A Toast To Justice Ginsburg’s Health

November 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If collars could kill.



Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared in court today wearing her dissent collar although no cases were heard.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg appeared to be wearing her infamous “dissent jabot” on the bench Wednesday morning.

The move is being widely interpreted as a repudiation of Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election a night earlier.



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0 Comments to “A Toast To Justice Ginsburg’s Health”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    I’m guessing the Liberal justices will all be pressured (threatened with bodily injury) to resign so the court can be made in Comrade Drumpf’s image.

  2. The Notorious RBG and her wonderful like-minded colleagues will still be there in 2020 and there will be a new, liberal, truly human president taking office. She will enjoy Democratic Senate and House. It will be a real rebirth for America.

  3. Debbo, What in Hades are you smokin’? *
    Once the NSARPP consolidates power, and further exclude Dems from the process, it’s over.
    *FTR, I’m extremely anti-smoking, or anything that wafts into somebody else’s air space (been known to even get violent); although I think ‘everything’ (‘substances’) should be legalized, and regulated.

  4. A quote yesterday from Rep Keith Ellison,
    “1st, take Trump at his hate-filled word; 2nd, if his campaign hate was just hype, then that alone is despicable. I wouldn’t bet on #2.”

    We truly must take Drumpf at his word.

  5. They have been content with 8 on the court. I think everything should be done to keep it that way.

  6. AliceBeth, they were only content to keep Obama from appointing #9. They’ll do this so fast it’ll make your head spin.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Dems can filibuster Scotus nominees until wingnuts change the super majority vote needed to override a filibuster and then they would only need a simple majority to confirm.

    41 votes are all that is needed for a filibuster.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Miss Lindsey Graham wants wasTed Cruz to be the nominee and he is warning Dems not to filibuster the nominee or else they will pay for it. What is he going to do, club them with his parasol?

  9. That Other Jean says:

    May Miss Lindsey choke on one of his no-doubt-delicious ham biscuits.

  10. I fear we aren’t going to be able to stop what’s coming: oppression, recession, destruction.

  11. Maryelle, my best hope is that it will happen fast enough to make the Snacilbupers’ heads swim so they’ll realize what they’ve gotten themselves into–and then start working to get the rest of us back out of it.

    Hang in there…

  12. Am unhappily seeing a massive nasty recession in the near future due to Trump, the scapegoater. He will probably blame it on some demographic and then watch the murder/lynch rate escalate nationwide. OK. Slap my hands on this one, but given what Trump has dumped on us to work with, I think this is gonna happen.

  13. Miss Juanita, you always provide education. I thank you. While I’d never heard of Ginburg’s ‘dissent collar,’ I must say I’m not surprised that she has one. Nor that she would wear it today.

    As to her sentiment about moving to New Zealand, I’m with her! My destination is somewhat closer to home, though. I’ve begun making to-do and other lists in prep for a possible move to Mexico. I had contemplated Bonaire but, upon reflection, I believe Mexico might be 1] easier, 2] safer and that’s not to mention 3] FAR cheaper. So – – –

    Still debating but the prospect becomes more desirable the more I contemplate it.

  14. Maggie, I fear you’re correct. It makes perfect sense – in a Trumpian sort of way.

  15. @ epo 7: I hope they do exactly what you propose until Justice Merrick Garland is seated on the Court. If he does not receive what is due him – no one gets past them.

    Then, may Justice RBG live long and prosper until this injustice has been righted — in other words, for a minimum of 4 years. Hang in there, Ruth!

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    I’ve been mourning the fact that because of Pence, I’m going to have to be praying for the health of that Cheeto-faced Twatwaffle.

    …and to think of that 3rd rate “model” in the place of our present gracious FLOTUS–I retch at the thought.

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    Would anyone here please point to a time in history when the Supreme Court reversed itself? Some like to point to Dred Scott and related decisions, but actually they are seen as “clarifications” of previous decisions and in every case the situation of the plaintiff was improved. Roe v. Wade? Equal marriage? Not in danger. A NEW AND COMPELLING argument must come along or the Court will simply refuse to even consider the case. And then, of course, one must prove there has been harm done to show standing. “We don’t like it” isn’t enough. They will try, no doubt about it. But they have a very difficult hill to climb.

