The Big Game: NH edition
My numerological bible is Their new model shows Bernie Sanders as having a 99% chance of winning tomorrow’s New Hampshire Democratic Primary. But here at the salon, we play at the pro-level, which includes predicting not just the order of finish, but also the percentage of votes.
On the Republican side, Cruz received negative boost from Iowa, a particularly thud-like bounce. Trump is still favored, but always in motion, the future is. Predict at least the top 5 finishers, and their percentages, and take your shot for glory. Predicting more than five increases your chances for winning my arbitrarily administered tie-breakers.
Have at it, wonks and wonkettes! Tell us your predictions and achieve the same lasting fame as whoever it was that correctly called New Hampshire 4 years ago. Yeah, them. Four years from now, you could be “yeah, them!”