Oh Y’all, Really.

July 28, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is going to be indicted for securities fraud this week by special prosecutors and the Texas Rangers.

He’s already spinning enough to make butter.

Get a load of this statement from Paxton spokesman, Anthony Holm.

“Normally, seasoned prosecutors are appointed to aid investigations,” Holm wrote in an op-ed for the Austin American-Statesman published Monday. “Instead, these two defense lawyers have built incredibly lucrative practices defending people charged with crimes, including drug and child sex crimes — the very type of criminal Attorney General Paxton tries to put in prison. One wonders about the impartiality of the appointed special prosecutors when their trade is defending those charged with the most heinous of crimes.”

Okay, first of all, and you would think that Holm and Paxton would know this – the Texas Attorney General does not generally prosecute drugs and child sex crimes.  He goes after people who don’t pay child support.  That’s bad, but the two prosecutors don’t represent those guys.

Second of all, one of the two special prosecutors, Brian Wice, represented Tom DeLay – yeah, that drug dealing child sex crime thug.  The other one, Kent Schaffer, works hard to insure that cops don’t overstep their authority and prosecutors don’t illegally hide evidence.  That’s a good thing.

Third of all, Paxton has been in office six months and has done diddly squat.  As far as I know, criminal defense lawyers love him and would look quizzically at anyone who said that Paxton was tough on crime.

Ken Paxton has admitted guilt on the state charges.  Since he can’t defend himself, he’s attacking the officers of the court.  He’s a jerk.

I’m going to enjoy this one.

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0 Comments to “Oh Y’all, Really.”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Someone needs to go back to law school and take a refresher course on special prosecutors. I’m just sayin’…

  2. In my litigation practice, I have always found it advantageous to the best interests of my client to hurl personal insults at the attorneys on the other side. Particularly if they are extremely skilled and experienced. If there was any doubt that Paxton was an idiot before…

  3. @Henry: Like

  4. Hollyanna says:

    @Henry said it all succinctly. Someone hand Paxton the duct tape.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Texans had to know Paxton is a jerk. He has a big R behind his name,appears to be clueless as to thwe constitution and the rules of the office he holds.

  6. @Henry
    Maybe he’ll call out the Judge during trial. Always makes for a nice two-fer.

  7. So when is he going to be disbarred?

  8. Is this the man who stole a wallet going thru airport security?

  9. going to laaaaaaaaaaaaugh

  10. Chloe Bear says:

    Nom. Nom. Nom. Pass the popcorn please.

  11. OK, I read what he said. He failed his own competency test.

  12. Your baseball team has the power to indict a sitting Attorney General? Man Texas is weird!

  13. mollusk says:

    It’s understandable (if unfortunate) that this doofus beat out a very qualified opponent in the general election because of the R behind his name. What baffles me is how he managed to get through the primary – the securities violations were already starting to peek out even then.

  14. @sybil, I believe Paxton took an expensive fountain pen someone had left in a bin at a security entrance to a state building. After the pen’s owner came back for it, the security tape revealed that it was Paxton who took it.

  15. maryelle says:

    So Mr. Truth, Justice and the American Way is low-life Republican crook. Pardon the redundancy.

  16. eyesoars says:

    Lless@12: Only some baseball teams have the power to indict elected officials. The Houston Astros only have the privilege of being able to indict crimes against fashion.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    Maybe City Council (for what reason?) Don Zimmerman got his ideas from Paxton? I really don’t know how to talk about this but folks, we have career criminals in Texas.

  18. @Lless
    If the baseball Rangers were playing better those comments would be funny. Since the are 6 or 8 under .500 and playing the Evil Empire, not so much.
