Welcome Home, Louie!

July 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

That Russian spy woman gets around.

After weaseling her way into the National Prayer Breakfast Group, which, by the way, is the same way all the heathen Republican congressvarmints get in, she managed to create a stir.


And guess who was on that trip?


Hey, Louie!  You didn’t even send me a postcard?

Thanks to Susan P for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Welcome Home, Louie!”

  1. No, Louie wouldn’t know how to write a postcard.

  2. She must have “cast aspersions on his asparagus!”

  3. Lunargent says:

    Somebody gave Louie a postcard once. He kept turning it over and over, trying to find the flap to open it.

  4. I’ve run out of invective for Louie.


    Note within this link Louie says he was an exchange student in Ukraine. He may have been compromised since the 1970s.

    Or just an idiot since birth.
