The Third Time is the Charm

September 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Junior Trump, Jr. now has a third explanation of why he went to the Russia meeting.

Donald Trump Jr. told Senate investigators on Thursday that he set up a June 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer because he was intrigued that she might have damaging information about Hillary Clinton, saying it was important to learn about Mrs. Clinton’s “fitness” to be president.

He does realize he’s Donald Trump’s son, right?

And y’all, think about it – this is the explanation he went with after he had consulted with high price lawyers.

He told investigators that working for his father’s campaign consumed his life. “I had never worked on a campaign before and it was an exhausting, all-encompassing, life-changing experience. Every single day I fielded dozens, if not hundreds, of emails and phone calls.”

Yeah, Sonny, it’s called “having a real job.”


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0 Comments to “The Third Time is the Charm”

  1. Any cop will tell you that if the alibi keeps changing, somebody lying.

  2. “Every single day I fielded… phone calls.”

    I had a friend who worked as a maid for an undisclosed member of an anonymous royal family. Her list of duties was seven pages long. One item required her to put the top of the toothpaste tube back on the tube.

    I would love to see the Trump family version of that To Do list.

  3. *** Lunch time, Mama. So eat hearty and please stop reading. Discussing Dimwit Jr. is not mealtime material.

    To quote Evan Hurst at Wonkette: “DURRRRRRRR
    As we speak, wad of flesh and disappointment BabyShits McTrumpenStuff, AKA Donald Trump Jr., is sitting with staffers from the Senate Judiciary Committee, trying to figure out how to weasel his way out of whatever questions they’re asking about his Russia ties without getting himself or Daddy in big trouble. Reportedly he’s told them he didn’t collude with Russia, which is possible. Russia may have simply deemed him too stupid to collude with. We sure as fuck would’ve.”

    Waiting for the leaks on how Dimwit Jr. attempts to weasel word away his own “I love it” words and his dumb nuts Daddy’s crazy “it was the babies” cover story.

    Meanwhile the Ivanka I went to North Dakota photo op threatens to bury any past image of “My Pet Goat” with her family is as incestuous and whack-o-bird crazy as they appear to be in public. Behind closed doors? Doubt we are nearly as prepared for that as we are the much awaited dossier.

  4. SteveTheReturned says:

    Like I care about anything “Fredo” trump has to say.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, hell. Go to directly to JAIL. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.

    (Trump Monopoly. Brutal game.)

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Holy crap in the effort to keep our “eyes on the ball.” While Dimwit Jr is testilying and Javanka are just being the distracting squirrels that they are, Betsy Deville is busy dismantling education, promoting rape and dismantling Title IX when not too busy loading her family and friends coffers with our tax dollars meant for education.

    Let’s name the players. Maybe we can form squads to track each one of these Donnie appointed bomb throwers. With the aforementioned Betsy, here they are, including mugshots:

    Dayum, just when I thought Sessions, Pruitt and a few others were scary, I failed to focus on Small Business Administrator Linda McMahon of WWE infamy.

    Time for a hearing check for me. Could have sworn Donnie promised “the best.” However could I have been so st00pid? Obviously he said beasts.

  7. Bingo, lock him up!

    He’s rather trust our enemies, the Russians, over our own trusted CIA and FBI. Freedumb!

    Why not just ask Dad what he thought of ‘crooked’ Hillery? Besides, why not get another expert opinion, I always ask Satin if I should become a Christian.

  8. Gosh, it’s like trying to get the truth from a five year old. No I didn’t break that, ok I wasn’t even there, well my brother bumped into me when I was holding it. But I did not really break it. All the while looking around for support from somebody anybody! Help…….

  9. Dump Jr. just committed a felony by lying to Congress, even if was just the staffers. Lying to those Congressional staffers is a felony. This was the opinion of the all the legal experts on MSNBC last night.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    *** Mama, time for some dinner and resting your eyes.

    Dumbnutz Jr is peeing into the wind legally. Somehow I don’t think Daddy Numbnutz will be particularly happy about that version of the golden shower.

    Here’s a little more Russian dressing that Donnie can add to his Mara-Ahole-Estate.

    If there is a happy snacilbupeR today, that might be Rick Santorum. Who knows? Maybe Donnie will take his place in the Google searches of Urban Dictionary for sloppy sauces/santorum.

  11. There’s another reason why the alibi keeps changing; multiple personality syndrome. That would explain the craziness in that family. And frankly, that would be another damn good incentive to go for impeachment.

  12. gabberflasted says:

    JAKVirginia, I will pay the 200 personally, if will just go to jail.

  13. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Geez, I only work part-time (plus the volunteer stuff I do at church and with the local Democrats), and I figure a day with only ‘dozens’ of emails is a light day!

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Maggie: No. No multiple personality syndrome. It’s the “I am never at fault” syndrome. Yes, it does seem to run in that family.

  15. Ranger Jay says:

    I would love to watch Don Jr. try to keep up with Jimmy Carter building a house. Donald, and his whole family, have no idea of what “real work” is. None.

    We have millions of undocumented workers in this country doing the very things that Donny’s family, and many other Americans, don’t want to do. They know what “real work” is, and they aren’t too proud to do it.

    Ask Ivanka to dig a ditch, and she’d probably wonder which shoes would match her shovel.


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