What Happens When You Mix Republicans, Southern Baptists, and a Court of Appeals Judgeship?

April 16, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

This.  This is what happens.

I do not even know where to start telling you this story.  You just need to read it.  Front page of the Houston Chronicle.

Paul Pressler is a Southern Baptist deacon, a stalwart in the Republican Party, an elected judge on the Texas Court of Appeals, and a member of a fancy Houston law firm.  He sexually preyed on young men and got away with it for a thirty year period.

Jared Woodfill, former Harris County (think Houston) Republican Party Chairman (until 2014) is accused of helping Pressler cover up his horrifying behavior.


This stained glass window depicting Paul and Nancy Pressler is among a series of artwork immortalizing leaders of the Southern Baptist Conservative Resurgence in a 3,500-seat chapel at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary dedicated in 2011. (Photo/Don Young Glass Studio)


By the way, Dr. Frank Page, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Southern Baptist Convention, retired late last month for having a “morally inappropriate relationship.”  Y’all stay away from Southern Baptists.


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