Paul Ryan Is A Damn Fool

June 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Paul Ryan, damfool congressvarmint, actually said of the Democratic sit-in, “It’s a publicity stunt.”

Of. Course. It. Is. You. Damn. Fool.  What the fool tarnation do you think it is?

What the hell do you think any sit-in is?  It is to gain publicity for your cause.  By turning off the cameras you made it forbidden fruit and gave it power.  You wanna talk about stunts?  Turning off the camera wasn’t a stunt?

What America needs is not less publicity but more, far more, publicity about who the NRA owns.

And while we’re on this subject, what exactly do you call the entire life of Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee?  A thoughtful process of self discovery and ethics actualization?

One other thing while I’m mad and feeling my oats.  I heard with my own two ears that Paul Ryan says that he’s fighting to “defend the constitution because every citizen in this country deserves Second Amendment Rights because of the Heller decision.”

Two things: Is Ryan saying that felons and those adjudicated insane have a right to guns?

Second, Roe V Wade says I have the right to privacy but that doesn’t stop you from infringing on my rights.

Paul Ryan is a damn fool.


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0 Comments to “Paul Ryan Is A Damn Fool”

  1. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Fool, entitled baby, ignorant, arrogant, bigoted, and in need brains, education, maturity, and humility.

    Chances of his achieving any of those is zero, so…let’s get him evicted from Congress and consigned to a minimum wage job washing dishes. It’s above his skill set right now, but maybe he can learn that much.

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    Speak it, Sister!

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    Damn fool. Yep. That about says it.

  4. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    I’m just guessing but I’ll go out on a limb and say that Paul Ryan can kiss someone’s Big Blue Butt!

  5. maryelle says:

    Representative Lewis and his Democratic colleagues may have hit upon just the right move to further this cause. Let’s get it going nationally, sit-ins at every Repug’s local office. I have contacted my local Democratic office and am waiting for them to get back to me on this. I am not on twitter or facebook, so I can’t get the word out that way, but maybe some of you could.
    It could truly be a grass roots, bi-partisan movement. It may not get a bill passed, but the shame and pressure on the RKlan certainly would be worth it. Don’t know about you, but the frustration of seeing every attempt to save lives go down in flames has made me want to do something about it.

  6. Rastybob says:

    What Ryan is saying is.– Every time we have a shooting the poll’s go up for Repubs. We want as many guns in the hands of shooters as we can get. The lives of even little kids don’t count. What counts is I keep my job no mater how many lives it costs.

  7. there does seem to be some confusion with respect to SotH Ryan. at some point, one of his constituents made a snide comment about him, and it was misinterpreted. to clear this up:

    Rep. Ryan is a WANK, not a wonk. this may well explain some of the confusion, when SotH Ryan says or does something just incredibly odious or stupid, he is a wanker, not a policy wonk.

  8. @CPinVa

    Thanks for clearing that up.

    And while we’re talking about mysteries without any clues, “Why?”

  9. Go Dems!

    I look at the sit in as more of a Voyage of Discovery kind of thing. Is it possible to find the snacilbupeR conscience? Does snacilbupeR ‘conscience’ really exist, or is it a myth, like a unicorn?
    (Maybe snacilbupeR think unicorns are real.)

  10. Austinhatlady says:

    Wow! Absolutely WOW!!! Turned on TV when I got home from choir practice about hour and a half ago (after spending most of the day at swimming pool with middle god-daughter) and was blown away by the scene shown on MSNBC. This is incredible! And agree that Paul Ryan is a damn fool!

  11. Elizabeth Moon says:

    And the scumsucking creep is trying to flood the floor with GOP reps again so they can vote on an unrelated bill that’s a direct insult to Dems.

    It’s for sure Ryan has no conscience, no empathy, and is 100% thug.

  12. Wank is definitely a more appropriate description for Ryan than Wonk. His current position is so obviously a promotion to a position beyond his skill level. I think he should go back to driving a Wiener mobile. When you see Ryan and other repubs endorsing Trump, it is easier to understand how Hitler came into power in Germany.

  13. RepubAnon says:

    Let’s file a lawsuit on behalf of Charles Manson, seeking to restore his Second Amendment rights. As the NRA would say: “what part of ‘shall not be abridged’ do you not understand?”


  14. Not quite off topic, but…

    Here in AZ, we have our share (OK, more than our share) of crazy GOPers, but as bad as they are, they aren’t as bad as Louie Gohmert.

    MSNBC just ran video of him yelling on the House floor during the sit in.


    He’s a special kind of “special”, and he’s all yours. 🙂

  15. And of course, we have that adorable Ted Cruz to thank for Heller….

  16. What can I say, Republican’s ending the Democrats sit in for gun laws so they can take a vote to help WallStreet financial advisers avoid having a fiduciary responsibility to their clients pretty much explains everything you need to know about the state of politics in America. Still it has been fascinating watching Speaker Ryan give a practical demonstration of why Congress has such a blazingly low approval rating. Lower than head lice, the last time I checked.

