There’s Good News and There’s Bad News

November 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The good news is that Louie Gohmert has a opponent in the Republican primary.

Screen Shot 2015-11-18 at 8.24.42 AMThe bad news is that his opponent thinks Louie is just not getting enough done.

Lufkin rancher Simon Winston thinks that Louie is just “promoting himself” and isn’t getting things done. Winston believes the same things Louie believes but also believes Louie isn’t effective. I think maybe we should be grateful for that.

He described himself as pro-life and a supporter of the Second Amendment right to bear arms who obtained a concealed handgun permit the first day they were available in Texas.

Winston said he opposes welcoming refugees from Syria into the Lone Star State and supports outright closing the border with Mexico.

“Until you stop the people from coming in illegally, you can’t get anything done,” he said. “You don’t know who’s coming across there in the first place. And they are bringing all these drugs in.”

So you’ve got your choice – tweedledee or tweedledum-with-a-cowboy-hat.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “There’s Good News and There’s Bad News”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    We’ll just have to see if this fella is as creative as Louie is at bookkeeping and such. I always give extra points in my class for creativity.

  2. TruelyTexan says:

    We know where the Mexicans and Syrians are coming from, and they are not the problem. We need to find out where the idiot repugnicans are coming from and shut that opening down fast.

  3. Yes, but where does he stand on asparagus? Would he be upset if someone cast aspersions on his asparagus?

  4. It was bound to happen: The Texas GOP continues to move so far to the right that Gohmert is called a RINO.

    My state, but not my district. Thank God.

  5. Could he be as nutty as Looney Louie? Yessir, he could and probably is. That’s the problem: there doesn’t appear to be any repubs who aren’t.

  6. He may be a RINO, too. Where’s his American flag pin?

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Went to the link. Right at the top of the Longview-News Journal page was an ad for the Save The Turkeys Art Contest. Should we send in pictures of this guy and Louie?

  8. Prup (aka Jim Benton) says:

    And *sigh* of course no Democrat has filed in such a ‘certain’ red district. Not one person, I assume, has actually gone out and paid the filing fee, and been willing to ‘stand up for sanity.” (Even in the Gohmert district there are probably at least 20% sane people, but they have nothing to bring themselves together for, nothing to inspire a beginning of a Progressive networking.) No one says he has to spend a mint on useless tv and Internet ads. Try the cheapness and ‘fungibility’ of print. It’s cheap, and people have something they can look at on their own time and hand it on to discuss with other people.

    And anything can happen in elections. I keep on dreaming of an out gay constituent running against Louie, and demanding that he ‘tell it to our faces, all those nasty things we are supposed to be.’ Will he win? Probably not, probably will wind up in the 20-30% range, but that WOULD catch the national news, and would highlight even more the Republican endemic homophobia.

  9. Isn’t getting enough done?!

    The whole point of the Republican party, for the last 35 years, has been to ensure that the government gets nothing done. Louie has done yeoman service in that cause.

    Just what kind of RINO is Winston?

  10. Gosh! Like we were expecting anything else?

  11. Prup, there may be hope in other places– I just read that Salt Lake City (!) elected a lesbian mayor.

  12. Check list: Hat…check. Big gut…check. Stupid running out of both ears…check. Yep. He’s a Republican.

  13. Marge Wood says:


  14. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, I like that idea: Save the Turkeys.

  15. JAKvirginia, I just had to go and get a screenshot of that!

    I’ll have to use it wherever the most damage can be had… LOL

    So sorry you Texans have to go through that…
    I’m just glad that Moses Austin of Durham, Ct had the idea to bring some people down and have an anglo settlement in Texas…

    Otherwise we probably would have more of the Teabagged Crazies here…

  16. “You don’t know who’s coming across there in the first place.”

    Well I hate to say it, but I have to somewhat agree with Winston on that. Look what happened after Texas let in Ted Cruz.

  17. l'angelomisterioso says:

    Let in Cruz and the name Gohmert doesn’t look all that Murcan to be some kind of murcan to me. It’s got that extraneous h in it got to be some kind of furrin derived name.I believe he ought to be asked about it.This guy opposing him looks and sounds like a top of the line post turtle.

  18. “And they are bringing all these drugs in.”

    For Winston and his pasty white pals to buy.

  19. @Debbo

    If I was bettin’ aboot ole Winston, I’d bet Jack Daniels was his drug of choice.

  20. TruelyTexan says:
    November 18, 2015 at 8:44 am
    … We need to find out where the idiot repugnicans are coming from and shut that opening down fast.

    “shut that opening down fast”

    Dozens of ULCV’s (Ultra Large Container Vessels) waiting in the anchorages off Galveston for a chance to unload their full cargoes of Aspirin tablets at the Port of Houston (made in Indian pharmaceutical plants working major overtime) could not supply enough of those “between the knees” Republicant birth control devices to stop their breeding like rabbits and continuing to overrun us.

  21. Paul #12:

    “Stupid running out of both ears…check.” He’s a Republican standing on level ground, then.
