Archive for March, 2022

Fun With Guns! Young Man Edition

March 28, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The St. Regis Hotel in Houston is a glitzy hotel in the Galleria area with even the cheapest rooms running $500 a night.

An unnamed man, described a “young” by the police, checked last Friday and things didn’t go so well.

Police and paramedics responded to the shooting at the St. Regis Houston hotel around 11:30 p.m. Friday. Police said the man was either unpacking a gun or pulling it from his pants when it went off.

And he shot his own damn testicles.

He’s listed in serious but stable condition. He needed protection from some evil criminal shooting him in the testicles, but now he’s living proof that you’re your own worst enemy.


A Sad Ending

March 28, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

Friday is normally a news dump day. People don’t talk about these stories on the weekend. So, they have to wait until Monday and by the time Monday arrives, most people are talking about the stories that took place over the weekend. Why talk about anything when we can talk about Will Smith punching Chris Rock?

That was the Browns way of protecting Deshaun Watson. They will be doing that a lot over the next few years. We could start with the garden variety lying that happens at all of these. Deshaun said it was not about the money and that he didn’t know about the additional money until after he had picked the Browns. Sure. Then, he talked about how honest the Houston front office was and how both sides acknowledged they had different priorities and that they were going in different directions. Sure. If anyone was buying that they should have turned in their press badge right then and there.

Lying to the press core and to fan base is one thing. That’s par for the course. Lying to yourself is something else. As a school counselor, I know when someone is lying to themselves. I know when someone is in trouble in terms of their mental health. I can’t diagnose anyone. I couldn’t tell you if Deshaun has a sex addiction, if it is diagnosable, or if his behavior goes beyond that. After all, we don’t know all of the facts about his 22+ cases.

He was asked directly if he felt like he needed counseling. He declined. He said he doesn’t have a problem. He didn’t assault anyone, disrespect anyone, or demean anyone. This is all comforting until we realize two very important things. First, he had just finished lying about his contract and how it impacted his decision and the decision to leave Houston. Secondly, more than 22 women would not characterize his behavior the same way that he did.

On a personal and human level, this is really quite disturbing. When 22+ women accuse you of something it either means you did it and are in complete denial or all of them are making it up which means you were dumb enough to put yourself in a position to have 22+ women all tell the same lie and have it be believed.

Deshaun was asked why he had so many different massage therapists. He only talked about the fact that this was over a multi-year period. Great. That doesn’t answer the question. It defies logic. It isn’t so much that he needed that many massages. Being a professional athlete has to be tough. It is the fact that he went to that many different massage therapists and as far as we know, they were all women. What are the odds that this is a coincidence?

The fact that so many of those instances turned sexual is extremely worrisome. Obviously, it is a pattern with him. That pattern obviously will get him in trouble with the people he loves, but also puts him into positions like this. He sees no problem with it. The fact that he sees no problem with is the proof that he needs some help. Most of us are perceptive enough to see when people are lying to themselves.

So here is hoping Deshaun does get some help. Most of us are adult enough to realize that people have many sides to them. We are adult enough to realize that people have different hobbies, appetites, and habits which may or may not be deemed healthy by the majority. The line between deviant, liable, and criminal behavior is not necessarily visible to the naked eye. Even though he is gone, here is hoping he gets some help.

(Heavy Sigh)

March 26, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Houston Chronicle occasionally runs a front page of the current date from years ago.

This one made me bang my head against my keyboard.  I’m gonna share it with you in a size that will fit here and you can see the headlines, but I’ll upload it full size for those of you who need it.

Here ya go, March 1971 in Houston  —


Now, don’t get hung up on the banner headline, go on down to see “New Get-Out-the-War Move …” or “Poor Children’s Growth …” (See New York Times a month ago) and “High Court Split on Flag Defiling” and nope, I can’t take anymore.

For fifty damn years I have worked to change things and for 50 damn years about the best I did was getting 18 year olds the right to vote and elected a black president.

I kept thinking that the hateful people in the United States Senate like Strom Thurmond, James Boggs, John Tower, Barry Goldwater, and John Packwood (I know I’m forgetting some rats) would just up and die. Well, they finally did, only to be replaced by oh dear God, worse men.

I’m delivering postcards today to a group of retirees in my community to write on behalf of a bright, wonderful, energetic young man in a Democratic run-off for county commissioner.  He’s running against an old cog in the good-old-boy machine. I guess I’m just trying to improve my little corner of the world.

If you know anybody in my neighborhood, tell them to vote for Dexter McCoy.  It’s his turn to try. He’s got grit, spit, and fit.


