Naming Names

September 09, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Four Texas Republicans voted against Hurricane Harvey aid for Texas.

I’m fixing to name them right now: Twit, Jerk, Idiot, and Damn Crook.

If you want their birth names, you have to trust someone else because they are all dead to me.

Four Texas Republicans opposed the package: Reps. Joe Barton, Jeb Hensarling, Sam Johnson and Mac Thornberry. But none of them represent counties deemed disaster areas by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Yeah, they live in the Dallas area.

Louie Gohmert and Blake Farenthold both voted for it because their districts were impacted by Harvey.

So, the “government should only get involved if it benefits me personally” continues to be the Texas Republican mantra.


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