Obama’s Still Comin’!

December 05, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, Texas Governor Greg Abbott does not think you are terrified enough about Obama coming for your guns!

Here’s the whole scare-people-for-money email, but here’s the Reader’s Digest edition:

abbott_greg_jpg_800x1000_q100President Barack Obama is FURIOUS.

On January 20, he’s going to hand over the reins of our federal government to Donald Trump – a man he clearly despises.

But with nothing left to lose, I’m afraid President Obama is going to spend the final weeks of his administration looking for every opportunity to go around Congress and destroy our Second Amendment freedoms!

As your Governor, I’m committed to doing everything I can to protect our gun rights – both in this upcoming session of the Texas Legislature and by taking every legal action possible to stop Washington, D.C.’s assaults.

Yeah, that dude is going door-to-door to get your guns.  I mean, he doesn’t have a lot of time to cover the whole country so he’ll probably just sneak in, shoot you, and then make off with your guns.  Or give them to gay people wanting abortions while burning the flag.

Also, Texas law says you can’t give the Governor campaign contributions while the legislature is in session so you better hurry up because after December 10th, you can’t give Greg Abbott money to fight Obama until like … I dunno, this summer, and by then all the damn guns will be in the hands of illegal aliens who want to vote.


The best part?  He whines that the Supreme Court is “deadlocked.” Now, whose fault is that?


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