Wait! Why Not?

February 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, there goes something that would have warmed my heart.

Kris Kobach, current Kansas Secretary of State and former chairman of Trump’s now defunct Advisory Commission on Election Integrity, has made a ruling that a dog cannot run for Governor of Kansas.

The Kansas Secretary of State’s Office says Angus cannot serve as the state’s governor. While there is nothing specifically written that says a dog cannot run to lead the state, the secretary state’s office says man’s best friend is not capable of serving the responsibilities required of the governor.

I’m not saying this is dirty politics or anything but, Kobach has announced that he’s running for Governor.  I think he’s afraid the dog would beat him.  I mean, tis sweet dog has never said anything incredibly dumb or destroyed a whole Integrity Commission.  And part of the dog’s platform is that he has a “completely anti-squirrel agenda.”  I think Kobach took that personally.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.


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