Because They’re Having Sex, Sex I Tell You, And They Are Not Letting Greg Abbott Watch
Just when you thought the gay marriage issue was kinda over … oh no.
After coming out on the losing end of a U.S. Supreme Court decision legalizing same-sex marriage, Texas Republican leaders are now looking to the Texas Supreme Court to narrow the scope of that landmark ruling.
Gov. Greg Abbott, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Thursday filed an amicus brief with the Texas Supreme Court urging the all-Republican court to reconsider a Houston case challenging the city’s benefits policy for married same-sex couples. It appears they’ve set their eyes on the Houston case as a way to limit the effect of the high court’s ruling.
Okay, so here’s the deal. Lawyers for the State of Texas are throwing paper at the lawyers for the City of Houston over whether or not gay people who are married are really, you know, married. And who is paying for all those damn lawyers? Not the Republican Party, that’s for sure.
Houstonians are being asked to foot the bill for both sets of lawyers to fight each other, at the state and local level. Ain’t that just like Republicans — they never met a battle they are unwilling to fight with your money. It’s like cock-fighting with lawyers.
This is the damn Lawyer Full Employment Act.
Plus, it’s just wrong. These guys are waaaaay too concerned about what gay people are doing.
It’s over. The Supreme Court has ruled. Spend my tax dollars on something that will improve my life, not the Texas Bar Association.
Thanks to Rikon Snow for the heads up.