Hello Pot, Meet Kettle.

May 24, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I gotta tell you something.  Republicans are smoking way too much weed.  I have proof.

Newt Gingrich is calling Mitt Romney incompetent.  Yeah.

Newt says that Romney’s attempt to derail Trump was “pathetic” and “not particularly effective.”

newthey“It’s pathetic… I don’t know what happened to Mitt, but it is weird; it is bizarre,” Mr. Gingrich said in an interview with reporters and editors of The Wall Street Journal, commenting on the 2012 presidential nominee’s attacks on Mr. Trump. “Having a guy like that go berserk in public makes you wonder what his problems are.”

As I recall, Gingrich was one of the original candidates in 2012 and was also the first or second to drop out.  That was pathetic – joyful for me – but pathetic nonetheless.

Gingrich wants to be Trump’s vice presidential candidate.  That means they will have 7 wives between them, which is kinda amazing since they are running in the Jesus First political party.

Admit it, you’re enjoying watching these grown men line up to kiss The Donald’s butt.

I do.  Boy howdy, I do.



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0 Comments to “Hello Pot, Meet Kettle.”

  1. Mitt Romney may be incompetent but Newt Gingrich is irrelevant, and he knows it. As Donald says, “Sad!”

    When I read to kindergartners a couple of years ago, I used to hide Callista Gingrich’s book about Ellis the elephant’s jingoistic adventures. Just substitute Newt for Ellis and there ya go.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    All the VP wannabee’s in the words of Larry Wilmore will be meeting Morning Joke and Chris Christie’s butt. “Morning Joe’ has their head so far up Trump’s ass they bump into Chris Christie.”

    ***If*** the media had any gumption, they’d ask Newt if he made the list because Denny Hastert is unavailable.

  3. Marcia in CO says:

    There is the hope that one of the ass-kissers would also leave a nice big hickey on Donald’s fat ass! Anyone’s guess as to just who the “sucker” might be!! Do you think it might be Newtie the Lizard?

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Marcia in CO, start the #hashtag wars! Anyone vying to be Donnie Drumpf’s running mate shall be known by their ‘tramp stamp.’

  5. Rastybob says:

    Is this to big for a bumper.
    Vote Drumf the welfare King
    or Drumf–Nute No truth ever.

  6. Rasty:

    How about “Dumptf and Newt keeping divorce lawyers in business”

  7. WA Skeptic says:

    How about “Trump: You Knew He Was A Snake When You Picked Him Up”.

    I think I’ll do a handmade sign for my back window.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “Drumpf and Newt: protecting marriage as they know it.”

  9. I think no snacilpubeR praise of Trump should see print or be broadcast unless accompanied by whatever they said about him a while back. Let’s show everybody what they really thought, and what buttkissers they are.

    Trump and Gingrich: the Serial Adulterers’ ticket, according to Jesus (Matthew 5:32; 19:9; Mark 10:11-12; Luke 16:17).

  10. WA Skeptic, you could use the Donald Trump Bumpersticker Generator.

  11. Watching a woman kick their asses? Priceless.

  12. maryelle says:

    PKM, thanks for quoting Larry Willmore’s joke about Morning joe and Christie. It was laugh-out-loud funny.

    Rhea, I love the “Serial Adulterer’s” ticket, particularly in light of Drumpf’s latest attacks on Bill Clinton’s infidelity. We knew it was coming, but it could serve to wash back on the playboy emperor. Hope so.

  13. We can only hope…….

  14. Mama mia! I will never forget the radio talk shows going totally nut cakes on Newtie when he could not keep his promises to turn the election and the House they way the Rethugs wanted. They hate they spewed all over him went on for days!!!! And it was coming from men of custom made suits and power who didn’t care if you recognized their voices. They even threatened him physically! Finally, Newtie threw in the towel on the speakership and his seat and drifted off to somewhere else and ended up with Calista. Every time he lifts his head out of the sandbox of lost time I think of his resignation, how he couldn’t get out of town fast enough! And here he is doing exactly what got him into trouble all those years ago! I guess he thinks that all those guys who threatened to bury him are themselves all dead by now. Could he be in for a surprise!

  15. Marcia in CO says:

    PKM … #hashtag war? I don’t have a clue how to do that … so I’ll leave it up to you, if that’s what you want to do!!

  16. Mrs. Tarquin Biscuitbarrel says:

    Not that this speaks ringingly in either Newt or The Donald’s favor, but don’t these perennial grooms have a total of six wives, not seven? Or has one of them gotten married again without telling us?

    It’s Rush Limbaugh who had acquired four wives along the way.

  17. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Seven brides for Two Republicans…anyone want to write the lyrics and music for that? Doesn’t have the same rhythm as Seven Brides for Seven Brothers, but surely something could be done with it.

    This is your family values party
    They are rich and party hearty
    They are married and they show
    Their wives and children in a row….

    Yes, not just one will do it for them
    Because they want one to adore them
    Though after time has passed the ladies
    just get too old and go to Hades

  18. Rubymay says:

    Good for you Elizabeth Moon! Yeah, the “family values” and Jesus first” party. What a bunch of hypocrites!

    I have to say here that I am no fan of Paul Ryan, but I’m going to give him just one point of respect for holding off — however briefly that may be — on endorsing the chief charlatan and con artist. And I’m with Rhea — let’s play back all their comments from before they bowed down and started kissing. I have to go throw up now.


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