Ted in Bed (Edited)

April 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You all know how strongly Ted Cruz feels about gay people and marriage equality.  Heck, they have a whole webpage outlining his hate, hate, hate, of all things gay. gay, gay.

But that only applies to gay who don’t have loads of money.

Senator Ted Cruz has positioned himself as a strong opponent of same-sex marriage, urging pastors nationwide to preach in support of marriage as an institution between a man and a woman, which he said was “ordained by God.”

But on Monday night, at a reception for him at the Manhattan apartment of two prominent gay hoteliers, the Texas senator and Republican presidential hopeful struck quite a different tone.

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Yes, but these were like gay with money which is not at all like regular gays in Cruz’s book.  If you’ve got money you’re willing to give Ted Cruz, you’re exempt from his hate fantasies.

I dunno diddle squat about gays in New York but gays in Texas don’t come anywhere near the level of self-loathing that would let them pose with Ted Cruz.

So I imagine it was a fun night on all sides.

On Edit – I was just told that the event as not a fundraiser.  It was just a dinner.  So, that tells me that any money that was exchanged was done under the table, so to speak.

Thanks to Glen for the heads up.

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