Continued Dead Silence About Clarence Thomas

March 25, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Corruption, Insurrection, Judiciary, SCOTUS

It’s now been a week since the communications office of the Supreme Court announced that Clarence Thomas had been hospitalized “for an infection” and that he would go home in a few days.  That few days has now expanded to a full week, and repeated attempts by the press to get more information on him have been met with silence.  This is one of the most odd set of circumstances about the health of a SCOTUS justice that I can recall, especially after the detailed blow by blow reporting from the court about Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s health in the few years before she passed away in 2020.

Coincidently, news is breaking daily about the deep involvement of Thomas’ wife, Ginni, in the effort to overturn the US presidential election in order to illegally keep Trump in office after he lost.  It turns out that not only did she attend the “Stop the Steal” rally on January 6th, she communicated extensively with Mark Meadows and others in the conspiracy to overturn the election by amplifying lies about non-existent voter fraud.  Apparently there were 29 texts between them from the election to January 10, 2021.  She also communicated with other like minded folks in Trumpland including Jared Kushner.

Not coincidently, Justice Thomas voted against the other 8 justices when the court refused to intervene in the order to release Trump’s WH records.  He also wrote a dissent when the Court declined to hear the Pennsylvania case that was seeking to disqualify mail-in ballots in that state.  Ginni Thomas also publicly supported expelling Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger from the RNC when they voted to impeach Trump in the second impeachment and then joined the January 6th Committee.  In her texts to others in Trumpland, she also repeated QAnon bullshit conspiracy theories, loudly proclaiming the election was stolen and supporting the lawyers spreading the lies.  Worse, she has Justice Thomas’ ear 24/7/365 and even mentioned to Meadows in one text that she was talking to her “best friend” about how the election was stolen.  Not coincidently, her “best friend” has ruled 100% in Trump’s favor in cases brought before him.

The stink of the Thomases’ corruption just adds to the existing stench of the cheating and partisanship that has finally overtaken the Court since McConnell successfully stole Merrick Garland’s seat and then rammed through the nominations of Kavanaugh and Barrett, clearly unqualified nominees.  The Court has been rapidly undoing decades of precedent in many areas with particular focus on taking away a woman’s right to seek her own healthcare and making it harder for non-Republicans to vote.  John Roberts has been concerned about the eroding public confidence in the Court, and with good reason.  In a recent Gallup survey, confidence in the Court has declined to a low point of 40%.  Twenty years ago, confidence was as high as 62%.

Is it merely coincidence that Justice Thomas has suddenly dropped off the face of the earth as the scandal of his wife’s deep involvement in the insurrection comes to light?  I think not.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see a sudden retirement from the bench to avoid what looks to be the first impeachment case built against a SCOTUS justice.  Nothing else explains the deafening silence about Thomas’s supposed health problem and hospitalization.  We’ll be watching this one closely.



March 23, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know how we’re always saying that whatever Republicans are accusing you of doing is exactly what they are doing.

We’ve got a good one for ya today.

Former congressfool and Trump White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, major supporter of voting “reform” to keep people from cheating while voting just … bingo! … cheated while voting.

His wife, Debra, drove the get away car. In the very least, they were partners in a voting law heist.

The New Yorker first reported that Mark and Debra Meadows submitted voter registration forms that listed as their home a mobile home with a rusted metal roof that sold for $105,000 in 2021, even though they had never lived there. North Carolina officials announced last week that Mark Meadows is under investigation for potential voter fraud.

Oh, please, they could not possibly live in a mobile home.  I mean, look at the size of her hair. It would at least have to be a doublewide.

The Washington Post article reminds its readers that another woman North Carolina was prosecuted for voting while on parole.


Flyin’ Ted

March 21, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, I dunno how true all this is, but it involves Ted Cruz and an airport. This one was in Montana and please don’t ask me if it was a connecting flight from Cancun.

It seems as though Ted got a little hot under the collar when he was late for his flight and the airline didn’t trust his time machine to bring the plane back for him.  I think the Come and Take It written on his mask didn’t make a good impression in Montana.

I can’t get the short video of him clearly arguing, but if you click the link it’s there.

At different points of the 23-second clip, Cruz can be seen arguing with airline employees and then a law enforcement officer. A representative for Bozeman airport told that the officer was called to deal with a ‘frustrated passenger’ but did not know it was Cruz until after the incident occurred.

Maybe he needs a tee-shirt that says, “Don’t Jack With Me. I’m Ted Damn Cruz.” Or, maybe one that says, “Airports Don’t Scare Me.”

Well, we finally know what you call a male Karen.