New Depths of Creepy

September 20, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Long time customer Don sent me some creepy stuff from a new movie being produced at Liberty University, the spawn of Jerry Falwell.

A guy named Mark Taylor believes that Donald Trump was sent by God to save all of creation and your happy butt, too.  He’s probably wrong but he does have some interesting theories.

Opponents of the Great Hero Trump, Taylor says, are “not even human.” Their DNA, he reports, has been altered so that they are now “pure out evil” demonic creatures. These demonic non-humans, Taylor explains, “eat kids.” And because killing and eating children is illegal, Taylor says, the GHT will one day arrest them all.

Okay that’s one of the milder and maybe even plausible things.

Taylor warns that President Trump will soon declare martial law and begin publicly executing his political enemies. Actually, Taylor did not say this as a warning, but as a celebration.

You can go read it all.

I have to show you something.



If I was on a jury pool in a pedophile case and they said that this was the defendant, I’d have to disqualify myself because my mind is made up.  He did it.  That guy is guilty.



See what I mean?  He’s guilty, right?

Thanks to Don A for the heads up.

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