Archive for February, 2012

Fight The Culture War By Eating Cookies. In My Book THAT’S a Win-Win.

February 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I knew it.  I just knew it.

The right has finally run out of things to vilify.  Cripes, they’ve made motherhood dirty, and Lord knows what they’ve done to dancing and rock-n-roll.

So now it’s the Girl Scouts.

Bob Morris. Goodness sake, he looks like one of those "loners" you hear about

Republican Representative Bob Morris is a very, very creepy guy.  I would be willing to bet cash American money that Bob Morris has never been to a Girl Scout meeting but that he locks himself in the bathroom and thinks about those little vests and all those badges and campfires and …. okay, he’s finished.

Bob Morris is not a man given to just making things up.  He leaves that to other people.

Morris said he found online allegations that the Girl Scouts are a tactical arm of Planned Parenthood, encourage sex and allow transgender females to join. He also wrote that the fact that first lady Michelle Obama is honorary president should give lawmakers pause before they endorse the Girl Scouts.

Online allegations.  Well crap, that’s admissible in court so why wouldn’t he believe it?

Somebody tell me what the fool tarnation that means, the “tactical arm of Planned Parenthood.”  The Girl Scouts represent Planned Parenthood at NATO exercises?   And, of course, anything – including healthy eating – that Michelle Obama does is purely communistic and witchery.

And the Girl Scouts encourage sex?  Well, I hope the hell so.  Where else are we gonna get more Girl Scouts to do our tactical stuff?

Bob, Honey, you are forcing me to eat Girl Scout cookies.  Hey, it’s tough out here in the culture wars, but somebody’s gotta do it.

Thanks to Irene for the heads-up.

Whaddya Think?

February 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have a hanger on-er.  You know, some slightly but not dangerously demented guy who stalks my website.  He’s local and doesn’t get enough attention in his life.  He thinks it’s cute to go to the library to post his conservative gibberish where he can remain anonymous (because I caught him once before by using his IP address).  He thinks it’s adorable to call me SuzieQ and talk about my personal life  while hiding under the bed like a little poodle puppy, or a member of the Klan, I forget which. It’s creepy as hell but not scary.

He’s never threatened my life, only my faith in mankind in general.

I directed his comments to go directly to the trash bin so I never see them except when I empty the trash and spam.  He calls himself TxNamVet, but I have absolutely no proof that he’s a vet and I honestly don’t thinks he is.

I am a grown up lady with big girl panties who is willing to accept responsibility for what I say.  Men and women have fought and died for my First Amendment rights so the least I can do is have a tad of courage, just a tad, to be proud of what I believe.

TxNamVet is not so proud of his beliefs.

Anyway, the reason I bring this up is that the only reason I keep doing this website is to read the comments.  Seriously.

So, should I post his comments and let y’all eat his lunch or should I continue to not enable him to wear a hood over his head and sneak off to the library to post?

Your pick.

Guess We Know Who Rules The World, Don’t We?

February 23, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

What’s about the worst danged thing that can happen to a woman?

Losing her hairdresser.  That’s what.

Oh Honey, you've been cutting those bangs yourself, haven't you?

On Tuesday, Governor Susana Martinez (R-N.M.) lost a hairstylist who refused to clip her locks out of disgust with her opposition to marriage equality.

Antonio Darden, who had cut Martinez’s hair on three occasions and runs Antonio’s Hair Studio in Santa Fe, N.M., re-crafted the notion of civil disobedience when he declined to accept an appointment.

You know, I always felt that Tom DeLay was dressed so poorly, with his Spanxs obviously showing and very crappy make-up, while he was on Dancing with the Stars because gays or friends of gays in show business were obviously getting even.

Do not hack off hairdressers, Girlfriends.  We will hurt you.

Thanks to Carl, Brian, and Sylvester for the heads up.  And kisses to Antonio!

Wednesday Night Fights: The GOP Debates

February 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’m going to be at a fundraiser for Bernie Sanders tonight so y’all need to keep me updated when I sneak a peek at my iPhone. Discuss the debate amongst yourselves and try not to cuss.

Seriously, don’t cuss. Momma is watching.

And, of course we’re having a contest to guess Arizona and Michigan results so start pondering on your numbers.

Okay, Turnabout is Fair Play

February 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As my friend Kary says, “We’ll have the Mormon Tabernacle Choir doing show tunes one way or the other.

I’m Not Ignoring You, But …

February 22, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, I kinda am ignoring you. I’m in Austin for fun today. It’s 88 degrees, sunny, and a great day to be a Democrat.

DNC chair Debbie Wassermann Schultz had a press conference at the Democratic headquarters, announcing a Texas Truth Squad to answer outrageous rightwing claims.

And I would to personally thank Hector for helping me get Rep. Wassermann Schultz’s autograph on a tote bag to be auctioned at the State Convention.


So, that’s Reason #1 to attend the state convention in June.

Tonight I’m going to meet Bernie Sanders. Eat your hearts out!

I’ll get some pictures to share.