Oh Hell No

December 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh hell, this is just crazy.

The State of Texas has passed a law requiring health clinics and abortion providers to give a state-issued brochure to women considering an abortion.

It is a lovely thing filed with guilt, lies, incorrect medical information and real bad advice. We’re talking crappy advice.

By the way, starting on December 19th any fetal material from abortions and miscarriages have to be buried or cremated.  How you can perform a “funeral” without a birth or death certificate is beyond me.

But back to the brochure.

Critics have lambasted the brochure for using loaded language and reprinting factual errors, such as linking abortion to a higher risk of breast cancer and that a fetus can feel pain in the early stages of pregnancy. In both cases, scientific studies have debunked those suggestions, although the pamphlet reports them as fact.

Other revisions are linguistic, such as increasing use of the term “your baby” to describe the fetus from four references in the last version to 79 in the version released Monday.

But the stinkin’ advice making headlines today is that the brochure advises women to call 911 if they “feel pressured” into having an abortion.  Texas Right-to-Life takes credit for this change and they got it at taxpayer expense.

The Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas is not pleased, saying such calls could impede the response to emergencies like shootings and home invasions.

“Texas police are short-staffed all over the state in big urban departments and in small rural places and everything in between, so unless someone’s holding you down trying to force you to have an abortion, then you’re going to be placed on a priority two or three,” said Charley Wilkison, executive director of the Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas, also known as CLEAT.

I am not real sure what “feeling pressured” means. But whatever it means, it’s not an emergency.  It is, however, one more way to put government in your uterus.


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