Somebody Please Reach Down and Whack This Guy Upside the Head For Me

June 12, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Nevada Republican Congressvarmint Cresent Hardy is fixing to make me a personal enemy.

Hardy was speaking at a Libertarian event.

2015-01-08_OfficialPhoto_RepCresentHardy_NV04“I have three children,” Hardy explains. “One of them is summa cum laude and two were magna cum laude. The other one, he didn’t need an education. He works for Raytheon, smarter than all the rest. He works hard, he builds things that are genius. Some people have that ability.”

“But they all work hard. They are raising their own families,” he continued. “They will not be a drain on society, the best they can. Hopefully they will never have some disability that causes them to have to utilize that.”

Ahem, may I have a few words with Mr. Hardy?

Sir, my name is Susan Bankston and I am a representative on the State Democratic Executive Committee for Democrats with Disabilities.  That job leads me to know a whole lot of people with disabilities.  None of us chose to be disabled.  Not a single one.

Surprisingly enough, none of the disabled children I know chose to be disabled.  It just happened without their prior consent.  And, not one single disabled veteran has a life they have chosen for themselves.  They chose, unlike you, to serve their country in the military but they did not chose to come home in pieces.

We are sorry for being a drain on society.  Seriously, we are deeply apologetic for being born blind, deaf or lame.  We understand it was a easy way out to get multiple sclerosis, ALS, or alpha-1 antitrypsin and think that our lives are worth anywhere near as much as your child’s magna cum laude.

Look, you son of a motherless goat, you idiot fool.  You prance around with your deadbeat buddy Cliven Bundy who owes the taxpayers about a million damn dollars.  You say that Cliven is a hero but a working father with ALS is a drain or that a child with cerebral palsy is hurting society.

Sir, and I’m speaking only for myself here, you are a a jackass sumbitch and I ever see you, I’m going to run over you with a wheelchair.  There ain’t a grand jury in America who would indict me for it.


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0 Comments to “Somebody Please Reach Down and Whack This Guy Upside the Head For Me”

  1. Umm..You are speaking for me, and thanks for doing so…

  2. Wa Skeptic says:

    Go, JuanitaJean, Go!

  3. Hope none of the “three” children inherited his math skill, to wit, ““I have three children,” Hardy explains. “One of them is summa cum laude and two were magna cum laude. The other one, he didn’t need an education.” I count 4 children, one SCL, two MCL, and the one who didn’t need an education.

    Of course their father is a politico who may have supped at the public trough for many years while enjoying a never ending buffet of graft and corruption. Just another view ya’know.

    There’s a guy here at work I go to lunch with from time to time. I guess I’ll ask him if he meant to stand next to that IED so he’d get the free ride from the DoD/VA he’s gotten the last two or three years. I’ll ask too, He seemed taller before he went to Afghanistan. Just for you Cresentwrench Hardy.

  4. As I’ve stated before here, if people like this can convincingly demonstrate to me how they were able to choose what they are so proud of and why the people he looks down upon would choose those negative drags upon society; ie, his kind, I will certainly listen as I would like to know where I went wrong.
    IMO, none of us choose anything; it is all GIVEN, NOT BOUGHT OR EARNED. The only choice any of us have is what to do with what we are given.
    In short, all of us are confronted with selling our souls. For those who do, part of the price is automatic loss of compassion and understanding.

  5. Dear Dorkus Hardy:

    As someone who, according to you, is “disabled,” I feel I can tell you to see a proctologist for a bit of brain surgery! By your standards, I am a drain on society and taking resources that you think should go to the 1%. I have news for you: I have been handicapped for over 30 years but disabled? HA!
    During that time I have written 4 books, several magazine articles, had my photos published world wide, sat on 2 boards of directors, went back to college for another degree (3 all told) – this one in electrical engineering, acted as an administrator for a scenic byway, served as a vice president of a non-profit, do IT for several organizations and I could add a few dozen more things.
    During all that time I have had 6 operations for cancer plus radiation and 2 years of chemo; open heart sugery (AVR), a bypass consisting of 3 feet of “Gore-Tex” garden hose, surgery for compartment syndrome, large skin grafts, spinal problems (5 procedures so far) and more.
    I may have a bit of a handicap but I sure as hell am not “disabled” – either physically or like you: mentally!

  6. Susan, if you do run over that oxygen stealing waste, I want-I demand that I be on that jury.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    You speak for me,as well and quite eloquently,too. This SOB can go blank himself and all of his like thinking friends. Bet he claims to be christian.

  8. Chloe Bear says:

    People with disabilities or functional and access needs make up 20% of the United States population that is 59 million people. I wonder if he can afford to lose 20% of his business.

