Fake Wars
The media is building up for a Battle Royale among Democrats – liberals vs. centrists.
That’s cool and I can live with that except it ain’t happenin’.
Dana Milbank offers some suggestions about this made-up “war among Democrats.
“Certainly, there are policy differences among Democrats, and those will come out whenever they are again in a position to govern rather than resist. But Democrats are more ideologically homogenous than they have been historically. The Southern conservatives are long gone, and there is no equivalent to the “New Democrats” of the Bill Clinton era. The party has been pulled to a populist consensus by Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), and pushed there by the Trump plutocracy, which has showered riches on the wealthy and the corporate.
Milbank gives examples of wars in the primary that were supposed to happen but didn’t, specifically mentioning one in Texas. Beside the one Milbank mentioned, there was a second Democratic primary run off in my district where the minority female candidate campaigned mainly on “Vote for the Woman.” She had Our Revolution’s support. It didn’t work. The minority male had Labor and the Houston Chronicle endorsement. He talked about health care, education, and jobs. He won by 2 to 1.
I, like most Democrats, do not have a side in the Bernie – Hillary wars. I frankly don’t care. It’s over and nobody won. They can both kiss my big blue butt. Leave that smoldering heap of ashes alone and start thinking what you want the Democratic Party to be and then find someone to run on that platform.
I believe that campaigning on beating Trump or impeaching Trump will not win an election. Voters want to hear issues and plans. If we keep it on the issues, we win.
And the reason I know that is right here in this article. I knew the information in the article is true, but it still gave me a gut punch.
Sorry to start off the week being serious. But, it was either this or 1,500 missing children handed over to our government.