  18. e platypus onion says:

    JAKV- the only wingnut on the court with anything resembling a conscience is Kennedy, If Drumpfski replaces 2 LIbs with Scalia clones, reversal will be the name of the game, except for citizens united. I wouldn’t bet against them trying to reinstitute slavery.

  19. Why do I get the feeling that neophyte Trump will be a puppet figurehead while Pence and the ultra cons take over.

  20. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What is this ‘president-elect’ Donnie fantasy? I’m no RBG by a long shot, but Hilz won the vote and the Electoral College does not meet until the first Monday following the second Wednesday in December. Ten states do not “bind” their electors, while other states fine electors $1000 for not following the vote of their state. Hilz already has 232 electoral votes. Certainly we can GoFund another 38 or so.

    Unfair Donnie? You might want to consult with RBG as to both the legality and historical precedent, or maybe Bill, Hilz, Barack and Michelle. They are all lawyers, too.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, what is this pence of which you speak? Thought we had a revolution a few years back to rid ourselves of that odious currency and tyranny.

    Never mind. You were speaking of Donnie’s personal nuclear triad of numb nuts, Pence, Ryan and McConnell.

    John Bolton for Sec State. Dayum. Thought he left the country years ago to start a charm school with Idi Amin.

    Meanwhile Donnie is already pimping Melania’s jewels at taxpayer expense on his .gov account.

    I can’t take this anymore. Time for some Stephen Colbert and Samantha Bee. Jon, I miss you!

    *** Mama please don’t open these links***



  22. Oh, PKM, if only the electors in those 10 states could see their way to acknowledging that Hillary’s popular vote advantage should count. And surely Dems could come up with enough to cover fines for faithless voters in other states. How can we petition those electors to vote their conscience? Somebody, please help save us from hell.

  23. Though I may have it wrong, I seem to recall a scene in which Frederick Douglass was told that he had no right, despite his ticket, to sit in that railroad car, and the only way they could get him out was to unscrew the seat and carry it out with him still gripping onto it.

    That just came to mind while thinking of RBG on the Supreme Court. Hang on, lady! You know how we need you there!

    And yes, SCOTUS has reversed itself. The names of the cases escape me, but “separate but equal” being OK was one of them.

  24. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    maryelle, I’m googling as fast as I can. best I could come up with were the names for 2012. Maybe The WMDBS, Inc super sleuth Alfredo can help us.

    https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/electoral-college/2012-certificates/ Tried the obvious, switching 2012 to 2016 with no changes in the results.

    Also tried asking by state to no avail. http://www.thegreenpapers.com/G16/EC-Electors.phtml

    Maybe FOIA to each state AG? Dunno. Will keep trying.

    In the meantime hope those electors have a conscience and reject the BREXIT candidate.

  25. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, here’s a list of the “top” ten reversals with brief descriptions. http://money.howstuffworks.com/10-overturned-supreme-court-cases7.htm

  26. e platypus onion says:

    Did not the lying liars in the wingnut party say theuy would let the people decide who gets to pick the Scotus Justice wingnuts claim the Scotus doesn’t need? The people spoke and HRC got the most votes. When will they allow her to pick?

  27. e platypus onion says:

    For those interested, Dakota Access Pipeline got greenlighted, but it will be re-routed away from the Standing Rock Rez. How far away I don’t know yet.

  28. I’ve been trying to get my mind around the reasons people voted as they did. That means I’ve been reading a lot. This interview in Wapo was helpful. https://goo.gl/YLN3pt

    I grew up on a farm in an entirely rural state, South Dakota, from 1953-1984. I lived in a few very small towns as a teacher in the 70s and 80s. In the late 90s-2006 I was a preacher in more very small towns. I’m good at listening and I know those Cheetoh-faced Ferret-wearing Shitgibbon Cocksplat voters. I don’t think I listened closely enough or asked enough questions.

    One other thing – The effects of the isolation of such people is underestimated by most of the pundit types. They really don’t have any exposure to people of other races, except American Indians. They only know Muslims, blacks and Latinas via the news. While Hillary voters need to understand the others, those others Really Really need exposure to the diversity of American cities.

