirs is a logic of destruction. It is very hard to create a large, legitimate, functioning government. The oligarchs have no plan to govern. They will take what they can, and disable the rest. The destruction is the point. They don’t want to control the existing order. They want disorder in which their relative power will grow.

Think of the federal government as a car. You might have thought that the election was like getting the car serviced. Instead, when you come into the shop, the mechanics, who somehow don’t look like mechanics, tell you that they have taken the parts of your car that work and sold them and kept the money. And that this was the most efficient thing to do. And that you should thank them.

The gap between the oligarchs’ wealth and everyone else’s will grow. Knowing what they themselves will do and when, they will have bet against the stock market in advance of Trump’s deliberately destructive tariffs, and will be ready to tell everyone to buy the crypto they already own. But that is just tomorrow and the day after.

In general, the economic collapse they plan is more like a reverse flood from the Book of Genesis, in which the righteous will all be submerged while the very worst ride Satan’s ark. The self-chosen few will ride out the forty days and forty night. When the waters subside, they will be alone to dominate.

Trump’s tariffs (which are also likely illegal) are there to make us poor. Trump’s attacks on America’s closest friends, countries such as Canada and Denmark, are there to make enemies of countries where constitutionalism works and people are prosperous. As their country is destroyed, Americans must be denied the idea that anything else is possible.

Deportations are a spectacle to turn Americans against one another, to make us afraid, and to get us to see pain and camps as normal. They also create busy-work for law enforcement, locating the “criminals” in workplaces across the country, as the crime of the century takes place at the very center of power.

The best people in American federal law enforcement, national security, and national intelligence are being fired. The reasons given for this are DEI and trumpwashing the past. Of course, if you fire everyone who was concerned in some way with the investigations of January 6th or of Russia, that will be much or even most of the FBI. Those are bad reasons, but the reality is worse: the aim is lawlessness: to get the police and the patriots out of the way.

In the logic of destruction, there is no need to rebuild afterwards. In this chaos, the oligarchs will tell us that there is no choice but to have a strong man in charge. It can be a befuddled Trump signing ever larger pieces of paper for the cameras, or a conniving Vance who, unlike Trump, has always known the plot. Or someone else.

After we are all poor and isolated, the logic goes, we will be consoled by the thought that there is at least a human being to whom we can appeal. We will settle for a kind of anthropological minimum, wishful contact with the strong man. As in Russia, pathetic video selfies sent to the Leader will be the extent of politics.

For the men currently pillaging the federal government, the data from those video selfies is more important than the people who will make them. The new world they imagine is not just anti-American but anti-human. The people are just data, means to the end of accumulating wealth.

They see themselves as the servants of the freedom of the chosen few, but in fact they are possessed, like millennia of tyrants before them, of fantastic dreams: they will live forever, they will go to Mars. None of that will happen; they will die here on Earth, with the rest of us, their only legacy, if we let it happen, one of ruins. They are god-level brainrotted.

The attempt by the oligarchs to destroy our government is illegal, unconstitutional, and more than a little mad. The people in charge, though, are very intelligent politically, and have a plan. I describe it not because it must succeed but because it must be described so that we can make it fail. This will require clarity, and speed, and coalitions. I try to capture the mood in my little book On Tyranny. Here are a few ideas.

If you voted Republican, and you care about your country, please act rather than rationalize. Unless you cast your ballot so that South African oligarchs could steal your data, your money, your country, and your future, make it known to your elected officials that you wanted something else. And get ready to protest with people with whom you otherwise disagree.

Almost everything that has happened during this attempted takeover is illegal. Lawsuits can be filed and courts can order that executive orders be halted. This is crucial work.

Much of what is happening, though, involves private individuals whose names are not even known, and who have no legal authority, wandering through government offices and issuing orders beyond even the questionable authority of executive orders. Their idea is that they will be immunized by their boldness. This must be proven wrong.

Some of this will reach the Supreme Court quickly. I am under no illusion that the majority of justices care about the rule of law. They know, however, that our belief in it makes their office something other than the undignified handmaiden of oligarchy. If they legalize the coup, they are irrelevant forever.

Individual Democrats in the Senate and House have legal and institutional tools to slow down the attempted oligarchical takeover. There should also be legislation. It might take a moment, but even Republican leaders might recognize that the Senate and House will no longer matter in a post-American oligarchy without citizens.

Trump should obviously be impeached. Either he has lost control, or he is using his power to do obviously illegal things. If Republicans have a sense of where this is going, there could be the votes for an impeachment and prosecution.

(Sorry, professor, but this is unlikely to happen – GW).

Those considering impeachment should also include Vance. He is closer to the relevant oligarchs than Trump, and more likely to be aware of the logic of destruction than he. The oligarchs have likely factored in, or perhaps even want, the impeachment and prosecution of Trump. Unlike Vance, Trump has charisma and followers, and could theoretically resist them. He won’t; but he poses a hypothetical risk to the oligarchs that Vance does not.

Democrats who serve in state office as governors have a chance to profile themselves, or more importantly to profile an America that still works. Attorneys general in states have a chance to enforce state laws, which will no doubt have been broken.

The Democratic Party has a talented new chair. Democrats will need instruments of active opposition, such as a People’s Cabinet, in which prominent Democrats take responsibility for following government departments. It would be really helpful to have someone who can report to the press and the people what is happening inside Justice, Defense, Transportation, and the Treasury, and all the others, starting this week.

Federal workers should stay in office, if they can, for as long as they can. This is not political, but existential, for them and for all of us. They will have a better chance of getting jobs afterwards if they are fired. And the logic of their firing is to make the whole government fail. The more this can be slowed down, the longer the rest of us have to get traction.

And companies? As every CEO knows, the workings of markets depend upon the government creating a fair playing field. The ongoing takeover will make life impossible for all but a few companies. Can American companies responsibly pay taxes to a US Treasury controlled by their private competitors? Tesla paid no federal tax at all in 2024. Should other companies pay taxes that, for all they know, will just enrich Tesla’s owner?

Commentators should please stop using words such as “digital” and “progress” and “efficiency” and “vision” when describing this coup attempt. The plotting oligarchs have legacy money from an earlier era of software, which they are now seeking to leverage, using destructive political techniques, to destroy human institutions. That’s it. They are offering no future beyond acting out their midlife crises on the rest of us. It is demeaning to pretend that they represent something besides a logic of destruction.

As for the rest of us: Make sure you are talking to people and doing something. The logic of “move fast and break things,” like the logic of all coups, is to gain quick dramatic successes that deter and demoralize and create the impression of inevitability. Nothing is inevitable. Do not be alone and do not be dismayed. Find someone who is doing something you admire and join them.

What is a country? The way its people govern themselves. Sometimes self-government just means elections. And sometimes it means recognizing the deeper dignity and meaning of what it means to be a people. That means speaking up, standing out, and protesting. We can only be free together.

From the New American Journal, an appeal from them:

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