Hey! user Rick!

March 25, 2016 By: Primo EncarnaciĆ³n Category: Uncategorized

You rock, man.



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0 Comments to “Hey! user Rick!”

  1. Sandridge says:

    Heidi may be thinking castraTed…ala Lorena B.

    This saga may have some .erm. ‘staying power’, even PBS’ Newshour briefly discussed it, and showed the screaming tabloid cover.

  2. BUSTed

  3. Pretty thorough story here:


    We are not talking one romp we are talking at least 5 devil may care, honey that’s not a stain on my nice silk smoking jacket hot en tot affairs.

  4. I’m so happy Oozy Croozy chose that campaign logo. It’s been a gold mine for the millions of us who find him completely repulsive.

  5. SallyinMI says:

    The thing is, the GOP won’t care. They wanted thrice married McCain, and Palin who had a couple of affairs in Alaska. They worshipped Newt, also thrice married. They now adore Donnie, who cheated on his first two wives, and probably this one too, and married foreigners. They “preach” about abstinence and fidelity, but they don’t live it. He’ll probably be in more trouble with Daddy than the RNC. Or, maybe Kasich will convince everyone he isn’t a Kochhead and HE’s the one to take on Trump. Preibus must be taking lots of sleeping pills.

  6. Primo EncarnaciĆ³n says:

    Interestingly, the rightwing nutosphere has been more salacious and prurient over Ted’s Cruzin’. Use der Google, or my preference, der Bingle. Be warned, though. It’s very Dark Side-y over by there.

  7. El Gonzo says:

    Compared to the other dangers Cruz and Trump threaten, this is piddling nothing. Still, let them claw each other to pieces over this.

  8. john78745 says:

    As LBJ famously said, “I just want to hear him deny it.” It’s terminally amusing to hear the snacilbupeR whining about the lack of proof! When did they ever pause for proof when they were smearing President Obama or MIchelle or Hillary. Next, I hope, we’ll hear about Trump, rumored to wear size extra small gloves, and the gay prostitute(s)! It will be just like Faux News…”some people say.”

  9. charles r. phillips says:

    I don’t care if Ted and Donald are schtupping each other, it’s not relevant. It’s the fact–and fact it is–that, if elected, either one will be schtupping US.

  10. maryelle says:

    It is nice, though to have the scandals breaking through on the Dark Side, after all the mudslinging they have done at Dems.

  11. I haven’t the vaguest notion how Ted Cruz could get ONE woman to have sex with him.

    But where are all the self-righteous GOoPers who shrieked about Bill Clinton and whatshername? Monica.

  12. I’m with you, charles r. I don’t care who sleeps with whom. It makes no difference in the lives of the rest of us. Both those jokers scare the patootie out of me. Especially Cruz.

  13. maryelle says:


  14. I don’t care about any affairs, but hypocrisy is fair game.

  15. WakeUpAmerica says:

    Coitus interrupTED
    Perhaps he will be denominaTED.
    I think those women should get some bleach and get disinfecTED.
    I’m sure he will be discrediTED now.

    Should I go on?

  16. Sandridge says:

    RacheTed Haiku:


    FornicaTED- lamenTED?

    TrumpeTed demenTed1!

  17. Gotta admit, it looks even better on a blackboard! Now students, let’s take out your assignment for today, The ScarleTed Letter.

  18. @Rhea – You wonder how Ted got more than one woman to sleep with him. There are plenty of crazy Tea Party women and Ted is adept at satisfying their oleaginous zones. Drill baby drill.

  19. I admit enjoying seeing these embarrassing scandalous headlines from Enquirer. But such is part of the process. The primary season is like a 13 month long job interview. Sometimes the best you as a voter can hope for is to scare off the weakest wannabes. The process doesn’t guarantee the subjectively “best” candidate will stick around, but the eventual nominee will be a thick-skinned, cool-headed, quick-thinking, intelligent human bean. And in the White House, as the de facto leader of the free world, I’m thinking that’s what you want. As opposed to some shallow narcissistic megalomaniac who would nuke a Middle Eastern country because there was a lump in his breakfast hummus.

  20. Personally, I miss the Alien visits to the Presidential candidates they used to have on the front pages.

  21. Elise Von Holten says:

    “Bat Boy” was a short lived off Broadway musical. When I went to do some shopping after returning home to Ca, the “Enquierer” headlines screamed, “Bat Boy found in Cave!”
    Made me laugh.
    There is very, very little that’s making me laugh about any of this.
    Why are the people in this country so stuck on every aspect of gonads? Go into your private stall and do your business. Your choice of partner to play with your stuff, is none of mine–unless you want to play with me–then I have a few questions.
    The oral fixation and crass behavior of the GOP–it’s just gross.
    They are so fixaTED that no real issues are brought up…just hucksters playing on the middle aged males prurient fantasys of having a porn star wife–“telling it like it is” while yelling at their wives to bring in more beer and chips while watching the game….Any Dem will do…I especially love the fervent, classy, consistent Bernie Saunders.

  22. Aggieland Liz says:

    Oh y’all! Before breakfast!! I’m with you Rhea
    – nauseaTed!

  23. There is simply no accounting for taste. I can only get one woman to sleep with me and I think she’d prefer it that way. All I know is that convention is going to be a hoot.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:


    Now I’m off to view the mountain snow and cleanse my brain of all thoughts of the Loathsome Ted Crooze.

    Puppy vs kitty videos work, too.



  25. The Sunday talking heads shows will be stuck on this saga! I’m betting Trump will do a call-in! As for the action at the convention, I’m trying to picture Ohio without an intact Cleveland!

  26. Tilphousia says:

    ROFLMAO! Had to happen. What’s next for these despicable silly old men? I know! Someone will find evidence of tRump with gay prostitutes. That would scare his gun toting, bully boys into tomorrow.

  27. e platypus onion says:

    SexTed? Uh, no!

    As yer Wonkette is wont to say-he totally losTED this election.

  28. e platypus onion says:





    ShiTED (sorry Mama,but it isn’t the word your thinking.)



  29. Tilphousia says:

    e platypus onion
    Well said
    Well opinionated
    Well versed
    Now when will Heidi give disgusTed the final boot and get those little girls away from that abusive pile of merde?

  30. O/T, but excellent news – Bernie is cleaning Hillary’s clock here in WA state!

  31. Sandridge says:

    e platypus onion,
    Soon to be smiTed if there is a bit of balance in the universe (yeah, I know all about entropy and the real 2nd (of thermodynamics)).

  32. Linda Phipps says:

    I’m with charles, what matters more is what either Trump or Ted could be in charge.

    This might be why Heidi has those fugue states.

  33. e platypus onion says:

    Drumpf and the National Enquirer reciprocaTED Cruz.
    National Enquirer basTED Texas turkey Cruz.
    Drumpf promulgaTED stories about Cruz.
    Cruz was brackeTED by bad news stories.

    Linda and Charles, I doubt the Ayatollah will be impressed by Drumpf’s yoooge hands or his correspondingly goofy intellect.

  34. But he knows so many words. The best words. Maybe a few longer than the “words”.

  35. RNC chair Reince Priebus (remove the vowels from that name and what’s left is RNC-PR-BS) probably needs to be sedaTed.
