Ken Starr: Fall Guy

May 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I don’t think anything has made me smirk any more than this news.

Ken Starr, of Clinton impeachment fame, is being made the fall guy for the criminal acts of Baylor University’s football team.  Whoa, rarely do you get to see Queen Karma boink someone on the head with her wand while the whole damn country is watching.

Starr was fired this morning by the Board of Regents as Baylor’s president.

USA-STARR-PEPPERDINE-PRESSERThe three dozen members of the Baylor regents board are blaming Starr – not football coach Art Briles – for failed leadership during the ongoing scandal over how the school handled reports of rape and assault made against five BU football players – two of whom (Tevin Elliott and Sam Ukwuachu) were convicted of raping Baylor co-eds, sources close to the situation told

Making a long story short.  Baylor hired a new football coach, Art Briles, who was amazing at winning football games but he did it with players who raped coeds.

Baylor won so many games that the university built a new $300 million football stadium.  So, you can’t fire the football coach because you’d have a $300 million empty stadium.

They fired Ken Starr instead, which makes my heart happy.  Boy Howdy, he had it comin’.

By the way, last week it appears that Starr was trying to apologize for what he did to Clinton.  Too little, too late, Ken.


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0 Comments to “Ken Starr: Fall Guy”

  1. two crows says:

    From the link:
    “Clinton was ‘the most gifted politician of the baby boomer generation,’ Starr said. ‘His genuine empathy for human beings is absolutely clear. It is powerful, it is palpable. The folks of Arkansas really understood that.'”

    Hmmm. Were reporters present when he made the comment? If so, did anyone think to ask the follow up question, “Uh, Mr. Starr? Do you regret the witch hunt you conducted during his administration? Are you willing to refund your cut of the $6 million in tax-payer funds that you garnered during said witch hunt?”

    No, I didn’t think so.

    My oh my, I’m so glad this particular karma didn’t wait till Starr’s next lifetime to come back to bite him. It’s so much more satisfying to watch it happen this way.

    THIS, Mr. Starr, THIS is how it feels.
    Or maybe not. Your little ordeal will last one news cycle. It won’t go on for years and years. I think there’s some more karma waiting in the wings and it WILL come after you yet.

  2. daChipster says:

    Gee! And him bein’ such an expert on sex investigations, and such-like. Couldn’ta happened to a nicer guy.

    Looks like I’ll be enjoying a side of schadenfreude with supper tonight.

  3. SallyinMI says:

    My niece lives near Austin (my poor Ohio-raised brother wants to leave, but his job…and he has sort of embraced the GOP crap because he hates immigrants) and she wanted to get into Baylor’s music program. She was not accepted, and I have to say I was glad that she wouldn’t be anywhere near Ken Starr. Now Baylor will have to deal with a corrupt football coach. Bet he gets at least another year in.

  4. Sandridge says:

    How big and fancy is Starr’s “golden parachute”?
    Y’all know danged well he got one, even when getting sh!tcanned.
    Also too, spending $300M for a dawgdamned football palace is effen insane.
    Didn’t some high school near Dallass spend well over $100M on one too?
    I do look forward to sailing away from this RW insane asylum.
    (you may gather I’m not a ‘fan’ of taxpayer subsidized sports, especially for things like pro stadiums)

  5. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Will Starr apologize for leaking grand jury testimony to the media? He is a perfect fit for a Baptist University, they like to make rules for others but exempt themselves.

  6. So there’s all this tripe in the Waco press how through the efforts of Chip and Joanna, Waco has turned the corner of the gang shoot out last year and the Branch Davidians years ago. Not. As long as Waco has Baylor University and Baylor U has athletic programs, Baylor will recruit thug/athletes.

  7. Great to see Starr going down in flames, but I’d love even more to see the rapists (all of them) and their enablers going to jail for nice long terms, and their victims getting good help and going on to have happy lives.

  8. An oldie. Baptist think the Lord can’t see through a brown paper sack coming out of the liquor store

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Where will Ken the porn Starr’s golden parachute take him next? Maybe Bang ’em Young has an opening.

    Does anyone know why Pepperdine tossed his butt?

    paul, old jokes are great! Some of us are young enough to have not heard them, while others are old enough to have forgotten they heard them. 😀

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Trey Gowdy will start another investigation into why HRC had Starr fired and then link it to her emails and Benghazi so the taxpayers can watch another investigation burn more tax money.

  11. … and Karma will indict him for campaign finance fraud.

  12. maryelle says:

    Hillary has to be smiling today.

  13. That Other Jean says:

    Heeeeeeee! To quote Tennessee Ernie Ford, in “16 Tons,”

    “One fist of iron, the other of steel–
    if the right one don’t get you, then the left one will.”

    Way to go, karma! Now, please, get to work on doing right by the rape victims.

  14. such delightful news today…..thanks for the lovely info on that jerk………now, if only the rump will pick newt….we should sic ken baby on them…..

