Oh No You Don’t

September 16, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to know the date of the last regular season home game for Houston Astros?  I have tickets for it and major plans. September 24.  September 24th – which is one day after …


Is there such a thing as a Christian numerologist?  Who invented that and what else are they selling?


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0 Comments to “Oh No You Don’t”

  1. Well, sheite! You’d a thunk this prophecy thing could be better planned!

  2. Those dog bother folks fail to recognize with whom they are bothering. Mess with an Astro game? It might not be the end of the Earth, but it could be their last day on Earth.

  3. We’ll that solves a whole bunch of problems. Bring it on.

  4. “On the late news, Christian family building space ark with materials from Home Depot.”

  5. Cryptographers must approach the work product of their black art with a healthy dose of skepticism. Just because you can magic up a “key” to your Enigma cypher doesn’t mean you have developed actionable intelligence. Imagine what you must think of yourself that YOU alone have decrypted a mystery hiding in plain sight for over 2000 years. David Meade really should take a crack at Kryptos, then get back to us with his solution.

  6. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    One would expect that a planet on a collision course with Earth, a week out, would have been detected by most of the amateur astronomers who constantly watch the sky for new objects, nevermind the official observatories all across the world. But apparently god doesn’t want to cause widespread panic, so he has kept it secret from them, only allowing his chosen numerologists to know about it and spread localized panic. I think it’s too late to panic, so I guess I’ll just get on with life.

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    Good grief!!

  8. That Other Jean says:

    Eat, drink, and be merry! If we don’t die, we’ll still have had a good time.

  9. Wait didn’t “they “say that a couple of years ago too? I would not change my plans, I am thinking NASA would have mentioned a planet heading this way before now. Well it is a Saturday so maybe we should go out on Friday 22, just in case!

  10. With Trump as President, I give the End Times memes more credence. However, it’s amusing that we get these predictions so regularly, and yet the End Times keep getting postponed. Funny how they doubt science, yet keep believing things they derive by parsing the text of what an English King’s scribes prepared from a Latin translation of a Greek manuscript written around 100 AD.

  11. Actually, it’s going to be interesting a lot earlier than that. There will be a large visitor (12-27 meters dia.) on Thursday, Oct, 12, 2017, at 0607 hrs, passing at .15 lunar diameters, which in astronomical terms is kind of like parking in your driveway: 2012 TC4.

    Don’t bother stocking up on anything; if it hits it’s bye bye, baby. If it doesn’t, just flies by, it’ll be interesting to watch.

    For myself, I think baseball should end in September. MLB just got greedy a long time ago and extended the season far too long. But then that’s just me.

    On Other News re: MLB–The Cleveland Indians are terrific! I just watched “Major League” two days ago and it’s like magic!

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    “Numerologists”? NO. NO. NO!! I want names. I want faces to go with those names. I want people I can point at and laugh in their faces and call nasty nanes when Sept. 24th dawns. SHEESH!!

  13. Christian numerologists using Arabic mathematics.

  14. Christian numerology sounds kinda like Islamic Judaism.

  15. Been there, dinner that, bought the “End of the World!” T-shirt, own the the coffee mug and obligatory CD – digest you don’t change your plans or but any of the associated merchandise until it goes on sale the day after!

  16. My Kristian neighbors were raptures, and all I got was this T-shirt

  17. some of my earliest memories are of the colorful outdoor revival church diagonally from our staid and proper church. This was BA, Before Air Conditioning, so we kept the windows open. We got a two fer one service: ours and the one across the street. Periodically the church across the street had revivals that said, REPENT! JESUS IS COMING AGAIN. People got all ecstatic and hollered and rolled on the ground. I think they had more fun than we did but we felt more virtuous.

  18. Wait! Wait One of my Corgis (watches Science Channel and NASA channel) has decided he’s made of Dark Matter and has a portable black hole which he uses to traverse the universe. Now he hasn’t mentioned a planet heading for Earth although he did note a Coronal Mass Ejection just last week. Now come on, who are you going to believe? Christian ? numerologist or a very intelligent cute little Corgi?

  19. RebubAnon FTW!

  20. Gasterflabed says:

    Didn’t the “End of Times” just happen about ten days ago in Houston, a week ago in Florida? I bet a few people living in those places remember it that way.

  21. “2012 TC4 completes one lap around the sun every 609 days”

    Found on space.com website.

    Very disappointed to find it’s not expected to impact the Earth. Phooey.

  22. “Hey, everybody– it’s Rapture time!”


