Friday Toons

August 31, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized














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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Best quote of the day, from the backlash against Teddy Cruz’ attempted shaming of Beto O’Rourke (by sending out photos of a young Beto with a skateboard and in a punk rock band):

    “Definitely don’t want to vote for this cool guy who did fun stuff and had friends.”

    Between this and Little Bubba’s win, it’s a good day.

  2. McCain dropping the mike. The legacy and the tributes must be driving The Golden Gibbon even more nuts than he already is. And the McCain legacy and friends are going to be around for far longer than GG would ever believe and making him look smaller and smaller every day until he is the size of cosmic dust.

  3. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Love the Google cartoon, too. See, Al Gore claims he invented the Internet and Google uses “Al Gore Rhythms” and therefore it’s all RIGGED! FAKE! UNFAIR! Or as Stephen Colbert put it, “Truth has a liberal bias.”


  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    And this:

  5. Buttermilk Sky:
    Thanks for that link. It made my day.

  6. Truth is a terrible thing to waste, but for the Liar-in-Chief, it’s just plain terrible.

  7. Yeah, the McCain mike drop says it all, and Dump can’t answer back. Thank you, Senator, for putting him in his place.

  8. Thank you for Molly Ivan…….

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    Perhaps a day late, dollar short here, but … I cut out a picture of Molly some time ago, from the Progressive or Mother Jones or some other magazine that I get. It’s the one I have up in my professorial office (next to Emiliano Zapata). In case anyone else wants a photo of Molly at her peak, the best link I’ve found is at

    For those who don’t trust links from weirdos on the internet (and let’s face it, someone who has a picture of Zapata in his office is a weirdo), it shows a young Molly on the phone, with a pen in her mouth and a devilish expression. It was taken while she was at the NY Times. My second favorite is of her almost bald after chemo, but still laughing and smiling – damn, we should all hope we face the end as well as she did.

    Although she and I are the same age and both were reared in Fort Worth(less), Texas, I never met her but still genuinely mourned her death. For the female habitués of JJ’s salon, follow her advice and get your mammograms, dammit. For the males, go get your colonoscopies. We can’t afford to lose anymore good people, leaving Kellyanne Conways and Rush Limbaughs to run the place!
