
September 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, about a thousand of you have sent me this story and asked me to write about it.


Not even if Louie Gohmert would strap a nuke on his back and jump off the balcony at the Republican National Convention.

I am not writing about that.

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0 Comments to “No”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I understand why it is not appropriate for you, but you have to admit that if you are going to do something that stupid, Waco is the place to do it!

  2. Annabelle Lee says:

    Meth. Not even once.

  3. Holy Hannah–that must have been uncomfortable.

    And also: EWWWWW.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Will take your “no” as fair warning not to make any of the all too obvious jokes surrounding carry law.

  5. Whoah, that’s the ultimate concealed weapon.

  6. … and in Waco, no less.

  7. I don’t blame you a bit. Because what the hell else could you say?

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    The ultimate ammosexual!

  9. One cannot help but feel sorry for the poor female police officer who was called to do the search. Can’t you just hear her thinking to herself, “I picked a bad day to get out of bed!” I think if I was her I would’ve demanded to have them videotape the woman requesting that she remove the weapon, what a gosh awful position to be placed in!

  10. Aggieland Liz says:

    “Unlawfully” carrying a weapon, indeed! Adds a whole new dimension to the statement “she was loaded!”

  11. Marcia in CO says:

    Well, all of the comments piqued my curiosity enough that I opened the link … I wish I hadn’t done that.

  12. I got nothing.

  13. The devil is making me compose a response. I don’t want to do it but the devil is making me…..

  14. Barrel first or grips first? Probably barrel. Drawing and firing is more difficult otherwise.
    Does that S&W have a safety?
    Is it Parkerized to prevent rust?

  15. Perhaps an homage to The Ballad of Eskimo Nell?

  16. Hit me with your best shot
    Why don’t you hit me with your best shot
    Hit me with your best shot
    Fire away

  17. @RepubAnon
    So you’re a rugby rowdy, eh?

  18. Good way to get the Darwin Award! But failed.

  19. Corinne Sabo says:

    Unique hiding place.

  20. Cheryl Ann says:

    How big was the gun?? What is the maximum storage of the hoochie? Did she walk funny? Did she sit carefully? I can’t wrap my brain around this one!

  21. fran seyer says:

    I wouldn’t touch this story with a ten foot pole…….right on, y’all.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    In South Dakota,a recent arrest(female American Indian, died of a drug overdose a couple days after she was arrested and booked. The SD Attorney General says she concealed the drugs on her person when she was arrested.

    Inmates claim she showed distress from the time she was incarcerated and the police figured she was faking it so they let her die. If Texas cops can find a loaded gun stashed where the sun don’t shine,why couldn’t SD police find drugs? Maybe they didn’t really look.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    I went back and checked the gun. No exposed hammer helped her immensely.

  24. This could give new meaning to what my dear old departed mother use to say: “it’s hotter than a two dollar pistol.”

  25. I read this and wonder how the H-E-double hockey sticks has the human race survived all this time. Not much longer, I’m wagering.

  26. She and Mookie are made for each other.

  27. Just keep in mind whenever you have a bad day at the office that you could have been that poor policewoman. That just put a whole positive spin on the rest of my week.

  28. Oh, come on, JJ. If it could get Louie to nuke the GOP convention (provided damage could be confined to that one building), I’d write something about anything.

  29. Gawwwwd. It hurts just to read about that!

  30. epo, I wondered about the hammer too. Thanks for clearing that up, so to speak.

  31. Marge Wood says:


  32. Surely this fits in you Fun With Guns comments.