    Of course it is political, but it’s also a move born out of disgust. Americans overwhelmingly support sensible gun laws and gun manufacturers via their tool the NRA and by extension the Congress has succeeded in blocking any laws that even remotely slow down or block purchase of a gun.

    For what it’s worth Speaker Ryan @SpeakerRyan, the most over valued intellect in DC, wasn’t alone in thinking he knew more about sit ins and civil disobedience than John Lewis. NC Rep Mark Walker tweeted, “Calling this a sit-in is a disgrace to Woolworth’s. They sat in for rights. Dems are ‘sitting in’ to strip them away.” Should you like to respond I recommend tweeting @RepMarkWalker a picture of Representative Lewis on the bridge with the observation that @repjohnlewis knows a bit more about sit-ins, civil disobedience, politics and life than they do. I did so earlier tonight and it gave me a great deal of pleasure.

    You might also want to remind them that Americans overwhelmingly want gun control they don’t overwhelmingly want financial advisers / Wall Street to get a pass. Let’s Remember in November!

  17. Ah, Juanita Jean, you hit the nail on the head with this one. Well done!

  18. Ryan needs to get a big boot in his ass! What a jerk!
    Kudos to Lewis and his fellow Democrats.

  19. This whole stripping away of rights is so bogus. What about the right of we the people to not be gunned down in public places, in our homes, schools, at work? Or the right not to not have to be worried about attending movies, going to the mall, sporting events, parades, etc., etc. And maybe we don’t attend that event we really wanted to – isn’t that an infringement on our right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

  20. attilatheblond says:

    Somebody prolly needs to get Paul Ryan a new shovel. He most likely wore his out tonight, what with all that digging he did in that hole he’s in. What ever made that squirt think the could bend John Lewis to his will?

    Wonder what John Boehner was doin this evening. Saw on the Twitter that he mowed his lawn real nice. Looks happy.

  21. News beginning at the 3 am EDT hour (12 am for me):

    Showing his dick-i-tude, R Rep. Patrick McHenry, at 3:20 am EDT, told Luke Russert: “it shows they (Dems) have a lot of free time. We’re actually trying to legislate here in the House and get things done, and since they’re the minority party in the House they’ve got a significant amount of free time, apparently, to spend the day sitting on the House floor, literally sitting on the floor. I don’t think it achieved much, and in fact they can’t even resolve themselves what bill they want brought up.”

    Jackass… I’d love to see him confronted by the families of gun violence. Angry family members. And what exactly are the R’s getting done?

    The R’s shut down the House, in essence, until July 5. Some Dems are now leaving the building, some are staying until dawn at the urging of Maxine Waters. I hope Reps will hear loudly and clearly from their constituents over the break. As for me, my rep is a blue dog Dem and I’ve no idea if he was in the House but I walk right by his local office on my way to work and plan on stopping by in the morning. I know that my two Dem Senators stopped by in support, as did three of the five US Reps (all three Dems) from my state. The other US Rep is an R – previously moderate, but tacking right lately.

    3:35 am: Steny Hoyer is saying the R’s have not voted on Puerto Rico debt which needed to be done in the next couple of days. John Lewis is now talking to the press, along with Rep. Clark and Rep. Cicilline.

    Rep. Lewis: “We made some progress, we crossed one bridge, but we have other bridges to cross. We will continue to fight. A little more than 50 years ago I crossed a bridge. Not just one time, but it took us three times to make it all the way from Selma to Montgomery… The American people want us to do something.” And said when they come back in July they will start again.

    Rep. Ciciline about the R’s: “While America was sleeping, they snuck out of Washington in the dark of night and left this business unfinished.”

    Hoyer (paraphrasing): the fight will continue when we come back into session. The R’s shut down the people’s house; they only worked 6 hours this week.

    MSNBC reports a few print rags are slamming Paul Ryan.

    4 am EDT: The remaining Dems are continuing to speak and broadcasting themselves over Periscope. Still airing on C-SPAN! Take that, Paul Ryan!!!

  22. If he believes that, why won’t he allow a vote in a bill. He could go on the record with his opposition to gun control. Of course it will be used in the election against him and all who vote against it, but a leader would have the courage to make his opinion known and make the case for it.

  23. Ryan is simply the front man for those who worship the Golden Calf a/k/a Second Amendment, and believe me, this is a whopping case of idolatry! In their heads, the Second Amendment is the whole entire beeswax. Forget all the other amendments and even the Constitution. Their Chief Priest is Wayne LaPierre and so help me Hanna all the innocents slaughtered are their burnt offerings!

  24. Marcia in CO says:

    When Wanker Ryan said and insisted that he DID NOT want to be SotH, folks should have listened … but, NO … they insisted he be the Chosen One. So, appearing humble and obliging like a sacrificial virgin, he accepted the position!
    He is a flaming damned fool … just like all of the GOPers who, given a choice between throwing the wife and kids out the door or their friggen guns, you’d find the little wife and the brats out in the street and these selfish, ignorant a-holes clutching the beloved guns to their sunken chests and bloated guts!!

