Meanwhile with the kiddos…

August 18, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Lunch breaks are short these days, but considering all of the COVIDs going around it seems like a good time for an update. As most of the regular readers know, I teach in one of the school districts that decided not to mandate masks. This is in spite of the fact that all of our schools are in Harris County.

I get it. You have the governor saying one thing and the county judge saying something different. As many of the social media memes say, you have all of the medical doctors and PhDs saying this and yet my buddy Earle (who made a D in Biology) is telling me something else. Who do I believe?

El Jefe and Juanita were all over the governor yesterday, so I’ll just say that this is what the English teachers call irony. I think it’s situational irony, but I’ve slept since we reviewed irony with my sophomores. I just know that it isn’t Alanis Morrissette irony.

At least our district has had the presence of mind to post signs in English and Spanish recommending the masks. Of course, some of our campus leaders are wearing masks and some aren’t. A majority of the students are wearing masks. So, maybe not all is lost.

Our campus is a unique place. We teach kids trades where they can become certified before they graduate. That includes vet tech and child guidance. We have three and four year old children roaming the halls and the occasional dog as well. While that makes for an interesting environment on most days, it is especially worrisome these days with COVID. Even if every student of the school were vaccinated, those preschoolers certainly aren’t.

I manage a group of about 20 students every year. A couple of them are home because someone in their family tested positive. Then I have a few more that might be home schooling because our district doesn’t offer a virtual option. Statisticians will tell you about the dangers of extrapolating from such a small sample, but our minds can’t help going there.

So, while the rest of the world struggles how to handle the news of our beloved governor getting the COVID, those of us here are bracing for the worst. The kids are packed in like sardines and we all know how that will turn out. If you pray to a supreme being we’d love a shout out. If you don’t then whatever positive thoughts you can muster are well appreciated.

Civil Disobedience

August 03, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

I was perusing social media last night when I stumbled upon a picture in one of the groups I belong to. It was a teacher convocation in Lubbock. They say a picture speaks a 1000 words and this picture was speaking volumes. It showed hundreds of teachers packed into a cafeteria and not a single one was wearing a mask.

Unfortunately, the picture is difficult to find or I would have posted it here. It seems Lubbock ISD took the picture off of their social media when they got blasted in the comments. Convocations are feel good events for central office administrators. Teachers and campus level administrators have never gotten a whole lot out of them even in the before times.

I remember one particular year where the district brought in the woman from “Dangerous Minds” and had her speak. In another year we had an Elvis impersonator (actually that might have been the same year). We’ve also had the superintendent ride into the room in a toy school bus. These events obviously preclude us from doing over a hundred things more worth our time.

I admittedly never took classes in campus leadership for my masters, but counselors did take a few courses in common with future principals. One of those should have been Communication 101. There are things that should be communicated face to face. There are things that should be communicated in an email. Obviously, there are things that don’t need to be communicated at all. In the age of COVID, convocations should be a thing of the past.

It is hard to call wearing masks and practicing social distancing civil disobedience, but in this state I guess it qualifies. Texas seems to be in a race with Florida and Louisiana for brain dead governance. Abbott has to be in the lead here because if he doesn’t get you with COVID then you always have the opportunity of freezing to death. He truly is an equal opportunity jackass.

It is high time we take the talk of freedom seriously. He has banned school districts from mandating masks, but he cannot bar us from wearing them ourselves. He cannot bar us from encouraging others to do the same. In order to do that they would have to outlaw masks outright. I can’t imagine he would want to go that far, but I’d put nothing past him at this point.

Meanwhile, there is no real reason for district wide meetings to take place in person. We managed to get by with Zoom last year. We didn’t even hold in person faculty meetings. Again, it goes back to Communication 101. If the goal is disseminating information then we need to consider how we can do that efficiently and safely. Our governor may be stupid, but there’s no reason why the rest of us need to be.

A Culture Shift

May 03, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

I sat there in the bleachers watching my daughter play in her last volleyball tournament (indoors) of the year. I listened somewhat intently to the conversation next to me. It was hard not to at least catch bits and pieces of it. Admittedly, I was already a little annoyed.

Seating is limited at these things. Usually we bring in our own chairs and space is on a first come first serve basis. Here, you weren’t allowed to bring in chairs. We all had to fit on the bleachers. The usual course was to vacate as soon as your child is done playing so someone else can fit. These folks didn’t do this. So, I was already admittedly bemused.

They spent a good 20 minutes complaining about the mask mandate. We all had to sign a waiver before entering. Yet, a tournament official had to ask them to put their masks on. They resisted of course, but at least did so quietly. The official finally gave up. I understood her plight. How was she going to enforce the rule herself with a handful of people that were refusing to abide by the rules?

These two seemingly isolated things (refusing to give up seats and refusing to put on the mask) were immediately linked in my mind. It is something I’ve thought for a long time and have had a difficult time articulating into words. Most people link this to politics somehow. The conversation somehow shifts to mouth breathing conservatives or triggered liberals. That’s certainly where their conversation was going.

We have had a culture shift. Naturally, everyone has their own opinion about such things. We differ about where it started. We differ about when it started. We differ on who is to blame for it. Yet, I think it’s something most of us see. Then it becomes a part of the cultural lexicon. For some, it is somehow positive. For others it isn’t. For me, it is impossible to put into words without giving away my thoughts about the phenomenon. The best I can come up with is that we have become a much more self-involved society.

If I were to avoid mincing words I would simply call it selfish. It’s difficult not to be judgmental. I can only imagine someone saying something similar about something I’ve done or said. I have definite opinions about where it comes from and who is at the heart of it all, but at the end of the day I think that is much more of a distraction.

The fight over masks has definitely highlighted this trend. Yet, it would be a mistake to consider the mask debate to be the central issue here. It is simply an easy manifestation of it. People are more self-involved and consider the plight of others to be outside their purview. I had a family member literally say, “I got mine. Go get yours” when the subject of taxes came up.

It would be overly simplistic to say this is an American thing. I think that’s largely true for historic and systemic reasons, but I also think we didn’t used to be this way. People gladly sacrificed during World War II when they were asked to do so. Few if any railed against rationing or any of the other shortages that resulted from meeting the needs of the soldiers first. People stepped up and did their share and then some.

We can point to other periods in history when this happened and there are modern day examples of this too. We banded together following 9/11 and we’ve done it after wild fires, tornados, and hurricanes. So, this isn’t some old geezer pulling the “back in my day” routine. We are fully capable of supporting each other and looking out for the needs of the whole group. For whatever reason, we are conditioned not to.

That’s the ultimate divide in our politics. People overwhelmingly support programs they believe they would benefit from. If you don’t directly benefit then that support drops precipitously. Why should a 50 year old support free community college? Why should someone with a cushy health care plan with their corporation support Medicare for all? Why should someone living in their gated community support any programs that help the poor? When we convince ourselves that it’s every man and woman for themselves then we tend to reject the idea of actions that would help others.