Religion and Government are Intertwined

February 21, 2023 By: Nick Carraway

I’ve probably mentioned this before. Unfortunately, essays blend together and memory isn’t what it used to be. I serve on the pastoral council at my church. Essentially, we just serve as a sounding board for the pastor as he makes decisions that impact the entire parish. The general idea is that we come from different walks of life and different demographic groups so that the needs of the parish are met if all of us are able to throw in our two cents. These are generally well-meaning people that have the best interest of the parish at heart.

We generally lead off the meeting with special intentions that we would like the council to pray for as a whole. Usually, these are personal requests on behalf of ourselves, our family, friends, or people we may know. On other occasions they may be generic pleas for comfort and relief to those suffering such as earthquake victims, victims from the recent tornados in the area, or public mass shootings that happen daily. One of the members always prays for teachers and kids, but does so because we apparently are teaching students about critical race theory, grooming younger and younger kids for a life of lesbianism, homosexuality, transgender, or anything else that I suppose might be imagined.

This person is well-meaning and otherwise very nice. One of my failings as people here have noted is that I am usually a nice and agreeable person. I’m not sure when the right time is to correct people like this. I’m certain it’s not during the group prayer. I’m not even sure it is during the meeting itself. Furthermore, I’m not even sure that anything I would say would have any bearing on anything he might believe.

Leaving personal belief or non-belief aside for a moment, I reckon there are two kinds of people as far as this exact point are concerned. There are well-meaning people that heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another that we were teaching this stuff. It’s the REO Speedwagon method of verifying information. The sad thing is that they will accept as gospel (pardon the pun) what others that have nothing to do with education may tell them. If someone like me in education tells them differently then it is just us trying to save face and make ourselves look good. Of course, the second kind of people are the ones that know full well that they are lying, but continue to lie because it serves their interest.

The second plank of fascism was a disdain for human rights. The insidious nature of fascism dictates that one cannot simply peddle in outright discrimination against particular groups. We need some sort of pretext to make it palatable. So, we pervert religion to act as if God has somehow sanctioned and sanctified this discrimination. This is where Christianity turns into Christian nationalism. This is how Jesus of Nazareth somehow turns into Republican Jesus. God and Jesus become weaponized as a way to justify discrimination in our minds and hearts. This is how normally well-meaning people become bigots and zealots.

What is incredibly sad is the assumption that anyone can be taught to be who we want them to be. At our core we are essentially who we are. Whether we identify as male or female, gay or straight, or anything in between the notion that anyone can choose that for us is absurd. The liars know its absurd. The rest should know better but complain about grooming when hate is being groomed before their very eyes.


February 20, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself

Majorie Taylor Greene has called for “a national divorce” between the red states and blue states.

I foresee a few problems here. This not an original idea, you know.  And the last time, Majorie’s home state, Georgia, lost her home, her pickup, and her bass boat in that divorce.

I think the term, “like Sherman marching through Georgia,” is akin to “hell on wheels.”  Majorie also has the problem that both senators from her state are Democrats so there she is standing out like black roots on bleached blonde hair living in a blue state.

Look, Marge, all you mean by woke is that we won’t let you say the N word anymore without getting booed or shamed.  You are just dying to say the N word.

And Honey, you saying “Everybody I talk to says ….” does not impress me because the vast majority of people run the other way when they see you coming.

By the way, if we do this, we get to keep the name, right?


Friday Toons

February 17, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself









Troy Nehls Fell Asleep on the Bus, Woke Up in Ohio

February 16, 2023 By: El Jefe

Apparently, Troy Nehls (T-Tex) had one too many pops the other night, and got on the wrong bus back home.  When he woke up, he was in E. Palestine Ohio, where the chemical laden train derailed last week.  Him falling asleep on the wrong bus is the only logical conclusion one can draw since he represents a radically gerrymandered district in Texas, not Ohio, and he has no business there.  Since he happened to be there anyway, he apparently decided to bring his message of good will from the great state of Texas to the townspeople by lecturing them (and YouTube) asserting that the water is safe to drink, air is safe to breathe, and everything is Oooooooookkkaaaaaaayyyy!  I wasn’t aware that Nehls had advanced degrees in environmental sciences and worked for the EPA.  If you can stomach it, here he is showing people he doesn’t know in a place he doesn’t live that the water is fine to drink.

Love the cute personalized vest he’s wearing just to make sure everyone knows who he is.  What is it about Republicans today where they run around all over the country sticking their noses in to other states’ business?  Paxton, Abbott, and Paxton are well know for it.  Added to clowns like DeSantis and Graham, Nehls is in good company as far as arrogant showboats go.

Go home, Troy.  People in Ohio don’t need (or want) your “help”.

And They’re Off…

February 16, 2023 By: Half Empty

South Carolina’s governor Nikki Haley has officially chimed in as the first TFGist to try to out-TFG TFG as she announced her candidacy in the 2024 presidential.

There are sure to be a score more.

But crafty ol’ Nikki executed an early end around this week as she had on stage San Antonio Texas’ own Pastor John Hagee to introduce her in a rally this past Wednesday.

Pastor of the Cornerstone Church in SA, Hagee has been the darling of Republican politics when he has not been called out for giving Adolf Hitler credit for Jewish repopulation of The Holy Land.

In 2008, presidential candidate John McCain disavowed Hagee’s support for that little bit of anti-semitism.

But that tidbit of information, which has been common knowledge for years now, has not fazed Haley, who gladly accepted his ringing endorsement and admitted that she wants to be Hagee “when [she] grow[s] up”.

Haley is 51 years old.

So Nikki Haley scored the first coup of the pre-presidential. With Hagee clearly in her corner, who could be next? Could it be David Duke or Viktor Orban?

Could it be…Satan?

Whoa, Pull In On Them Reins.

February 16, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself

Okay, you’re reading a story in the Washington Post right now that says Alex Jones’ filings in the bankruptcy court says that he is “Holding firearms for certain January 6th participants.”

It’s a joke.  A very bad joke that the Washington Post fell for hook, line, and sinker.

Okay, the questionnaire for the bankruptcy court asks Jones to “identify property he owns or controls for somebody else.” And Jones, who continues to disrupt and poke fun at the judicial system responds thusly,

Crap like this has been Jones’ way of demeaning the courts and the media throughout this ordeal.

Think of it this way, just when you think Jones has hired every lawyer on the bottom of the writ twit stoopid barrel, he digs deeper and finds lawyers who let this slip past them in filings. It will probably get them some hefty sanctions because judges are rarely thrilled with people signing documents and swearing to them when they contain made-up “jokes.”

The filing, on the whole, is significantly deficient. So, focus on that, not the jokes.

Okay, I just got sent the long form of the joke.  Please note that everything else on it is left blank, unlike any other positions or payments he filed.


Excuse the typos and click on the pictures to make them full size.  I wanted to get this up quickly.

I guess you gotta know Jones and how many other times he’s done stuff like this.  My best guess – and this is just a guess – is that it was Jones’ employees Owen Shroyer or Bob Dew who did this because they are both arrogant little punks.