  23. The corgi! No contest there.

  24. WA Skeptic – is that meters or kilometers? Because a 27 meter (approximately 90 feet for the metric-challenged) diameter object would be about twice the size of the meteor that created Meteor Crater in Arizona, if my decades-old memory of that phenomenon is correct. That’s too small to have more than regional effects.

  25. Opionated Hussy says:

    @Rhea – that’s a hoot! Thanks!

  26. Christian numerology is where the whole 4004 BC schtick came from in the first place. It’s nowhere in the Bible. It came from numerological superstition (and bad calculation) on the part of a Bishop and his underlings.

  27. “What else are they selling?” Your Houston Astros tickets if you are naive enough to be a convert.

  28. Christian numerology? There can’t be that much tin foil in the world!

  29. e platypus onion says:

    Numerologist? No, they just misspelled numbnuts.

  30. e platypus onion says:


    From Shannyn Moore at themudflats.net You can buy Rapture Insurance and if you do Atheists are standing by to take care of your pets while you are gone. Too funny.

  31. Speaking of astro casting, former Bush ethics lawyer Richard Painter, Esq. sent a little message to Munchkin Mnuchen. “No joining the mile high club on his taxpayer dollar.” Mr. Painter sees a few cards in the Dolt45 maladministration future. There will be some serious Emoluments Clause rain upon their grifter parade.

  32. Bob Boland; you’re right. Too small to do more than create a 1 mile crater. (Winslow Crater diameter) But it’d give some folks heart attacks, I’m sure. I just wouldn’t want to be too close to it.

  33. What a crock. But a great theme for a party.

  34. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, hey! Cell phone bill due the 25th. This could work!

  35. Mah Fellow Murkuhn, have you never heard of cloaking?

  36. Ingredients for Doomsday:

    1 old freighter
    I mobile missile with 300 mile vertical range
    1 EMP specific 20 kiloton warhead

    Put missile on freighter,
    Navigate to 100 miles off shore San Francisco
    Fire missile
    Detonate warhead at 300 miles up

    Watch the lights go out.

  37. Too late. The Rational World ended January 20th, 2017…..

  38. Jane & PKM: I’ve seen Painter on the TV before and for a dead serious litagator, he could be a fabulous stand up comedian using only the material he has found in the current administration. I do wonder if he has ever considered that!

  39. Oh yeah, Christian numerology has existed from the start, based in its Judaic roots. It’s based on 3 and 4, triangle and square, as being the root numbers. 3+4 is 7, completeness or perfection. 7 days of creation. 6, being one less, is imperfect and even evil. 666 then is magically bad. 12, 3×4, is also magically good, 12 tribes, 12 apostles. 10 and its multiples represent size or strength. “How often do I forgive? 7 times?” “No 70 times 7 times.” 10x10x10x12 are saved from each of the 12 tribes in Revelations.

    Kids, the WHOLE THING is numerology.

    My very first class my very first day of high school, theology with Fr Walter O’Connell, we learned this. His favorite punishment for getting out of line? Push-ups. SIX of them: the imperfect number for acting imperfectly in class.

  40. daChipster, you mentioned that “666” is numerically bad. Albeit one outlier doesn’t prove anything. But as “I” read the tea leaves as the Mueller investigation moves forward, 666 could be the Karma that bites Jughead Kushner in the butt. To date there sure seems to be enough information to throw a ton of quid pro quo charges on that weak link in the Dolt45 maladministration. Meanwhile Donnie Two Scoop’s progeny Dimwit, Jr. is looking less than skyscraper secure. More like 5 tale cornered.

  41. If the world is going to end on the 23rd, I definitely overpaid for my new carpet.

  42. slipstream, really? The price of carpet? ROFL At least ride those idiotic doomsayers toward an enjoyable weekend with one of their women. “it’s all gonna end, baby, so let’s have fun now.”

  43. JAKvirginia says:

    Slipstream? For future reference: credit card. You get to enjoy the item and, uh, payment? See me in the next life, suckers!

    (This notice was brought to you by Trump Financial Services.)

  44. epo, I knew that about 9s. One of my weird little habits is adding up numbers in my head till I reach one digit. Suffering the excruciating boredom of stuck traffic avails one of many license plates and phone numbers on service trucks to add. 9s are no fun. I didn’t know it works in multiplication too, but that makes sense.

    Interesting. Thanks for the link.

  45. @RepubAnon – don’t forget that the Greek manuscripts were only written after generations of storytelling in Aramaic and Hebrew.