  15. Edward Starsmith says:

    I seem to be the only one here chilled at the prospect of an unemployed Ken Starr looking for something to do.

  16. At some point after the Clinton “scandal” and when he was about to go west to Pepperdine, I saw KS sauntering into a high end restaurant in northern Virginia for a sit down dinner with a bunch of suits with attitudes etc. very much like the guest of honor. I did wonder at the time what he was doing there when he was supposed to be out of the area. This must have been about the time PU decided they could do better. Ya know, KS is hardly nothing to look at. Maybe thats why he went all ape***** on Clinton. Damned Napoleonic in my view.

  17. Something my son said. Now that he is free-floating, could Trump see him as a possible Attorney General?

    Let us not never ever see that day . . . when it could possibly happen!

  18. Before you get too carried away, you might want to check this out. Evidently the board of regents hasn’t confirmed Kenny’s sacking:
    JJ, make sure everyone at the salon has all fingers crossed.

  19. UmptyDump says:

    Aside from Starr, what will Baylor do to remedy its reputation for men being men and women being victims?

  20. I don’t know if you guys remember this part, but almost a year before the impeachment farce Starr tried to wrap up the investigation with no referral of wrongdoing on the part of Clinton. I think at the time he wanted to go to a cushy job at Pepperdine he had lined up. The Republicans led by Gingrich went ballistic and who knows what pressure they put on him but he ended cancelling those plans.


    And that’s how we ended up with he BJ scandal.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Alan, the answers you seek are in the book “The Hunting Of The President” by Joe Conason and Gene Lyons. There are/were scads of wingnut attorneys from yuuuuuge law firms pushing the legal efforts to destroy the Clintons. It is all well documented and even tells which of Starr’s attorneys leaked privileged info to wingnut pols and news outlets.

  22. Linda Phipps says:

    Fran, oh God no, Trump and Newt: two fat-faced frauds?

  23. I read that same blog entry as @Mary R. Not that is yuuuuugely more authoritative than

  24. My ex is a college professor and a Baylor grad. We have a daughter. When our daughter was looking for a college I asked my ex about Baylor. She said Baylor was an academic joke. This was in 2005. Baylor apparently is known in some academic circles as the “Brazos River Bible College.”

  25. e platypus: Yes I read Conason/Lyons for not only that but many other things they wrote. I know all about the hunt. Their book supports what I wrote — that Ken Starr wanted to call it quits but wasn’t allowed to.

    So that’s how we ended up with Lewinsky.

  26. On another site dedicated to Baylor thugletics, one of the posters, a dedicated Baylor critic posted that the Southern Baptists should get Baylor out of all athletics for years, maybe as many as 10. Having witnessed up close and personal the SMU death penalty fall out I’m not sure I’d want Baylor to go that far, but if it takes that long to clean the house, then so be it.

    One poster called the wins “tainted” and accused that everyone knew it. On a normal day I’d call the guy a Baylor fan, given the content of previous posts that I seem to recall.

    The Baylor fans are restless!

  27. Yes indeed, the “Vast Rightwing Conspiracy.” Hillary was right about many things, including that. SnacilbupeR aren’t trying to hide it any more.

  28. Remember that Loopy Louie went to Baylor and was student body president there. Also, the Baylor football team primarily played teams from much smaller schools up until last year. They complained about not being highly rated since they won so many games, as if no one would notice their light schedule.

  29. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Alan, I for one don’t remember; think I was playing Little League or T-Ball during that time frame. But what I do know now thanks to you, others and google is that Donnie Drumpf and his snacibebeR sycophants are beyond being hypocrites.

    Debbo, the snacilbuper are beyond desperate. Donnie Drumpf is their candidate. Hilz is a hampered candidate, but dayum, she should stomp Drumpf with all categories of the sane electorate.

    But, we cannot afford to take anything for granted. Not only do we need to vote. some of us need to reach out to the Drumpf websites and bombard them with facts.

    Let’s list the media sites and make our voices heard.×7732501

    (>.<) Even Fox Not the News. Kill them with kindness, and maybe catch the attention of those semi-cognizant enough to comprehend Donnie's flip flopping and the train of snacilbuper elected officials ready to follow Chris Cristie into Donnie's colonoscopy.

  30. RepubAnon says:

    My guess is the reason Ken Star was fired was BECAUSE he tried to apologize for the way he treated Bill Clinton.

  31. Rubymay says:

    I’m pretty much with two crows @ #1, but I also think Ken’s handlers pushed him on relentlessly when there was no “there” there. I’m not defending him here — far from it. He deserves the Karma that’s coming to him. He’s never been much of anything, really, but he certainly got paid well, and perhaps he’ll learn something about pay-back.

  32. Debbo, some people lie awake nights worrying about the vast left-wing conspiracy. Others of us lie awake worrying because there isn’t one.

  33. If Starr had Any integrity (which we know he doesn’t) when he found nothing wrong he should have said so and stepped down.I find his firing wonderfully enjoyable but not nearly enough.


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