Ya Get What Ya Vote For
Okay, so you elect a guy who has Ted Nugent as his campaign treasurer, claims that we are being invaded by Mexico, has been called out for cruelty to animals, and is just one slip away from being an accidental gun discharge headline and then you act all surprised when he gets elected Agriculture Commissioner adds crook to his resume.
Sid Miller is so damn crooked that when he dies, we’re gonna have to screw him into the ground.
We also elected ourselves an attorney general who is probably gonna face felony charges and has real sticky fingers. The upside is that if we add Sinning Sid to the crook list, we might can get a buy-one-get-one-free deal at the local House of Sumbitches.
Back to Sinnin’ Sid. Last week the Austin American Statesman reported that Sid hired the wife of his business partner to be the newly created Assistant Agriculture Commissioner at $180,000 a year.
Now they discover that Sid hired his campaign consultant, who is also an unregistered lobbyist, to be The Other Assistant Agriculture Commissioner. To lobby in Texas, you have to register as a lobbyist. It’s our equivalent of forcing them to wear a big red A on their chests. The guy Sid hired is still being paid to lobby, while he is unregistered, and also drawing a hefty paycheck from taxpayers.
I have no idea what else they’re gonna find in Sid’s back pocket but I can safely bet that it’s gonna be tasty. Hell, with front page stories like this, it’s gonna be hard to explain all that budget cutting he promised to do.
I guess we could take him down to the river and baptize him, but hell, we’d have to skim nasty for a week.
Thanks to Marge and Donna for the heads up.