  9. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    The guy is a typical Republican — mistaking extreme good fortune as his birthright and crowing about it. Then he gets himself elected to a position of public trust and used that position to improve his own fortune at the expense of those less fortunate. It really wears on the rest of us.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Let us not attribute to talent and ability what is the result of dumb luck. I am happy your children are thriving. Enjoy it while it lasts. As they say, karma can be a bitch.

  11. His view on disabilities is only second to his Anti-Education positions.
    I don’t know where his 3 kids went to school, but he went to Dixie STATE University. Yeah, a State school.

  12. Annabelle Lee says:

    @Micr, that was my take as well. Hopefully at least the Summ Cum Laude grad can count to four.

  13. innerlooper says:

    mb5 Its a baptist thing “If ya cum Laude ur saved”

  14. Hollyanna says:

    JJ, you give him hell! What you said, times a thousand.

  15. Micr:
    There are three kinds of people in the world, those who know how to count, and those who don’t.

    Given Congressman Hardy’s comments, I think we can safely assume he’s the fourth kind.

  16. SomedayGirl says:

    So, if I’m reading this right, Mr. Government Paycheck with his Magna Cum Laude kid who is paid by a defense contractor (aka Mr. Government Paycheck, Jr.) is fingerwagging at other people because they’re sucking off the government teat?


  17. What does he want to do with us disabled people(I am included in that category too!)
    What does he want to do with all those babies the christians are going to save from abortion? All those that will be born because their mothers do not have access to Planned parenthood for prenatal/abortion services?

    The republicans are great at passing laws that think they will save them money, but will in the end cost them so much more.
    They are great at saying NO, but have no alternative plans.

    I think we should all demand his plan on how he intends to fix this problem.

    You can run him over J J I will hit him with my cane!!!

  18. Kate Dungan says:

    I seem to recall a country, way back in the 1930-40’s, that had a problem with their disabled, and they resolved it in a ghastly way. I have a feeling this jerk might well agree with Adolph’s point of view.

  19. Angelo_Frank says:

    Gosh, these Ayn Rand worshiping Libertarians are dirt balls in the first degree.

  20. My dad was in a wheelchair (double amputee, complications from diabetes) before the ACA. He was poisoned working as a color chemist/color engineer in vinyl plastics (and paint and lacquer before that), before OSHA raised standards in such plants.

    Hardy is not human; he’s toxic waste.

  21. RepubAnon says:

    At the trial, 11 jurors voted not guilty. The 12th juror voted not guilty as well, but condemned the defendant for only running over the Congresscritter once. “Why didn’t you back up a few times?” the angry juror demanded…

  22. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    As if working for Raytheon isn’t being a drain on the rest of us — maybe they sell a few things to non-governmental organzations but most of it is defense-systems.

  23. I wonder if this Republigoon supports the “duty-to-die” movement if he’s so all fired in fear of disability making someone a “burden” to society.

  24. Hardy can’t help it that he graduated magna cum ignominia.

  25. 1smartcanerican says:

    I’m with you on this one JJ! Maybe he should become physically disabled in some way or get a disease that leaves him with permanent disabilities so that he could learn compassion and empathy.

    I do think it is too late for him to learn Math however. He is too old a dog to learn new tricks! He certainly didn’t graduate summa cum anything!

  26. Corinne Sabo says:

    That dude is a PARASITE!

  27. bud malone says:

    A Susan comment and the reason I love her.

  28. I’ll pay your gas money to get there..and go along so I can take pictures…

  29. Damned if he didn’t sound close to the way Hitler was jabbering about the sick and handicapped being a drain on society and we all know what he did with those he could get his bloody hands on. Somebody oughta bomb this guy with a planeload of those posters Hitler used to have all over Germany about the sick, the disabled and the Fatherland. That beast of beasts had medical clinics that recruited retarded children with a promise of a cure only those kids somehow died before the cure could be affected and the parents were always told a nice, sincere little story about how the good doctors tried their best but it just wasn’t to be. Hardy’s pride goeth before his mouth. The karma thats coming at him isn’t pretty.

  30. micr noted this above, this twit doesn’t even know how many children he has, 3 or 4, so I’d say he’s somewhat mentally challenged himself. of course, as soon as he gets some flack about this, he’ll backpedal and insist he “didn’t mean to offend anyone”, and the lord has forgiven him. my guess is that he pays his employees the very absolute least he can get away with, and forget about health insurance or a pension.

    he just strikes me as that kind of guy, an asshole.

  31. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Let’s not be hasty, folks. Shouldn’t we at least water board this dufus, before turning him over as the ramp for some Olympic style wheel chair races? If y’all are too tired after the races to drag the dufus out of your way, I’d be happy to lend a hand and horse to remove his ignorance.

