I Don’t Know What To Make of This

March 28, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Several customers have pointed out to me that past presidents all the way back to Reagan have had Czars.  You know, Drug Czar, TARP Czar, Cyber Security Czar, Homeland Security Czar …

Why is it that Donald Trump doesn’t have a Czar?

I dunno.  Maybe he is gonna have comrades instead.

I hope somebody has taught him the word proletariat because an upraising seems imminent once his supporters realize they’ve been screwed, glued, and tattooed.


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0 Comments to “I Don’t Know What To Make of This”

  1. The word Czar reminds Putin too much of the former times when the Romanovs ruled Russia. And there ain’t no Czar gonna be above Putin. So there. Just one of many concessions Drumpf will make to his Russian master.

  2. JJ— You are an optimist. The Trump base are in LOVE. They will get him to change. You will see, their is a great good man in there you just don’t understand him. All he just need’s is some love, and oh, he will never hit me again. His base sounds like every battered women I ever met.

  3. charles phillips says:

    Bob, you have a point. Trump’s basest of bases do not believe a word against him. Absolutely not a one. They say it’s all a big lie perped by liberal democrats and communists.

    Taken together, one can see they are confused and blind.

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    bob and charles are absolutely correct – read the comments elsewhere in response to each bit as it comes out. Those who have drunk the koolaid still believe he’s wonderful, this is all Obama’s lies, and Hilary poses the REAL Russian threat. ‘There are none so blind as those who will not see.’

  5. He just named Jared Kushner as head of a committee to make the government run like a business. Their business plan is to find a way to take all the money the people pay in as taxes and what the blue states send to the government (this will all be considered profit) and put it into their companies; they will have to designate these as federal agencies or give them all no-bid contracts to replace government workers.

  6. It’s not just that his base still believes in him. Some of them, at least, are starting to see that they’ve been conned. But it’s hard to admit that you’ve been conned, that a rich guy took you for a sap, that you did something dumb and likely to make your life worse. People just don’t want to admit that and they resist as long as they can, especially if they think other people regard them as being rubes anyway.

    Instead of saying “You’ve been had,” it’s a better approach to say, “Look, he promised you all this stuff, and it’s not happening.” Focus on his failure, not theirs.

  7. Probably because the cj thinks that he is a czar and he doesn’t want any competition.
    Like the autocratic czars of lore the uneducated mentally impaired peons in the hinterlands still think he is perfect it is only the press, the nobles (Senate, house and judiciary) that are blocking his actions ( even though an all powerful czar gets blocked how?) and the censoring the messages from his “children” so he doesn’t know what terrible things are being done in his name.

  8. Fred Farklestone says:

    Found this in a book I’m read a few years back called,
    “The Rise Of The Zulu Nation,” page 50

    ” Any anti-Zulu medicine a future enemy clan might want to prepare would have to be based on Shaka’s (inSila), or “dirt” – which ranged from excreta to fingernail pairings so a series of attendants was appointed to deal with it. The Royal Barber,who paid with his life for the slightest nick in the royal chin,had daily to collect the shavenstubble,burn it, and scatter the ashes in a river.There was also a Receiver of the Royal Spittle (his back served as a receptacle),andeven a Wiper of the Royal Anus.”
    Who in the Trump White House do you think would fill the following jobs?
    “The Royal Barber” or “The Receiver of the Royal Spittle” and finally who do you think is the “Wiper of the Royal Anus?”

  9. Sandridge says:

    Да, Да, like minds, Micr. ;]
    Czar=Tsar, root is the Latin/Roman ‘Caesar=Emperor- an absolute monarch, not necessarily ‘of royalty’.
    I’ve been researching, in general, Russian history the last month or so.
    The Tsars weren’t the only ‘royalty’ around of course, and they were amazingly close to the English monarchy, along with the Danish, German, Norwegian, etc., ones of the time too.
    (I’m fairly anti-monarchy, some of them, like Queen ER II (and her hilarious consort, Prince Phillip), seem like nice people, but the whole system is inherently rotten to the core.
    However, it, and feudalism, etc., once served a societal purpose. I’d like to think that we have progressed way beyond that, but I wonder about all these ‘authoritarian worshiping’ types (most R’s) yearning to return to the 10-1800’s.)

    And as far as “comrades, proletariat”, etc… Well, it wasn’t pretty, but it seemed necessary to some at the time, just as Putin, et al., eliminate some of their perceived enemies:
    (this Wiki entry isn’t for the fainthearted—>)

  10. @Fred Farklestone

    “Oh pi$$ boy…” Mel Brooks, History of the World, Part II


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