Archive for December, 2016

I Will Miss This Man

December 22, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election

Joe Biden’s Note to Self on CBS This Morning today.

He should have run.

Newt Gingrich: Swamp Monster

December 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Now that Newt Gingrich has declared that Donald Trump is going to be above the law

newtthedick“The Constitution gives the president of the United States an extraordinarily wide grant of authority to use the power of the pardon. I’m not saying he should. I’m not saying he will. It also allows a president in a national security moment to say to somebody, go do X even if it’s technically against the law and here’s your pardon because I am ordering you as commander-in-chief to go do this.”

… he’s decided that Trump was just being “cute” when he said “drain the swamp.”

Said Gingrich: “I’m told he now just disclaims that. He now says it was cute, but he doesn’t want to use it anymore… Maybe he feels that as president, as the next president of the United States, that he should be marginally more dignified than talking about alligators in swamps.”

Dignified?  Hell, Newt, “drain the swamp” is the most dignified thing Trump has ever said.

So, in Newt’s screwy mind, Trump can order somebody to go rob a bank, pardon them, and then use that money for more sludge for the swamp. Ain’t America grand!

Newt, who once called himself “too intellectual” to be president, has got this all figured out. Now if he could just find a job … Newt resigned Congress in disgrace in January of 1999 and hasn’t held a real job since then.  Too intellectual to work for a living.


Oh No! Not The Porn!

December 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sometimes you just gotta love the South Carolina Belles of Heaven Republican Women’s Club, if only because nobody else does.

screen-shot-2016-12-21-at-10-15-16-amThey have a dandy little project that’s gonna work as good as prohibition.

They are gonna keep pornography off the internet machine in South Carolina. Yes, indeed, a South Carolina free of pornography.  Here’s the plan:

Computers and devices sold in South Carolina that can access the internet would be required to have filters installed to prevent people from viewing pornography, although buyers could pay a $20 fee to remove the blocking software under a proposal before the legislature.

Republicans put the government in my bedroom, then my uterus, and now in my MacBook.

And I kinda suspect that their idea of porn and my idea of porn might be real different.

But here’s the part that worries me:  you know what’s worse than a Trump-supporting angry old white guy?  A Trump-supporting angry old white guy without porn on his computer.

Thanks to Carl for the heads up.

Selling Access

December 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A million dollars.  Here’s what you get for a million dollars on January 21st.



It’s set up as a Texas non-profit and claims the “net proceeds will be donated to conservation charities.”  You mean all $58.72 of net proceeds after the Trump family skims all they can off the top?

(1) This is not the only option to this “camouflage and cufflinks” event.  There’s more.

(2)  We will never know who donated.

(3)  The Trump family is making out like bandits.  Wait, they are bandits.

Here’s the details.


Sid Miller, Y’all.

December 20, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Hey, I need you to loookie here.  Sid Miller is trying to kiss some royal butt to become a cabinet member. He wrote an op-ed that nobody has bothered to re-print in their newspapers so he uploaded it to every conservative site he could find.

Miller_Sid_2014_8583596_ver1.0_640_480It is called, “Donald Trump Has Already Made America Great Again.” Even before he takes office, people! Yeah, because the stock market has “gone wild.”  Yeah like the dump of Lockheed-Martin stock minutes before Trump’s tweet blasting them over the cost on a new Air Force 1.  That’s pretty damn “wild.”

But, that ain’t all ole Sid has got to say.

The focus is now the golden lobby of Trump Tower, the new symbolic representation of power in America: an edifice built by sharp-edged business acumen and cold American cash rather than taxpayer dollars and political pork.

Sid Miller, the Chief Oinker of political pork, is is saying it’s not a good thing. You know, after he wanted taxpayers to pay for his Jesus-shot, brought all his unqualified friends to the public teat, and spent campaign money to travel to a rodeo. Oink, Sid! Let’s throw your butt over a spit.

Oh hell, at least being on the cabinet will get him out of Texas.  I dunno, we seem to have an unending roster of Republican idiots.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

Well, THAT Didn’t Take Long

December 20, 2016 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Well, the same day the Electoral College handed the victory to Cheeto Jesus, word got out that Cheeto Jesus, Jr. and Eric Cheeto are planning to sell access to Cheeto Sr. the day after the inauguration for a cool $25k to $1 million for the benefit of some vague “conservation organizations”.  The access will include a private grope and grab with the new president and the opportunity to blow away a few wild animals with high-powered weapons.  They’ll also likely sell the opportunity for contributors to swim with Miss Teen USA in the renovated swimming pool that will replace the WH briefing room.

The vulgarity just keeps getting – more vulgar.