You Broke It. You Buy It.

February 27, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Get this – Mitch McConnell is in such a state of panic that he’s swearing that the Republican establishment will help Hillary win if Trump is the nominee.

mitchmcconnellIn a stunning report by the New York Times, Republican sources confirm that party leadership is planning to destroy Trump and give Hillary Clinton the win rather than let him have control of the GOP.

To rally depressed Republicans, McConnell has hatched an unthinkable tactical retreat: Let Hillary Clinton win and focus on maintaining control over the Senate.

Poor baby.  Break out the violin and play the heartbreak of idiocy.

Mitch, you thumb sucking chin drawling knuckle dragging dope, you built Donald Trump.  He’s your invention.  You told everybody that government is their enemy and should not be trusted.  You’re the one who scared screaming crap outta everybody over having a black man be President.  Donald Trump is the logical conclusion of everything you’ve said and done for seven years.

Hell, Mitch, Donald Trump is so your invention that you ought to be able to claim as a deduction on your income tax.

So Mitch, kiss my big blue butt.


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0 Comments to “You Broke It. You Buy It.”

  1. Amen! Preach it!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Schadenfreude would be Senate snacilbupeR giving Mitch the boot, before he takes them all down with him.

  3. Old Mayfly says:

    It is really true: the ends never justify the means. That is because your present-day acts are seeds of the future.

  4. Barry Kaplan says:

    Thanks, Susan; the chickens really are coming home to roost. I just posted the following on McConnell’s Web page. Made me feel better, anyway:

    For 7 years,you have blocked every move by a duly elected President to fulfill the mandate that was his under the Constitution of the U.S.
    Now, your response to the possible nomination by YOUR PARTY of someone you don’t seem to like is disregard that mandate as well.
    Just whom DO you represent, you traitor?

  5. This tells me Mitch was never planning to work with any president. He wanted to rule it all, bwah-haa-ha oops!

  6. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! (Sounds like uproarious laughter, not just general mirth.)

    “So Mitch, kiss my big blue butt.”

  7. Although long, the final paragraph is so enjoyable I can’t help but repost it here…
    “As a result, polls suggest McConnell is leading Senate Republicans into an epic defeat on election day. Having destroyed Trump to save the jobs of Senate Republicans, he will be left with nothing to show for it. A fitting end to a Republican Party that rushed so fast to the bottom that they didn’t realize they had jumped off of a cliff.”

    If this dish comes to fruition as described, I want to enjoy its taste cold. G*d I hate Republicans so.

  8. If McConnell successfully blocks a Trump presidency there are only two things to do in response:

    #1: Thank Mitch McConnell
    #2: Start a Donald Trump for Kentucky Senate campaign

  9. Chloe Bear says:

    “Republican sources” trial balloon to scare folks before Super Tuesday is my guess. The validity of this is suspect.

  10. Rick: “Like” for both suggestions.

  11. What is now happening in the GOP/TP with Trump is not the fruit McConnell and his buddies were expecting when they planted the seeds to destroy our government because they failed to win the WH in two consecutive election cycles. Where is the parade he should be having on Pennsylvania Ave? His anti-government/establishment plan succeeded, so he shouldn’t be panicking, he should be throwing parades and partying all over D.C. Instead, he has a yooge sad, and it’s name is Donald Trump. God works in mysterious ways. All while GOP/TPers were constantly talking about how “God was in their corner” and claiming they were “doing God’s work,” it seems to me he was in another corner plotting against them. Hahahahahahahaaaaa!!!

  12. Mc Connell is the best fund raiser the Dems. ever had, keep up the good work say I.

  13. Bernie campaign ad: “Mitch McConnell is for Hillary!”

  14. WOW! Hilary is killing it in South Carolina. She’s leading Bernie by 50%! FIFTY! Five Oh. She’s winning the black vote by nearly 90% and Hilary is winning the white vote too. Looks like that Pinch Faced Poosy McConnell is going to get his wish.

    Maybe I should begin to look for a 50 state Hilary landslide and Democratic take over of Congress. (Hey. I can dream, right?)

  15. I would tell McConnell to kiss my big blue butt too, but I don’t want that lipless face near any part of me.

    I don’t know anything about the source in JJ’s link, but the NY Times also reports McConnell’s fallback plan, albeit within a larger and less, shall we say, emphatic article about the GOP establishment vs Trump:

  16. ♫ Roll out the barrel, we’ll have a barrel of fun ♫

    I’ll do the ‘Sing Along With Mitch’ on this one. Throw away the presidency and concentrate on holding the Senate. Yeah, that’s a winner. Nothing breaks out voters like ignoring a presidential race. If the Republican base stays home to cry in their gin spiked Geritol we may pick up a functioning Senate after all.

    Go Hillary!

  17. What Chloe Bear says, this is simply a head fake/game.
    No way do the Rescummies turn on one another in favor of a Democrat, especially a hated (for decades) Clinton. All the loud jousting and elbow-throwing is over when the primary dust settles.

