Oh No! Not The Porn!

December 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes you just gotta love the South Carolina Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club, if only because nobody else does.

screen-shot-2016-12-21-at-10-15-16-amThey have a dandy little project that’s gonna work as good as prohibition.

They are gonna keep pornography off the internet machine in South Carolina. Yes, indeed, a South Carolina free of pornography.  Here’s the plan:

Computers and devices sold in South Carolina that can access the internet would be required to have filters installed to prevent people from viewing pornography, although buyers could pay a $20 fee to remove the blocking software under a proposal before the legislature.

Republicans put the government in my bedroom, then my uterus, and now in my MacBook.

And I kinda suspect that their idea of porn and my idea of porn might be real different.

But here’s the part that worries me:  you know what’s worse than a Trump-supporting angry old white guy?  A Trump-supporting angry old white guy without porn on his computer.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

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