Happy MLK Day!

January 15, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

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0 Comments to “Happy MLK Day!”

  1. ON the day after the day after the day when POTUS 45 claimed he was the least racist – which is actually an admission of racism – I can only sat one word in the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr to the real to the world – courage. Keep on keeping on as Fannie Lou Hamer once said.

  2. We must never forget history. Those who do, will surely repeat it.

  3. Someone or another stated around the time of Ted Kennedy’s death that Ted exemplified what a Kennedy could accomplish given a life not cut short. In that vein I wonder how much more MLK might have accomplished had he too had more time.

  4. m in El Paso says:

    Thank you for the beautiful quotation. I had not heard it before. And what an appealing concept:
    “the beloved community.”

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Happy Birthday, Dr. King. Now how and where do I begin my apology? Things were looking good as to achieving your dream. For the first time we had a black man as our President. For eight years. We had both a black man and a black lady as United States Attorney General. The mood was positive to achieving what you started for us 50 years ago. There was real talk about moving forward with economic justice and criminal justice reform.

    But behind closed doors with fellow conspirators a racist from Kentucky took aim to prevent our President from achieving his and your goals. Another racist from Arkansas brazenly committed treason in an attempt to sabotage peace with Iran.

    Now we have a desiccated old dotard of a racist in our White House who planted an old time cracker racist in the office of US Attorney General. Dr. King you are remembered as a man of peace. What would you have recommended we do with these traitors. Hanging them is probably not what you would have recommended and you would probably sharply admonish me for wanting to hang them. So, I will reread all that you wrote looking for the path forward from this mess.

    Someday I hope to have a better report to celebrate on the memory of your birthday and a better promise than “someday.”

  6. I know I’ve posted this before, but it doesn’t get old:

  7. Rhea:
    I don’t think I’ve seen that before, and it it was awesome. Thanks.