    Then they close ranks AND EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM VOTES IN NOVEMBER! For anything with an “R” attached. In all elections.

    Unlike our lazyass Democratic Party voters, particularly the young and ethnics (even allowing for all the R dirty tricks, which could be overcome with a real Party effort)…the ones who should be the first to vote their interests.

    Go ahead, hammer me, I don’t give a sh!t.
    Watching too many damned critical elections slip away (AKA: critical decadal-redistricting ones, due to failed leaders and followers) for too long has made me a cynic to the max (especially lately all the whineyass HRC v. Bern crap).

    Have at it, my escape pod (boat/yacht) will be ready to voyage bluewater by November, passport freshly renewed (good for 10 years, probably beyond my expiration date, heh).
    The whole effen place can go up in an incandescent glow, DGAS, I’ll at least be doing what I’ve worked for for decades.

    Chloe Bear says:
    February 27, 2016 at 6:29 pm
    “Republican sources” trial balloon to scare folks before Super Tuesday is my guess. The validity of this is suspect.

  18. I am confused. The link did not lead to the New York Times, but something called Addicting Info with lots of goofy articles and ads. The suggestion that McConnell would do anything for the good of the country is absolutely unthinkable. This has to be a joke.

  19. I read the Times story and I’ve got to say, it’s fun reading about snacilbupeR panic. Here’s the funniest part:

    The snacilbupeR are talking about forming a new PAC to stop tRump. They plan to name it ProtectUS. Of course the short version is PUS. How snacilbupeR-ish.

  20. ark Sumner at Daily Kos …. Republican voters aren’t confused by Trump. They’re relieved. Finally, someone who doesn’t just blow a dog whistle, he puts on an entire Westminster of White Anger. That he actually says the things they’ve been implying for decades makes Trump seem like a more honest version of the standard Republican.

  21. Debbo, that’s not Protect the United States; I’m sure it’s Protect Us Republicans.

  22. Probably written by a Koch-paid flunky while David and Charles laugh their heads off.

  23. I agree with Chloe Bear and Sandridge: this is the Republican establishment making a head-fake to help Donald Trump win big on Super Tuesday. Trump’s the anti-establishment candidate… so having the politicians in Washington threaten to withhold support can only help Trump win.

  24. I don’t know that I agree with your assessment. up until just the past year or so, Trump has never been all that political, one way or the other. in fact, social issues wise, he’s always veered more left than right. on business/taxes, he’s always been kinda your typical rich repub. so no, I would not say the GOP “created” Trump. what it did do was create the environment where a Donald Trump could, if he decided to, take advantage of it, for his own means/ends.

    for trump, this has always been reality show tv, with free publicity. that’s where he’ll go back to, after the dust settles. the GOP will still be stuck with itself.

  25. Chloe Bear says:

    If is is a trial balloon or propaganda I think it is to help Rubio and not Trump. Rubio can be controlled by the established Rs.

  26. Didn’t ya just know that it would come to this! Can’t generate one single feeling of pity – the bastard cousin of compassion – for this capital J-Jerk! That bed he made won’t allow him one night’s sleep, especially in peace!

  27. To truly appreciate the snacilpubeRs’ desperation, it’s essential to read the actual NYT story. Here’s the link:

    My jaw dropped on reading about Paul LePage, governor of Maine. The Times reported that in a Feb. 20 meeting in Washington’s Willard Hotel with fellow governors, LePage “erupted in frustration over the state of the 2016 race, saying Mr. Trump’s nomination would deeply wound the Republican Party. Mr. LePage urged the governors to draft an open letter ‘to the people,’ disavowing Mr. Trump and his divisive brand of politics.”

    Then, at the end of the long article that further detailed a week of futile thrashing by the party leaders and key donors, the Times story ended with this:

    “On Friday, a few hours after Mr. Christie endorsed him, Mr. Trump collected support from a second governor, who in a radio interview said Mr. Trump could be ‘one of the greatest presidents.’

    That governor was Paul LePage.”

  28. Umpty, the R’s have always had identity problems, particularly when it came to operating within ethics. LePage’s 2-faced turn around does not surprise me in the least. It only makes me feel even more sad for my friends in Maine.

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Warming up for “Super Tuesday!” As always, you are probably hot on the snacilbupeR scent, Chloe Bear. Debbo, I echo your sentiment. Whether it be Sec/Sen Clinton riding the SC wave or Sen Sanders with a Tuesday roll, the ‘down ticket’ races are important in the general election. The Presidency is a must, but giving President Clinton or Sanders a working Congress is essential, too.

    Texans, you could make my day Tuesday. First by re-electing Mr. Bankston as a Democratic Chair to keep you organized through the general and into the future. Then send a message to Raphael Crooze that he is not the ‘anointed one.’ Crooze losing big in Texas on Tuesday would be divine* (*his word not mine) schadenfreude.

  30. Amen

  31. Amen.

  32. Thanks, UmptyDump, for providing that link to the entire article.
    LePage was a hypocrite in the first place for pretending that Trump is more outrageous than he, himself. He is absolutely a person who could align with the KKK and other white supremacist organizations without the blink of an eye.

