Oh, Y’all. I Can’t Stand It. I Have Overdosed on Drama.

July 02, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all remember Cecil Bell.

Screen-Shot-2015-01-11-at-11.43.06-AMCecil is a high school graduate who thinks arithmetic is for sissies.  He’s a Republican State Representative and he’s nuts.

Cecil has a big announcement coming next week.  He’s been hinting that he’s going to run for speaker of the Texas house.

I’ll be damned.  Look here what he says.

Bell spent Thursday morning promoting a Monday announcement for a “PACT for Constitutional Restoration of State Sovereignty.”

He said because of recent US Supreme Court decisions, including the one regarding same-sex marriage, he will unveil a “plan of action to restore the constitutional sovereignty of our states and of our people.”

The boy’s talking about secession.  Seriously.  And the best part?

“Everyone that I have talked to contends that they are very frustrated and don’t know what to do,” Bell said. “I find on this subject that we are largely devoid of leadership.”

Well, yeah, the pro-ebola subject is also devoid of leadership and, like secession, it does not need none at all.  And Cecil, the only people who will talk to you are those who don’t know what to do.  Hell, they most likely can’t even find dinner and don’t know what to do about it.

This guy is dumber than dog dump and about half a pretty.  This is gonna be so much fun.

Thanks to Bubba for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh, Y’all. I Can’t Stand It. I Have Overdosed on Drama.”

  1. Old Mayfly says:

    Don’t be unkind, Juanita Jean. I have a bag of rocks on the back porch, and they don’t know what to do either.

  2. You are having way too much fun and I am jealous!

    All the fun I had was 3 weeks of 2 escaped convicts, road blocks, helicopters, journalists and yes Dog the Bounty hunter made it up to this neck of the woods.
    And back surgery in 2 weeks.

    You win big time!

  3. Angelo_Frank says:

    Secession, nullification, sedition, treason and rebellion. It’s all the same when it comes to the “Restoration of State Sovereignty” for Cecil the Bull.

  4. Why doesn’t the federal government get involved when someone does a treasonous act? If they would start trying them and tossing them into federal prison – they would stop this stuff. Give them some consequences.

  5. Dontchajustknow that the working horses on his ranch go to the back 40 and draw strays, with the loser having that larda$$ sit on his/her back some part of the day? Surprised they haven’t joined the pigs that are walking upright on their hind legs, muttering how four legs are good but two legs are better.

  6. Let’s call it what it is — treason.

  7. And let’s call it what it is — flunking Civics class and total ignorance of the Constitution.

  8. Ralph Wiggam says:

    “restore the constitutional sovereignty”

    “constitutional sovereignty” is an oxymoron and he is a moronic ox.

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    THANK YOU RHEA!!! One of these days the dim bulbs who keep crying about the Constitution will actually maybe READ the damn thing! Sheesh!!

  10. Old Fart says:

    I suspect that these “young” secession types think that roads and bridges (and such) are God given things that are resources to be exploited…

    As opposed to being owned by the USA…

  11. Glen Maxey says:

    Well crap. I been looking for a husband. Some peeps think I need a big ole country boy. Cecil was suggested. My friends have a wicked mean sense of humor.

  12. Hahahahahahahaha! That’s perfect Ralph.

  13. there is a reason I tend to vote for people who I think are just a bit smarter than me, for public office. that way, I (mostly) avoid having to be embarrassed by admitting that I voted for a dumbass like mr. bell. have you noticed that about 99.99999999999999999999% of the flagrantly dumbass public officials are republicans? I sense a pattern developing.

  14. holycrap…we are so screwed.

  15. Why do Conservatives always hide behind big and confusing words like ‘freedom’ and ‘constitutional sovereignty’ ? Why don’t they just say what they really mean, “Them minorities, women and liberals don’t deserve the same rights as I do”

  16. UmptyDump says:

    That fatass looks like his arteries are going to clog up soon and he’ll kick the bucket before he ever achieves the speakership.

  17. Nina Jo says:

    Oh Glen! Don’t sell yourself short. You could do soooo much better than that dumb tub of lard!

  18. BarbinDC says:

    I’m just waiting for Barack Obama (our very own Mr. Spock) to calmly and undramatically explain to this yahoo how, exactly, Texas would be affected by secession. It will be glorious!

  19. What, Bell is not going to run for President?!! I’m so disappointed.

  20. Ellen Childress says:

    Well, this is another piece of the secessionist puzzle. Gov. Abbott signed HB 483 which brings ( ?? ) $1 Billion of gold bullion to the Univ. of Texas to a vault they are supposed to be constructing to hold it. I am not amused anymore.

  21. AKLynne says:

    How come Texas is so overloaded with Drama Queens? Is this a thing?

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    Ellen, I expect the vault would be funded by the sweat of the brows of fast food workers and messicans who don deserve no better. That’s the murican way. AND you know, Texas does everything better.

  23. Lets call it what it also is – inbreeding.

  24. One thing you can definitely say about Cecil: Unlike the people who will talk to him, he doesn’t have any problems finding dinner.

  25. maryelle says:

    Perhaps all the morons who support Mr. Bell could just leave together, form a community way north of nowhere and discriminate against each other all the day long. If not, STFudgeU.

  26. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cecil is such a piker. Now that boy clerk from Kentucky who is all butt hurt over same sex marriage has a point. Yeah buddy, that loser has decided to refuse marriage licenses to everyone to ‘prove’ he doesn’t discriminate.

    Translate: he ain’t married.

    So, Kentucky, until ya’ll get up a go fund page and buy him a subscription to mail order brides, marriage is dead in ‘his’ county. Please hurry, while he still has a job …. and there’s a slim chance there is a woman so desperate to marry this loser clerk. If he’s without a job, she may renege.

  27. TruelyTexan says:

    Secession would be interesting for these idiots. They would lose the entire military (yes even the National Guard stuff they have), all federal funding and protection, and all the educated folks they have. All so they can be bigots. What they don’t seem to realize is that we border Mexico. Since we took the land from them a few years ago (by southern history standards) why wouldn’t they just come take it right back? They have a military (Texas doesn’t) as well as more people and lots of well armed cartels (mostly guns from here). I just don’t think a bunch of ignorant rednecks with a bible in one hand and a gun in the other could stop them.
    Actually the more I think about it, the Mexican government could hardly do worse than our state morons. Plus all the good food.

  28. Ralph Wiggam says:

    TruelyTexan, you missed an important factor. Everyone on Medicare would have to move in order to get treatment. Secession would mean exiling all grandparents.

  29. e platypus onion says:

    AK Lynne-them thar drama queens is audishioning fer Faux Noize newest numero uno demographic- lily white-inbreds of all ages.

  30. TruelyTexan says:

    Well there goes their voting base. Does not leave many left to defend the new sovereign nation of Texas / New New Mexico.

  31. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Bone ignorant, knows nothing, and talking treason. Yeah, sure, Cecil my boy, you *would* think secession is a good idea. Here’s a better one. Shut your pie-hole and learn to read.

  32. Corinne Sabo says:

    Succession because he thinks Perry is electable?

  33. Rubymay says:

    Ah, how quickly they forget. It seems to me that Texas’ governor (such as he is) asked for help during the recent flooding. Of course, that’s over now. Don’t need the United States anymore. Nosirree!

    It’s okay with me — all we have to do is move the fence.

  34. Just when I think it cant get worse it does. I really worry when voters elect buffoon like this to public office. I sometimes think someone released the primate sections of state zoos and the Repubs are putting them in office.
