Friday Toons

May 18, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized






Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press














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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. That one with the vain it reminded of the doofus in Georgia who is a gubernatorial candidate (actually just a damn goober) who is driving about the area in some kind of a van or bus painted with hate messages regarding undocumented people. He’s a damn chump. But then again he has a lot of clones supporting him. And frankly, and he just might admit it with enough Old Popskull, the van will pick up anyone he even thinks are his target and then he will drop them at the local ICE office. Consider his amazement when he finds out that they will not be deported immediately if not sooner and many of them will even be released. I dunno. Does amazement cure stoooopid?

  2. Linda Phipps says:

    Nothing cures stooooopid. It’s a self inflicted wound as well.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    #1 – needs to be enlarged, framed, gift wrapped and sent to Messy and her staff for their office wall to serve as a reminder that the “fish rots from the head.” Maybe send along an inspirational note card to the tune of “charity begins at home,” then sign it ‘thoughts and prayers.’

    Any & all referencing the 70 years of Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the recent move of the US Embassy should be similarly gifted to Javanka. The hubris of those two and Messy thinking that they should speak or tweet about national and/or international issues…

    Maggie asks: “Does amazement cure stoooopid?” Probably not, but st00pid can be contained by spaying and neutering to ensure that it doesn’t spread. We also cheer for the Darwin Awards.

  4. The swamp level is much higher. Much, Much Higher.
