FBI Warned Trump About Russians in July 2016

December 18, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Russians, Trump

NBC News has broken the story that Trump was personally warned by counterintelligence agents of the FBI in JULY of 2016 that the Russians would try to infiltrate his campaign.  He and senior campaign officials were told to communicate to the FBI about ANY attempt by the Russians to contact them.  There is NO evidence that any Trump official did so.  Instead of taking the warning, Trump cronies were actively communicating with the Russians on multiple levels.

Schumer Calls for Delay on Gorsuch

March 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Chuck Schumer, who I consider to be a New York machine hack, actually said something today with which I agree.  As long as Cheeto Jesus is under investigation by the FBI, the Senate should hold on any consideration of his nominees, especially that of Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS.  Schumer said,

“There is a cloud now hanging over the head of the president, and while that’s happening, to have a lifetime appointment made by this president seems very unseemly and there ought to be a delay.”

This is rational.  After all, just consider the baying at the moon that Republicans would to doing if this was a Democratic president.

Am I regressing?

Comey Gets Taste of Own Medicine

January 12, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election, Sumbitches

Ya’ll remember James Comey, that really nice FBI director who’s letter to Congress about Hillary’s emails 11 days before the election hung over her campaign like a fart in church?  (sorry, Momma) Then remember how he said, “NNNNEEEEVVVVEERRRRR MMMIIIINNNDDDD” several days later? Well.  Looks like Mr. Letter Writer might just get his.  He’s being investigated by the Justice Department for possible political motivation (oh, say it ain’t so, Joe; say it ain’t so); AND, it turns out that his deputy director is also in deep doo-doo because, as he was investigating Hillary, his wife was running for Virginia State Senate.  Apparently he should have recused himself.  They’re also investigating whether someone leaked the info to Hillary’s campaign.  I wonder if they’re going to investigate why Rudy Giuliani knew about the email letter weeks before it hit?