
October 05, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: SCOTUS

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0 Comments to “Sucker”

  1. Charles R Phillips says:

    Why would she do this? She can’t truly believe this is the right thing for Maine, and I don’t see where she benefits. This ends her career, full stop.

  2. OMG. This is just what I was telling a young Hispanic woman I know as we were watching Collins’ speech at my gym today. She said Collins was going on and on and my friend just wanted to know how she was going to vote. I told her, from what Collins had already said, it looked like it was going to be a “yes.” I said Collins had been suckered again by McConnell and Trump just like before when she believed all the pie in the sky promises made to her over the Skinny Repeal bill. As I was watching her complain about Kavanaugh’s “unfair” treatment I really had to restrain myself from shouting “Bitch, what about Merrick Garland??”

  3. RepubAnon says:

    The sucker sign is for anyone who believes that Collins foesn’t Know exactly what she’s doing.

  4. Collins is a willing minion. Always has been.

  5. Two sided tape.
    Flip the sign over and it says “Kick Me.”

    Abusing women. It’s how Trump & McConnell get Republicans in line when they need the votes.

  6. According to Lawrence O’Donnell, Collins gave Kavanaugh the presumption of honesty, which he clearly did not deserve.
    But what about Manchin? He doesn’t deserve to call himself a Democrat while he marches in lock step with the Trumpians, no matter how big an election battle he faces. Hope he loses to his Rethug challenger, he couldn’t be counted on when it mattered.

  7. Bob Boland says:

    maryelle – the worst is that Manchin has a significant lead against his opponent, he didn’t need to cave to save his re-election try.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Her yea vote was a betrayal. That charming little speech full of lies and fantasies that she delivered was crafted by some unknown partisan hack who needs to be exposed and delivered to The WMDBS for a reality check and proper shampooing.

    2020 bodes for some fun in Maine. Whether Ambassador Rice was merely trolling the old cooter or plans to run against her, Susu has definitely shown that her shelf life has expired. Would seriously enjoy any links provided to what Senator Angus King is saying about the state of affairs in Maine, please and thank you.

  9. Yup. Olympia Snowe was a great one to hide behind, wasn’t she, Susan.

  10. The cartoonist missed it. He should have Flake slapping it on the back of the Senate Dems.

  11. Jane & PKM,
    She already has an opponent- Cat London Of course it’s a long way out, but it seems Cat’s been doing pretty well at getting a head start.

    I’d like to know more about Collins’ husband. There were intriguing reports on Russia connections but I can’t tell if those were reliable sources.

  12. Lunargent says:

    Don’t expend all your bile on Collins.

    Save a little for Lisa Murkowski.
    After her big show of voting No on cloture, it has been revealed that for the confirmation itself, she will record a vote of “Present”. Yup, not taking either side.

    So much for how moved she was by the pleas of the hundred Alaskan women who flew thousands of miles to plead with her. So much for the native tribe members who got her elected, and whose rights will be endangered by Kavanaugh’s presence on the Court.

    Way to go, Murkowski. You are doing literally nothing. Except for showing yourself to be yet another treacherous, gutless, opportunist right-wing wench.

    Flake. Collins. Murkowski. Manshin. None of ‘em are worth the spit it would take to drown ‘em.

  13. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The Kavanaugh confirmation fits the times. A female Republican senator from Maine that wants into the good old boys club, a Flake from Arizona and a Republican masquerading as a Democrat from WVa continue to give cover and enable sexual assaulters and liars. Now we have a SCOTUS judge that is just like his orange President.

  14. Collins is done. She ends her public service in shame. Creep silently away.

  15. The sucker sign belongs on the back of Maine voters and anyone who ever beleived her schtick about being any thing but a tea party whack job.
    She is nothing more then a LaPage in a dress and a little better impulse control.
    After electing her lapage and her companion in these scams, olympia snow, maine voters have shown they are incredibably gullible, amoral and just plain stupid.