    It might really pay off for Democrats to create some type of exchange program between rural and urban. Seriously. It would be a very effective tool to build coalitions long term because rural and urban poor generally aren’t aware of how much they have in common economically.

  29. Thanks for the info about DAPL epo. That’s just a beginning for climate damage.

    Why do George Carlin’s “7 Words You Can Never Say On Television” keep running through my mind? Grrrr.

  30. Debbo, you reminded me of the “joke” about (it varies) a recent immigrant, a blue-collar white guy, and Donald Trump in a café when a waitress puts down a plate of free cookies. Trump grabs all the cookies but one and says to the white guy, “That [epithet] is gonna have your cookie if you’re not careful.”

    I like the idea of the exchange program– acceptance of gays rose substantially after more people found out that people they know are gay– but I don’t know how it would work or be funded.

  31. Thanks, PKM. Plessy v Ferguson was the name I couldn’t quite remember.

  32. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, if they can find a place for that pipeline that doesn’t have water under it or air above it, then let them build it. Donnie owns stock in the company; add that to all his conflicts of interest. Since a blind trust with his 3 eldest spawn would not work, how about all his assets be placed in receivership? Appoint judge Curiel to monitor the assets.

  33. May she live long. Very long.

  34. Maryelle, here’s a link to a petition asking the electoral college to vote Hillary – https://www.change.org/p/electoral-college-electors-electoral-college-make-hillary-clinton-president-on-december-19?

  35. Here’s a list of names of the people who will be the electors according to politico

  36. Two things, #1 I just learned of today:

    1) There is still a US Senate race to be decided, on Dec. 10 in Louisiana. A win by Foster Campbell could get the Dems to 49 seats and it sounds like he has a chance. This is to replace retiring Sen. Diaper Vitter.

    2) Debbo #28. I remember when my cousin, who grew up on a farm near a small town in the white, white upper Midwest, told me about the high school basketball camp he attended in Colorado where he got a chance to meet many black kids. It definitely made a difference in his life to get to know them, that they were nice kids (as was/is he). Making the unfamiliar familiar dispels so many fears and uncertainties. (This was in the 1970s.)

  37. JAKvirginia says:

    PKM: Did you read that “Top Ten” list? Most of them are not “reversals” at all. Amending the Constitution to be more just and includisive, thus nullifying previous Supreme Court decisions based on then existing law and precedents is not the Supreme Court reversing itself.

    And in Plessy v. Ferguson, “separate but equal” was a sound idea CONCEPTUALLY until it was convincingly argued in Brown v. Board of Education that it rarely if ever is in REALITY. You can call that a “reversal” if you want, but there are those who would call it a better decision based on a better argument.

    The Supreme Court, like all courts, judges on the merits of the case and the strength of your argument. So it’s best to come prepared with more than “we don’t like it.”

  38. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, true that SCROTUS doesn’t reverse itself per se. They rule on are cases brought from lower courts; the reversal being an overturn of a lower court ruling.

    Or, affirmation in the case of Citizens United. Several states have just cause to bring forward on that one. North Carolina might have the best case, although NV has damn good grounds based on what Koch money attempted here this past election. Kansas has a case, too, but wouldn’t hold my breath on them bringing it forward.

    2000? Gore v?? Heads are still spinning on the speed of that one. Might make a person suspicious that the fix was in.

  39. JAKvirginia says:

    Citizens United will not be reversed. Analyzing it, the decision was sound. I won’t get into the reasoning here because it takes too long in this space and I’m typing on a phone.

    Here’s the deal. Congress historically makes bad law. (See DOMA.) Even the Civil Rights law is bad law. It made a list. Lists are bad because you’ll inevitability leave someone or something off the list. And in some ways it is contradictory. You can’t discriminate based on religion or race. But what happens when religious belief and race conflict? See the problem?

    The law that spawned Citizens United was bad law. Unions can contribute but companies can’t? Even though their basic structure is the same? Well-intentioned but bad law. Citizens United can be muted or defeated with better law, but this current Congress and new president won’t be doing that any time soon.

  40. Linda Phipps says:

    I already stated that she must stay on the bench even if she is dead.