  25. Every “budget” that Paul Ryan generates is a publicity stunt. He is smarter than I anticipated because after his first effort’ which was detailed, was torn to shreds by economists, his subsequent attempts became much more nebulous.
    I predict he will run in 2016 under the slogan of “A Joe Isuzu for our time!”

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Lyin’ Ryan the granny snuffer and delusional ‘self-made man’ pretends to be a fiscal conservative. After HS and college supported by the social safety nets he is now determined to destroy, his wankership received his M.R.S. degree from the Little family.

    To Little Paulie, staging a sit-in to demand a vote is a political stunt. Fine. So Paulie Little, what do you call a government shut-down by a your colleague reading “Green Eggs & Ham”? Orders of magnitude. Think about it, Wanker.

  27. Annabelle Lee says:

    The 4th, 8th, and 14th Amendments are being systematically gutted. But oh, no, that’s all fine as long as we still have our precious, precious 2nd.

    It just makes me so tired, sometimes.

  28. Golly, it is a very good thing to be back home from DC, of all places……lovely family wedding, but a totally packed DC……every time I mentioned the dump, I got eye rolls……this is hopeful. I missed you, JJ… time for internet or tv……rather refreshing for a few days.

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Annabelle Lee, those snacilbupeR Constitutional ‘scholars’ are afraid to read the 2nd Amendment as written. “Well regulated militia” – fuggedaboudit. Historical times and context as to what constituted “arms” – fuggedaboudit.

    Lyin’ Ryan sure wasn’t thinking about the 1st Amendment yesterday, when he shut off the microphones and pulled the plug on C-SPAN.

    Regarding the 14th Amendment, snacilbupeR are ready to turn back time and ignore its very existence. They don’t want to improve on our experiment in democracy; they want to bury it.

    In the words of Khrushchev, “we will bury you!” The snacilbupeR and their standard bearer Donnie Drumpf have adopted that sentiment. Hyperbolic? No. Ironic? Yes. It’s highly ironic that the kings of crony capitalism are adopting the totalitarian aspects of communism to further their goal of claiming all wealth for less than .01% of the worlds’ population.

  30. Elizabeth Moon says:

    The Second Amendment isn’t what they worship–it’s the NRA’s golden dollars on the one hand and their fear of the gun-nuts on the other.

    The gun-nuts worship their guns–like the guy who said to a grieving father that his right to carry mattered more than the other man’s son. The NRA and GOP reps worship the money.

  31. I notice they never mention the part about a “well regulated militia” when preaching about the second amendment.

    I say when you can brings gun into the halls of Congress and Republican conventions, you can talk to me about not having more control of who can purchase guns.

  32. Diane: That’s a fantastic idea! Repugnicans are so keen on open carry, let them give us an example and allow it at their convention. It’s like a friend of mine commented in December, think of what Wal-Mart would’ve looked like on black Friday if everyone had been packing. Yeah, this is the perfect opportunity for a demonstration. Can I get an amen?

  33. Wow, just flipped over to C-SPAN and the rogue Dems are still self-broadcasting from the floor of the House. Love it. And I love C-SPAN for carrying the bootleg live stream! Bet Paulie (and Rep. Gomer, and others) are steamin’ mad.

  34. e platypus onion says:

    Those who fail to remember the past are wingnuts and they done forgot the past. Now they are wingnut-peating it.

  35. OldenGrey says:

    I find it rich that Ryan said today that the democrat sit-in undermines the House as an institution. But heck, lets get that respect back for the institution by voting for the 900th time to kill Obamacare. Nothing breeds respect like sincerity.

  36. e platypus onion says:

    Wingnuttery-in 2014, 3% of Planned Parenthood’s services were abortions and wingnuts screamed to have Planned Parenthood clinics defunded and shut down.

    In 2014, 3% of murders were committed with assault type weapons and wingnuts demanded that guns not be shut down.

  37. e platypus onion says:

    Today at the NRA’s headquarters in Fairfax, Virginia, oversized letters on the facade no longer refer to “marksmanship” and “safety.” Instead, the Second Amendment is emblazoned on a wall of the building’s lobby. Visitors might not notice that the text is incomplete. It reads:
    “.. the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”
    The first half—the part about the well regulated militia—has been edited out.

    Good history of the far right takeover of the NRA.
    Read more:
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  38. The NRA succeeds because it riles up its members so they barrage Congress with letters and phone calls. They win by threatening members of pulling support. You win by doing the same in reverse. You vote against a gun control measure and you get primaried. If you are a GOPer you can choose between one million from the NRA or two million from us. Heck, make that ten million. Make it politically foolish for anyone to shill for domestic terrorist group.

  39. epo, those 3% statistics are heartbreaking – and excellent information to use when talking to tea baggers, wingnuts, and other idiots.

    When the Democrats walked out of the building following their sit in, they were met with cheers. CHEERS! Remember, we’re talking members of Congress. Congress that has near single digit approval ratings. That would Never happen for snacilbupeR.
