Fun With Guns: They Didn’t Use Spitwads Edition
In Indiana, an active shooter drill became just a tad too real when the local law enforcement leading the drill shot teachers with plastic pellets.
It hurt like hell and drew blood. Some of them were shot as many as four times.
Four teachers [at a time] were led into a room, told to kneel and then were shot with a pellet gun “execution style” and injured during an active shooter training at an Indiana elementary school in January, according to the Indiana State Teachers Association.
The teachers outside, waiting their turn, heard the teachers inside screaming but the teachers inside were instructed not to tell those waiting outside what happened.
Okay, stop right there. I know the bad guys in this story are the “local law enforcement” who thought this is a good idea. And that everybody got to see first-hand how some cops overstep their authority and have a sadistic streak through their brains. I understand that. I get it. But, there’s no period at the end of that sentence.
What the hell were the teachers thinking? Was there not one single adult among them who stood up and put a stop to this foolishness? Yeah, it’s all fun and games until somebody puts out an eye. What the hell kind of person would let their co-workers walk into a situation that was dangerous and very painful. What the hell, teachers?
This is what’s wrong with America. Some people are real mean and crazy and other people let them do it because they are too scared to say anything. The second group should gut up. The first group should go to hell.
And yes, I am looking at you United State Congress and Donald Trump.
Happy Friday folks, and thanks to everybody who sent me this story.