    Micr, good point that this “genius” can’t even count to 3 or 4 or however many kids he has. Must be a Republican thing, like McCain not knowing how many houses his wife bought for them.

  32. Ranger Jay says:

    From a dictionary:


    noun, plural societies.
    1. an organized group of persons associated together for religious, benevolent, cultural, scientific, political, patriotic, or other purposes.
    2. a body of individuals living as members of a community; community.

    Mr. Hardy and his ilk don’t seem to want to participate fully. They probably curse when they pass by an unfilled reserved spot in a parking lot.

  33. There is no religious affiliation listed on his bio. Still, he sounds like a member in good standing of Holy Hypocrites R Us.

  34. Marcia in CO says:

    *LIKE* … Truly LIKE!! All of it, all of the comments!!

  35. maryelle says:

    I’ve got news for you, Cresent, someday you will be old and possibly infirm, and in need of just the kind of drain you want turned off for those truly deserving. We can only hope and pray you get to learn your lesson the hard way.

  36. JJ, in order to whack this moron upside the head, I’d have to bend down and reach up, and I won’t do that no matter how many layers of gloves I put on. But I am entirely in agreement with you about his need for such correction.

  37. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Failing to learn how to play nicely in kindergarten, the Republicans of today have serious reading for critical conscience issues. Pick a children’s’ story, any story; maybe “Kill the Golden Goose” to learn what Republicans miss.

    Or, read the Bible they claim and find out how further afield their ‘minds’ lay. Or, lie.

    Current US population is approximately 300 million of which be we black, white or any similar shade, we thrive best by education, equality of opportunity and mutual respect in the social contract of our democracy, such as it is.

    Gay? Transgender? or, unaffiliated and otherwise whatever. Again, equality is what floats all boats. As a straight male do I want an abortion or a gay marriage, as the naysayers would frame the issues; that question is too silly to deserve a response.

    What “I” want is equality for everyone. No discrimination; ever. The latest round of silliness to “protect” red state ‘fraidy pants from imaginary fears is so beyond the meaning of our Constitutional freedoms. (sorry mama) But those dumbasses are too st00pid to understand that the separation of church and state principles is what gives them the Freedumb to be st00pid.

    The Xtian right really wants to start that fight? Then maybe they need to start paying taxes, obeying the laws and sit down STFU & read their Bible, before they nail their Jesus to a cross, again.

  38. charles r. phillips says:

    Yep, what Bankston said.

  39. Your response is justified and reminds me of the joke about the difference between a dead deer and dead politician in the road. There are skid marks in front of the deer. Normally I’m against that kind of crass humor. Normally.

  40. Marge Wood says:


  41. Brava! Brava! I’m not in a wheelchair yet, but I do believe if I ever ran into this alleged person, he would feel The Wrath Of My Cane.

  42. Aggieland Liz says:

    I understand Ms Karma is back logged; I hope she settles this guy’s hash with accrued interest. As for dispatching him? No need to reach anywhere-just stretch your foot out and grind him into the pavement just like any other filthy roach related vermin.

    I don’t understand how kicking people who are already down has become so popular here in America. I don’t like this new America where greed is the driving force behind everything-scratch the surface, there it is, avarice, leering away! But I have no ideas on how to correct it, either, save that I raised my kids to be decent people. Anybody else? Is it too late?

  43. fallconskat says:

    thank you, Miss Susan, and Miss Juanita Jean, for keeping this site running.

    and bless you, Miss Susan, for exposing the drek of the world for what they are. we do not choose to be disabled. hell’s bells, i did not choose to be one of the unlucky few who got the permanent side effect of constant nerve pain from a prescribed medication!

    we have disabilities. we are handicapped from doing some things most able bodied people take for granted. but for most of us, that doesn’t mean we cannot understand when someone is acting the fool in public, and speaking before they think. (and i can count to two, the number of children i have, too!)

  44. AliceBeth says:

    Excellent commentary, thank you. My question for him has several parts: do you know how many children you have? can you count past three? and the child who did not need an education, does that person acknowledge you?

  45. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Seems old Cresent Hardy may receive a ‘special’ parade down Las Vegas Boulevard. His ignorance came to the attention of the Desert Beacon.

    His family must be the algebra of genetics, as he and his spouse spawned 3 allegedly intelligent kids.

  46. Amanda Matthews says:

    Thanks for that link to his congressional biography page:


    It provided me with probably the only real laugh I’ve had all day.

    Cresent and Peri, his wife of 32 years, live in the scenic Virgin Valley. They have been blessed with four wonderful children.
