Can’t Wait ’til Next Friday…

September 11, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Can’t Wait ’til Next Friday…”

  1. Right on!!!

  2. thatotherjean says:

    And so it goes.

  3. The traitorous GQP, MAGAots, and their feckless Dear Leader DiJioTrump are far more dangerous and have wreaked a thousand times more damage to our nation than all the enemies the USA has ever faced since 1776.

    For starters, just count the number of excessive COVID19 deaths attributable to their murderous policies since the pandemic began. Death counts that exceed the total losses of military KIA in every war and action ever fought by our armed forces.
    Tallying hundreds of thousands of mostly innocent lives snuffed out, for absolutely no good reason [‘mostly’ since the numbers include large and increasing quantities of themselves; which is a good thing].
    And we’re talking about mostly civilian noncombatant deaths, men, women, and children, killed by the —most malevolent evildoers— this country has ever encountered.

    Those 9/11 Saudi terrorists and their body count are just a blip in the history books in comparison to today’s Republican hyperterrorists.

  4. The QOP Qcumbers are consistent with their hypocrisy and their lies. Never forget? How about they tell the truth about 9/11 for once. Never Mind? Again. The lies and no surprise, another cover up. Plus what Sandridge @3 so succinctly stated. Thanks S! Much appreciated when someone clearly states what is bouncing around in my thoughts.

    Speaking of history, maybe some of the teachers and academics at the WMDBS can help reconstruct a concept learned in passing during an education class. “Cultural familial retardation” seems to be part of the Qcumber anti-mask and anti-vax pathology. I say “learned in passing” not because I was asleep that day, but because it seems to be a concept that has been banished from the lexicon. Sort of similar to the FBI not aggressively pursuing home grown terrorist because that offended the QOP.

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Cultural familial retardation is a concept based on the observation that children of average intelligence,or above, raised in homes with little intellectual or social stimulation, poor nutrition, lack of prenatal care, and other socio-economic-environmental disadvantages tend to exhibit behavior more consistent with low intelligence or Developmental Delay.

    It is what concerns me about the ‘dumbing down’ of American education beginning with the Reagan administration, and the environment in which children in Qcumber households are being raised.

  6. Opinionated Hussy @5, thank you! Best explanation of why as a fiscal conservative I believe in fully funding public schools and investing in children/families.

    Conversely why I often state that the QOP hypocrites are anything but fiscal conservatives because they waste our most valuable resources, young people. The QOP does that with austerity economics, they do it with wars.

    More graphically what is the cost of “just” one bomb? Guess that explains why as a veteran I am not a war hawk and despite a few of his faults, Swift Boaters aside, I like John Kerry. He came, he saw, and he rejected “bombing for friends.” Like Trickle Down” it is a proven failure.

    Both he and Sec/Sen Clinton had us at the corner of a chance toward “peace in the Middle East.” Or, why my family who had been Independents for generations became Democrats with President Obama. Guess we can “thank” the QOP for their southern ‘strategy’ which ousted the Dixiecrats and defined the QOP coalition of hate and failure.

    And, in his own words, President Biden would say “this is a big _______ deal.” As a country, especially as those of us who vote it is time to reject the media with its both sides and twin party delusional speak.

    Seeing some positive for 2024. Biden/Harris won 2020 by 8 million votes. More importantly HOPE for 2022 to invest in our future as Biden/Harris policies are making a difference. Not a bad bumper sticker or campaign slogan: “2022 Invest in Our Future”

  7. Sam in Mellen says:

    If and when Trump fans riot at the Capitol next weekend, treat them like BLM protesters were treated in New York and other major cities.

  8. Ms Hussy, I think you nailed it. There are ERBWWBIHs who want to make sure that the supply of strong backs and weak minds is secure. ( Evil rat bastards who will burn in hell)
