Okay, That Does It

May 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m moving to Corpus Christi and running for congress, dammit.

Republican congressman Blake Farenthold often gets talked about at the beauty salon.  That’s because he is a gluttonous, gap-toothed, knuckle dragging, ducky pajama wearing, idiot man who is as worthless as a four card flush.

All over the news is a story about Sean Hannity ranting for weeks about the young man killed in Washington, DC being the source of the DNC leaks.  It is fake news, has been proven to be fake news, and the murder victim’s parents and brother have begged Hannity to stop it.  Fox News and Hannity have backed off the story and one particularly insane story about it has been removed from the Fox News website.

Everyone thought this conspiracy theory went the same way as the story that Hillary Clinton ran a child pornography ring in the basement of a Washington, DC pizza joint that doesn’t even have a basement.

But, no, some damn fool told Blake about it.

And Blake says we need to investigate it because “it’s on the internet.”

Out loud.  He said that crap out loud.  Hellfire, there’s even a video of it on CNN.  Click right here and watch it yourownself.  Or here it is right here.



You wanna know what else is circulating on the internet, Blake? That you are a really, really bad human being.  And stoopid. Real damn stoopid.  Dumber than dog dump stoopid.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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