    The RKlan has only themselves to blame for their current predicament and will have to get used to the idea that not only will they lose the White House, but the Senate over this circus.
    Karma has finally come calling.

  33. The truly sad part is that Trump is the punishment that the GOP so richly deserves.

    But the rest of us don’t, so we must fight hard against what would be a fascinating Presidency.

    So I guess the best thing would be a Trump nomination followed by a Clinton/Sanders landslide.

  34. Hey ya’ll.

    I have nothing to add to this conversation except to say I so very much appreciate the thoughtful opinions of everyone here. Most online conversations quickly devolve into chaos. Never here. Ya’ll are the best.

    Thank you.

  35. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    I remember a conversation after an SF club meeting — I’m pretty sure it was with Randy Garrett (the saddest story in SF, btw) — in which he made the point that, in religion, politics, baseball, even TV show discussing, we always think ‘our side’ is ‘dumb and in disarray’ and the other side is smart and solidly unified.

    Uh-uh. Whoever ‘they’ is, they’re as screwed up as we are, tis the nature of the beast. (And, despite the prating on politics from all over the spectrum, There Ain’t No Comic Book Villains Out There. Villains, yes, Trump, Cruz, the Kochs, the financialists, the McConnells, among them but they are as stupid and thoughtless and confused as the rest of us — and they DO have a real goal, not the ‘destruction for the sake of destruction’ that motivates the CBVs.)

    Again, we always see our side’s divisions — but Republicans, Methodists, Bankers, Yankee Fans or Reality Show Watchers — they’re all alike.

    If we’d stop thinking like we do, we’d see the chances to split the Republicans in several ways, starting with the Billionaires vs. the billion prayers crowd. (Ironically, this time the prayers are supporting the secular billionaire, while the billionaires would take anyone else.)

    (Always remember to keep the capitalists — need careful watching, regulating, and the occasional jail term, but at least they produce things and jobs — and the financialists — produce nothing but complicated financial instruments, and bubbles that will break and hurt everyone but their creators — separate, as well, with maybe a third category for the ‘extractive industries’ wealthy.)

    All of which is an overcomplicated build to my belief that this is no head fake, that I expected this exact strategy, but silent and starting a few months from now, and that McConnell is both totally sincere and is echoing what he hears from the business community. They are as afraid of a Trump Presidency as we are.

    Again, if we stay calm, we can use this, at least in any state Congressional and Legislative district where filing is still possible. There will be LOT of Republican infighting, splits that give us chances in deep red districts, and people just staying home.

    And a reminder that it wasn’t so long ago that Paul Ryan said that ‘if Trump is nominated, there’s still a chance that we can hold the House’ — not the Congress but the House, which we were already almost conceding.

  36. If this were really true (it should be but one thing is true. All Republicans lie about everything) then McConnell would drop his opposition to President Obama naming a new judge and they would confirm BEFORE the election. If Trump gets elected they’ll end up with Judge Alex (Judge Judy has smarts and would withdraw her name as being unqualified but some of these TV judges are pretty stupid and would think nomination is perfectly OK). I do think it is a ploy plus McConnell actually thinks he can sway voters to turn away from Trump although since they all hate Cruz with a white hot passion would he be better? I think the GOP would cheer anyone other than Hillary or Bernie believing THEY can manage anyone in their party. Gee guys buy a brain and pass it around. Rally every Democrat & Independent to regain the Senate.

  37. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Not only do I believe McConnell, but I DO think that Obama’s nominee — maybe his second so they can go through the ceremony of ‘voting down’ WILL be confirmed. I believe that there will be such pressure from the business community that if Obama even nominates a center–left judge (ideally a white male, just to remind people that we’re qualified too) McConnell and the other ‘business stooge’ Republicans will be under such pressure to confirm — on the grounds that Trump MIGHT nominate a Judge Alex and that an elected Hillary, with four years might nominate someone much more to the left than Obama’s choice — that they will go along before the next term starts.

    Oh, and sorry to exacerbate the Clinton/Sanders split (more from supporters than the actual candidates) but the chance we have that I spoke of above holds ONLY if Hillary is nominated. Bernie has shown absolutely no evidence — this campaign or in his history — that he is willing to help other Democrats, and could win in a landslide and, because he never got his supporters to look at the lower lines — wind up giving the Republicans a veto-proof majority against him.

  38. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    Btw, ‘term’ in my last comment referred to the next SCOTUS term, not the Presidential one. And remember, with the current set-up[ (and Hillary’s near certain victory) the ‘bad guys’ are already screwed. 4-4 decisions make no precedents, and that’s the BEST they can hope for, when they keep Kennedy coming up ‘tails’ rather than ‘heads.’

    I believe, and think they know, or will know, that they have more of a chance catching votes from any center-left Obama nominee than from a Klobuchar, Whitehouse, or even Obama nominated by Hillary.


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