Sid Miller Is So Crooked …

April 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

… that when he dies, we can just screw him in the ground.

I can tell you one thing about Republicans in this state – they can’t accuse each other of hogging all the stupid.  Hell, honey, we have an attorney general under indictment for stock fraud who isn’t even the most dishonest Republican elected official in the state.

Miller_Sid_2014_8583596_ver1.0_640_480Sid Miller, our Agriculture Commissioner, thinks he won the free-ride lottery when he got elected.  One time after another, he gets caught stealing taxpayer money.  Remember about three weeks ago when he got caught spending taxpayer money to go get a Jesus shot in Oklahoma?

Well, this time he took your our money and went to Mississippi.  Now before I even start telling you this story I want to let you know that if I was gonna steal money to go on a trip, it sure the hell wouldn’t be to Oklahoma and Mississippi.

Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller spent almost $2,000 in state and campaign funds to fly to compete in a rodeo in 2015 for prize money

Miller wrote a check several weeks later from his campaign account to pay back the state for the flights, the obtained records show.

Miller, who competed in calf-roping events at the February 2015 rodeo, won $880.

Miller says the taxpayers spending money for his flight is legitimate because he intended to meet with the Ag Commish of Mississippi but he admits that the meeting was never scheduled.  Okay, so it is Mississippi and maybe somebody borrowed the pencil needed to “pencil in” meetings.

Miller says it was “totally legitimate” that his campaign fund pay for the trip because while at the rodeo, he “spoke to” rodeo participants and vendors who donated to his campaign.

Let me tell you this – nothing Sid Miller does is ever totally legitimate.  Nothing.


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