
January 18, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

East Texas Republican Congressvarmint Louie Gohmert is asking what-the-hell about Steve King.  Except, not in the way everybody else is.

Louie gurgles to the Tyler, Texas, newspaper …

“He explained what he was saying,” Gohmert said of King’s clarification. “He was talking about Western civilization, that, ‘When did Western civilization become a negative?’ and that’s a fair question. When did Western civilization become a negative?

Louie caught himself a bad case of reoccurring chronic Giulianaitis, where you cannot hear what you yourself is saying.  Here’s what King said.

“White nationalist, white supremacist, Western civilization — how did that language become offensive? Why did I sit in classes teaching me about the merits of our history and our civilization?”

Louie also is deeply offended that Steve King did not get “due process” before being removed from his committee assignments.  First, King himself voted for his removal. Second, when the hell did Louie Gohmert or Steve King care about anybody else’s due process?

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Louie!”

  1. Well, Louie still believes that storks deliver babies. That about says it all right there.

    Scuttlebutt around the DC area: Trump is going for 30 days of shutdown. Why the hell is anybody’s guess.

  2. Bernard M Terway says:

    There is only one word in this otherwise interesting comment that should be corrected. That is “Giulianaitis”. If you want it to be a disease, which I assume is the case, then it should be “Guilianitis”. The way it is now, it could be mistaken for a Lithuanian last name, and no self-respecting Lithuanian would want to have him as part of their ethnicity.

  3. Never expect logic from Goopers and you will never be disappointed at their asinine utterances.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Debbo sent me this today about Cantaloupe Calves King and iowans.


    This seems to be the general consensus in iowa and hogs should be allowed to vote in self defense.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Whoever convinced Louie that tap dancing on his tiny little sputniks while wearing golf shoes is a sport deserves our applause. While others may try, he remains the dumbest person in Dee Cee. Even Dotard45 can’t top that st00pid.

  6. “What do you think of western civilization?”

    Gandhi: “I think it would be a very good idea.”

  7. Linda Phipps says:

    Guilianitis sounds more Greek to me. In every sense of the word.

  8. What irks me is the airy conflation of white supremacy with Western Civilization – I would offer the membership of the Baroque orchestra I perform with in rebuttal.

  9. Steve King.

    The Pioneers of Insanity are circling the wagon train.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Rick, +? = the entire Dotard45 maladministration, his dotarded crime family, the snacilbupeR in Congress, plus the Trumpanzees who voted for the ***king moron. We need more wagons ….

  11. Ralph Wiggam says:

    When did Western civilization become a negative? I’d say it dates back to Caligula and beyond. But in the USA it began with slavery and included Manifest Destiny which was Western Civilization’s euphemism for ethnic cleansing and genocide.

    I’d like to know when western civilization became a positive?

    Cui Bono

  12. Bernard M Terway says:

    Ah, Linda Phipps, you are apparently not familiar with the Lithuanian language and Lithuanian last names. I may date myself here, but if you are familiar with that great Lithuanian quarterback of the Baltimore Colts, Johnny Unitas, whose name was Americanized from Jonaitis. The -aitis is a very common male ending. Yes, though, Greek and Lithuanian names do have a lot in common and sometimes it is hard to distinguish them because of the common roots of both languages.

  13. Louie is a bonehead baldy white guy. Unless Juanita is in the miracle business he can’t even think about getting a ‘do process.
