Yes, He Really did Just Say That…

August 08, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Steeple People

On Tuesday, Mike Pence was speaking before a meeting of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian-liberty organization anti-gay group, and was giving advice about being a Christian in today’s world.  While discussing his beliefs, his advice was, “Spend more time on your knees than on the internet.”  Yes, he really said that.  Predictably, Twitter and other social media lit up mocking Pence, and, none other than Monica Lewinsky joined right in when someone asked who was going to tell him Tweeting, “def not me.”

Should somebody tell him?  Nah, we’ll let Mother do it.  LOL.

Checklist for the North Korea Nuke Negotiations

May 24, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Trump’s a lunatic being manipulated by the bad guys in the WH, and normal people understand that.  Mike Pence?  He’s a mindless moron, also being manipulated by the bad guys in the WH (when he pulls his nose out of Trump’s…uh, never mind).  This week, both Trump and Pence went on national teevee and talked about how North Korea could end up like Libya if Kim Jong Un didn’t play ball with the US.  Keep in mind that when they say that, they’re talking about Muammar Gaddafi being chased down and murdered in a not very nice way by rebels when his government collapsed after he gave up his nuclear weapons.  So to aid Trump and Pence in their preparation for North Korea summit talks, I’ve developed a handy checklist:

  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.
  • Don’t bring up Libya.

Hope that helps.

Pence’s Political Stunt

October 08, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Dammit!, Sumbitches, Trump

VP Dense pulled a not-very-sophisticted political stunt today at the Indianapolis Colts game by showing up for the game, and tweeting this picture of himself with all the blah-blah-blah about standing for the soldiers, the flag, blah-blah-blah, :

As soon as the anthem was over, Dense then IMMEDIATELY left the game, tweeting this: 

Then Trump immediately followed up with this tweet:

Just patriots honoring the flag, right?  Pence comes to the stadium, tweeting he’s looking forward to the Colts game, then immediately leaves, incensed that players “disrespected the flag” by daring to kneel during the national anthem.  Trump then confirmed that he’s a super patriot by instructing Pence to leave if anyone protested during the anthem.  A spontaneous display of flag loving, yes?  Well, no, not really.

NBC News’ Peter Alexander then tweeted that the press corps with Pence had been instructed to not go into the game and stay in the van, since “there may be an early departure…”.  Alexander then reported that Pence immediately went back to the airport and flew to Los Angeles for a fundraiser.

So VP Dense, in cahoots with Cheeto Jesus, wasted millions of taxpayer dollars to jet to Indianapolis just so he could stage a walkout from the Indianapolis Colts game to show his patriotism for his mouth-breathing base.

The stupid thing about this stunt was they thought they would actually fool anyone with this kind of amateur idiocy.  Except for the mouth-breathers, of course.

Pence Goes to Hamilton – Gets Booed and Addressed by Cast

November 18, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Trump

Mike Pence showed up tonight to the evening performance of Hamilton on Broadway.  There were a few cheers, but he was roundly booed by most of the crowd.  At the curtain call, Brandon Victor Dixon, who plays Aaror Burr, with the cast assembled behind him addressed Pence saying,

“We, sir, we are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our alienable rights, sir.  But we truly hope this show has inspired you to uphold our American values and to work on behalf of all of us. We truly thank you for sharing this show, this wonderful American story told by a diverse group of men, women of different colors, creeds and orientation.”

Have a look: