Archive for the ‘2020 Election’

Dan Patrick Finally Pays Out a Voter Fraud Bounty – We’re laughing

October 22, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, The Big Lie

You recall when Dan Patrick, pandering to His Orangeness, offered $1 million in bounties to anyone reporting actual voter fraud.  Up until now, not a dime was paid, but now that’s changed.  Patrick’s campaign has paid out a $25,000 bounty to a Pennsylvania poll worker, and DEMOCRATIC poll worker, for reporting a man voting twice in the general election, once for himself, and again in a disguise for his son.  The poll worker, Eric Frank, denied the voter, 72 year old Trumpist named Ralph Thurman, who voted for himself and then asked to vote for his son.  Frank turned him away, but he returned later wearing sunglasses and voted again.  Frank reported it when he saw him and tried to confront the Thurman as he fled the building.  Thurman was charged and later pleaded guilty to felony voter fraud.  He got a slap on the wrist of 3 years probation and banned from voting for only 4 years instead of permanently.

Anyhoo, Patrick ponied up the $25k bounty for Frank catching Republican voter fraud, and I guess that’s something.

Biden Wins Arizona – Again

September 27, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Biden, Insurrection, Trump, Trumpists, Voter Suppression

Well, the results of the AZ GOP led Fraudit are in, and guess what?  Biden won again, but by a wider margin.  What is this, like 6 times?  By my last count of counts, recounts, hand recounts, audits, and now fraudits, Biden has won something like 720 electoral votes.  Of course, The Former Guy is not letting up, now convincing Mini Me Greg Abbott to “audit” Texas (where he WON, BTW) grasping at any little straw to throw to his base, which is starving for more lies so they’ll go buy more cheap Made-in-China TFG flags to add to the already overflown collection on their trucks.

Trump will never give up, and short of his major health problem or felony conviction, he’s the candidate for 2024.  Come On, Cyrus Vance.

There’s a Lot More Behind Biden’s Removal of Service Academy Board Members

September 09, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Corruption, Trump, Trumpists

Right-wingers and Trump’s media loudmouths are howling after the Biden administration ousted 18 Trump appointees from service academy boards, calling the ouster a “power grab” and “politicizing the service academies”.  Well, it’s just the opposite.  What most media is not reporting is that Biden’s move is part of his effort to clean up the open sewer Trump left behind when he finally vacated office on January 20th.

The rest of this story is this – after Trump lost the election, his acting secretary of defense, Christopher Miller (you know, the guy who refused to send the national guard to the Capitol on January 6th), ousted dozens of academy and other board members and replaced them with Trump loyalists.  He packed the boards of at least 3 service academies as well as the Defense Business Board and added HUNDREDS of Trump appointees to boards within the DOD on 42 boards in all.  To contain the damage, new defense secretary Lloyd Austin suspended all board activities to do a “zero based review” of all the boards that Trump polluted with partisan, cronies, and loyalists. Biden’s move to oust 18 Trump appointees is just a part of the massive cleanup underway at DOD and other departments Trump infested.

Now you know the rest of the story.

From Bad to Worse in Arizona

August 24, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, The Big Lie

The post election audit Clown Show of Maricopa County ballots has been a complete disaster from the first moment it was conceived.  Ordered by Senate Republicans in March, said 60 day audit is now going on 6 months and has probably set the state GOP back, oh, say to the Reagan era.  Everyone associated with the “audit” have made fools of themselves in front of the entire nation, and Trump has happily led them down this primrose path dropping hints of “they can’t believe what they’re finding” when in fact they’ve found nothing.  In the process, God knows how much damage they’ve done, and the elections commission for the county has already said they’ll have to replace all the voting machines after they were compromised by the “auditors”.

To pour gasoline on the fire of incompetence, the report of the results of this months long fiasco has been once again delayed because…wait for it…the CEO of Cyber Ninjas and some of his key staff are “quite ill” with COVID.  Dollar to a donut that none of these idiots were vaccinated because, well, they’re idiots, and Karen Fann, the Arizona Senate President didn’t answer the question if they had been vaccinated.

You just can’t make this up.

Read the Letter that was Intended to Overturn Biden’s Election

August 05, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

Before this week I had never heard of Jeffrey Clark.  Who’s Jeffrey Clark, you ask?  Clark is a Trump plant in the DOJ who conspired with him to insert the DOJ into The Big Lie.  Clark wrote the draft letter that he tried to get acting AG Jeffrey Rosen to sign alleging that the DOJ was investigating “various irregularities,” and, “…we have identified significant concerns that may have impacted the outcome of the election in multiple States, including the State of Georgia.”  The letter urges the governor to Georgia to reconvene the state legislature to reconsider the certification of the election for Joe Biden and choose a different set of electors for Trump.  Luckily for democracy, Rosen refused to approve the letter.  After his refusal, Clark then conspired with Trump to fire Rosen and appoint him as acting AG so he could use the DOJ to complete a coup against the duly elected president.

Even as we watched the train wreck of Trump’s attempt to overturn the election with The Big Lie, we didn’t know how close we came to a coup enacted by Trump plants not only at DOJ, but also DOD and other agencies.  And the terrifying thing is that NONE of these officials have paid any price for their treasonous conduct as employees of the US government.  That’s the shameful part.

That’s Going to Leave a Mark…

July 28, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Insurrection, The Big Lie, Trump

Yesterday, the DOJ ruled that Alabama representative Mo Brooks, whose fiery rhetoric at the Trump rally that incited the attack contributed to the insurrection, is NOT immune from lawsuits for that rhetoric.  Brooks had argued that his rhetoric, which amplified The Big Lie spread by Trump, was part of his duty as a US Representative; the DOJ said no, this was campaign activity and not protected.  US Representative Eric Swalwell has sued Brooks and others accusing them of incitement to stop the Electoral College certification on January 6th.
